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Your search for "snapshot saturday" returned 51 results:
This last week, each of the boys was put in charge of planning, making and cleaning up a dinner. They perused the recipes here...
It’s been ages and ages and ages since I’ve posted a Snapshot Saturday. Between posting more to Instagram (I was very late to the...
Between the holidays and posting occasionally to Instagram, I’ve been a bit of a Snapshot Saturday slacker. To make up for it, here’s an ode...
This is what one’s living room may or may not look like when their heat has been out since Wednesday night and they are living...
…we are doing to soak up my favorite month of September. Playing 4 Square in the driveway with new glasses, coordinated outfit and a...
Just popping in to share a few things that I’ve been really loving over the last few months. I feel like I wouldn’t be...
Behind the scenes of all the yummy goodness posted in the last few weeks, my little family and I have been trekking across this...
This is one of my favorite pictures from our recent family reunion: Followed by this close second: Nothing says family reunion and summer fun...
Every year, I look forward to school getting out for the summer and then wonder what all the fuss was about when my household...
Optional captions for this picture: Happy Mother’s Day to Me???? Fluffballs Are A Lot of Work. My Life is Over.* (*that’s actually what I...
For those that don’t mind a slight deviation from really good food, here’s my top three snapshots of the last week or so giving...
Yeah, yeah, I know it’s, like, March in some parts of the world but I swear where I live, we are stuck in January....