This simple lemon and spinach spaghetti is incredibly tasty with the bright lemon flavor, hearty spinach and pinch of fresh Parmesan cheese. This lemon...
For a great, quick weeknight dinner, this Tuscan Sausage and White Bean Soup cannot be beat. The simple flavors combine into a rich, hearty,...
Not only do these pretzel chocolate chip muffins have a brilliant sweet & salty pretzel streusel on top, the muffins are moist and tender!...
These simple, 30-minute hoisin rice noodles with shrimp are beautiful in presentation and beautiful because you can customize it any way you like with...
This flavorful fire roasted mac and cheese with feta is a gourmet spin on plain mac and cheese. It’s perfect for a simple weeknight...
This meatless zucchini lasagna is so good it is worth turning on the oven and cranking up the A/C to make! I was tempted...
Yo, yo, yo! Let’s clarify one thing at the start here: My kids are not perfect eaters! They have been known to gag. And...
These taco enchiladas with cornmeal crepes are amazing: flavorful taco meat folded in a cornmeal crepe, baked like an enchilada! These delicious little creations...
Thick and creamy and so, so hearty, this chicken gnocchi soup is a stick-to-your-ribs kind of meal perfect for a winter night. I quite...
This breadstick and pizza casserole is hot, bubbly, cheesy, delicious and totally perfect for the fall weather. Man, I love it when you guys...
UPDATE:This compilation of 30-minute meals has been so popular, I’ve converted it over to an ever-populating list (meaning, every time I post a new...
Looking for a delicious and inventive way to use up your garden zucchini and squash? Look no further than this easy zucchini & yellow...