Want an easy substitute for canned condensed cream of chicken soup? Try this from-scratch recipe! It comes together in less than 10 minutes and...
A fabulous and unique take on classic hummus, this zucchini version will knock your socks off! It’s fast, simple, healthy and amazing! Do you...
Enjoy the deliciousness of gluten-free Monster Cookies only in bar form (much easier but just as tasty!). When I don’t have time to make...
A sweet paprika skillet chicken recipe that takes less than 30-minutes! With cilantro lime rice and fresh mangoes, its a meal made in heaven!...
Just popping in to share a few things that I’ve been really loving over the last few months. I feel like I wouldn’t be...
This easy peanut butter granola recipe (with chocolate chips added in if you so desire) is yummy and so quick to make. Dreamy and...