This slow cooker Mississippi pot roast recipe uses simple pantry ingredients instead of packet mixes for delicious, flavorful, fall-apart tender beef. This easy slow...
Last year I was in charge of all the food for a large girl’s camp for church. We fed 260-270 people for nearly a...
Looking for the best veggie dip ever? This is it! Tangy, creamy and flavorful, it’s delicious with veggies or chips! Inspired by a recipe...
These caramel pecan sticky buns (nuts optional!) are decadent and delicious with the soft dough, buttery cinnamon filling, and drizzly caramel. I’ve been working...
These cranberry brie bites are festive, easy and DELICIOUS! Puff pastry, brie, cranberry sauce and a simple topping make such a tasty combination! Cranberry...
Hey, hey! It’s April already. WOW. I won’t go into why that’s hard to wrap my brain around (like, school’s out for the summer...
This samoas chocolate pudding dessert is rich and delicious! The coconut crust, caramel, chocolate pudding and cream (plus more toasted coconut!) make for one...
There is a lot going on in these delicious peanut butter pretzel caramel chocolate bars, and they are absolutely, 100% worth it! So many...
This creamy chicken soup is the perfect cold weather soup. Thick and hearty, it comes together fast and is perfect in bread bowls…or not!...
This easy foolproof homemade toffee is a holiday staple! The recipe also includes THREE essential tips for ensuring perfect toffee every time! Making toffee...
Sourdough doesn’t have to be intimidating or require scientific calculations! I’m sharing all my tips on the lazy girls’ guide to sourdough. Easy, doable,...
Brown butter caramel snickerdoodles are as delicious as they sound and easy to make, too! One of a kind, they’re sure to become a...