These smoked turkey cobb wraps are out of this world delicious and beyond simple. They are the perfect lunch or simple dinner! I feel...
This easy cheesy Italian chicken zucchini skillet meal is loaded with flavor and so delicious! That cheesy panko crust is everything. One of the...
Chocolate molten lava cakes have never been easier! The simple batter for these cakes can be made ahead of time to be baked whenever...
With the veggies, chicken, sweet potato and simple seasonings, these loaded chicken fajita sweet potatoes are amazing! So much flavor! If fajita flavors are...
This creamy beef and tomato noodle soup is a quick and easy recipe loaded with ground beef, noodles and tons of flavor! It is...
This quick and light skillet lemon parmesan chicken and zucchini is fantastic! So delicious, the bright lemon and deeper savory flavors are perfect! Let...
This quick and easy Chinese chicken and broccoli recipe comes together in 30-minutes or less, and the flavor is out of this world delicious!...
This easy chicken enchilada casserole is going to become your new favorite weeknight dinner. So simple, so fast, so delicious! If we’re talking simple...
This amazing and easy instant pot lemon curd is worlds easier than other stovetop recipes (hands off!) and tastes so fresh, bright, and delicious!...
Loaded with flavor AND toppings, these stuffed BBQ chicken sweet potatoes are incredible! Bonus tip: throw the chicken and potatoes in the instant pot...
Loaded with over 10 cups of vegetables (a good thing, I promise!), this easy cauliflower soup is creamy, cheesy, and super tasty! First of...
Tasty, tasty, tasty little Asian meatballs with a delectable sweet (and kicky) chili sauce. Serve over brown rice or quinoa for a healthy, easy...