Flavorful and SO fast, this Thai-style ground turkey with green beans is a super easy and delicious weeknight meal! I love simple and tasty...
Coated with the perfect ratio of peanut butter and chocolate, the cereal in this very best puppy chow recipe forms the tastiest little clusters....
This Dutch oven lasagna is so easy to prep ahead of time and is perfect for camping (or cooking out at home!). It is...
A Friday Thoughts post ready for you in…3…2…1! Let’s go! It’s a fun one. š {Here are some past Friday Thoughts posts if you are curious...
This bacon jalapeƱo popper dip is packed full of creamy, cheesy, bacon-jalapeƱo flavor. It is amazing served with chips, bread or veggies! My only...
This recipe for hot fudge pudding cake is so fun and easy to make! In the oven, the layers of pudding and cake magically...