High in protein, these healthy egg and veggie muffins are so yummy and easy to customize to your veggie taste buds. They also freeze...
These extra fudgy brownies are the brownies dreams are made of! So easy (only one bowl!), you’re only minutes away from brownie perfection. While...
Love falafel? You’re going to love these falafel meatballs wrapped up in lettuce (and naan if you want!) and smothered in simple, homemade tzatziki sauce!...
A one-skillet wonder, this cheesy chicken, kale and sweet potato skillet meal is nutritious and delicious, just the way a weeknight meal should be!...
Deliciously healthy and hearty, this southwestern chicken barley chili has been a family favorite for years! I’ve updated the recipe with Instant Pot and slow...
Get the step-by-step tutorial to make creamy homemade ricotta cheese in an hour! It’s easier than you can possibly imagine and the results are...
Simple, homemade brownies are made even better made into decadent truffle brownies. Fudgy and decadent, they are perfect for any occasion! If you’ve been...
With a little bit of home-grown family research, I’ve compiled each of my family members’ favorite recipes from 2015! Today, I’m breaking from tradition...
Get lots of tips and ideas for packing those pesky school lunches, including ideas for containers, menus, and other how-tos! Ah, packing school lunches....
This simple, delicious meal of flavorful Korean beef (you can use ground turkey, too!) is tasty and comes together in 20 minutes! Anyone else...
For a great, quick weeknight dinner, this Tuscan Sausage and White Bean Soup cannot be beat. The simple flavors combine into a rich, hearty,...
Yo, yo, yo! Let’s clarify one thing at the start here: My kids are not perfect eaters! They have been known to gag. And...