This easy brookie pie is the perfect mashup of rich, decadent brownies and soft and chewy chocolate chip cookies! It’s easy and so very...
There is a lot going on in these delicious peanut butter pretzel caramel chocolate bars, and they are absolutely, 100% worth it! So many...
Gingerbread meets sugar cookies in these soft gingerbread sugar cookies with creamy vanilla frosting. So easy (no rolling or cutting out!) I couldn’t let...
Turns out, pumpkin and snickerdoodles were meant to be friends! These easy pumpkin snickerdoodle bars are soft and scrumptious! One bowl pumpkin snickerdoodle bars?...
These dulce de leche cheesecake bars have the rich, caramel flavor of dulce de leche in the cheesecake batter AND in the topping. Delicious!...
This rhubarb custard cake is a light and delicious (EASY!) dessert that is perfect served with a scoop of ice cream. I think rhubarb...
Get the best of two amazing worlds with these snickerdoodle brookie bars. Rich brownies dotted with bites of chewy snickerdoodles. YUM! I know, I...
A little healthy and a little indulgent, these dark chocolate brownie granola bars are incredible (and they’re also dairy-, egg-, and gluten-free)! Soft bake...
These nutrient-dense healthy breakfast cookies are super tasty AND are gluten-, egg- and dairy-free. They are the perfect breakfast or snack! Ah, breakfast cookies....
These homemade dulce de leche twix bars are the ultimate combination of shortbread crust, easy homemade caramel, and chocolate topping. Just a few days...
The best cookie combo ever, these chocolate peanut butter buckeye cookies are insanely good! Chocolate cookie + creamy PB frosting + chocolate ganache. Basically,...
Oh yes, these peanut butter kitchen sink cookies (as in, there’s EVERYTHING but the kitchen sink in them) are amazing! Soft, crunchy, caramelly, delicious!...