Believe it! This is the best classic apple pie with a perfectly sweet, perfectly thick filling and tender, delicious apples. It’s so good! Taking...
Fruit pizza is a classic, and this really is the best fruit pizza recipe. It’s simple, straightforward, but so delicious (and so pretty!). No...
Packed with intense flavor (it’s so delicious!), this rosemary ranch chicken is one of the best ways to cook or grill chicken. So easy!...
This easy homemade strawberry frozen yogurt is the perfect refreshing cold treat to make at home! So simple and so tasty! This easy frozen...
Easy, quick and delicious, this is my favorite chicken salad recipe! It takes just minutes to throw together, but is bursting with flavor! A...
This light and refreshing raspberry cream angel food cake dessert is perfect for summer! It’s so easy AND can be made ahead of time!...
Ultra-chocolatey and super flaky and tender, these triple chocolate scones are fantastic. Bonus: they are super easy to make! And that chocolate drizzle is...
These quick and easy Greek lettuce wraps make a perfect weeknight meal. The flavors are amazing (especially that creamy feta dressing!). Oh man, I love...
This cranberry-jalapeno cream cheese dip is sweet, tart, spicy, and absolutely one of the best holiday dips on the planet. This amazing, festive cranberry...
Banana coconut cream pie meets a buttery coconut cookie crust + a rich chocolate ganache layer. Talk about the ultimate cream pie! The ultimate...
This really is the most amazing spinach salad ever! Loaded with sweet + spicy nuts, apples, feta, and bacon, it is a delicious showstopper....
This fresh peach pie is amazing and so easy! A quick no-bake filling makes the most of fresh, juicy peaches. Whipped cream? Not optional!...