
Yo! Checking in on week #4 (with some help-me! questions at the end). I know it sounds a little silly, but I can’t believe I’ve been running for four weeks. If you would have told me this six months ago I probably would have pulled a muscle laughing at you. Instead, I pulled a muscle running. Go figure.

Week #4’s Workouts

-Monday: ran 2 miles (about 11:00 minute miles with a very short sprint at the end) on the treadmill (Hunger Games #2 is still getting me through these treadmill runs but we all know Katniss won’t last forever)
-Tuesday: I was in the car driving at 5:30 a.m. (5 hour drive) to snuggle a newborn for the next three days hence the lack of workout
-Wednesday: no workout (newborns smell soooo dreamy)
-Thursday: drove back home later in the evening and was determined to run when I got home but ended up staying up late talking to my mom who was in town helping with my kiddos (way better choice since I only get to see her a couple times a year)
-Friday: ran 2 miles (about 11:30 minute miles) on the treadmill really early before taking the boys to school
-Saturday: ran 3 miles outside (I actually ran with someone if you can believe it); didn’t time it exactly but probably right around 11:00 to 11:15 minute miles with a couple stretching breaks thrown in there

Some Thoughts:

-After so many of you chimed in about me needing to get over my fear of running with someone, I finally ran with another human being on Saturday (that 3 mile run above): my sis. She flew into town with her three boys for the weekend and so we ran together and I kind of realized why it’s hard (hello…talking and breathing? Riiiiggghhht). But the time did go faster than normal and we were able to say things like “dude, I’m going to die” or “I need to stretch” (for the 50th time) without feeling like we were being judged by the other. Sisters are great.

-Here she is, all like: “Three miles? I guess I’ll run the other half by myself.”


-Even though I didn’t get in any workouts Tuesday through Thursday, it was worth it since I was helping out my sister-in-law with her new baby and 3-year old. The sweetest little sweetie baby ever and totally worth the brutal runs on Friday and Saturday to make up for it.


-I’m realizing more and more how I need to channel my inner flexibility (and I’m not talking muscles here) and go with the flow when exercise/running plans don’t work out or life gets in the way and needs to come first. Believe it or not, that doesn’t come easily for me but I’m trying.

-Thinking of registering for one or two local races (5K or 10K) this spring to get a little racing experience under my belt even at shorter distances.

-Totally appreciating and enjoying all the feedback and support you guys give through the comments and LOVE hearing from those of you who are running right now, too (and those of you who are relatively new runners like me).

This Week

Monday: 3 miles (I’ll be doing this one again with my sister slow and steady outside)
Tuesday: Cross-training (probably an early morning PiYo or strength workout)
Wednesday: 3 miles (gearing up for an early morning treadmill run)
Thursday: Cross-training (not sure yet, any ideas?)
Friday: Rest
Saturday: 4 miles (I’m really nervous for this one; my mileage is increasing and it gives me a little anxiety, hopefully this will be a positive experience and not make me rethink my life as a whole)

Some Questions

Foam rollers: how do I use it…them…help? Are they essential?

Eating: if you run in the morning, do you eat before or after? Silly question but inquiring minds want to know.

Best Armband: I have an armband for my iPhone (audiobooks, music, calls for help when I can’t.go.any.further) but it rubs my arm and chafes into an ouchy rash so I’m looking for other recommendations. Something tight and comfy.

Chime in on the comment thread with how you are doing or any thoughts/advice. 

Happy running, everyone!