Because I have over 200 blogs in my Google Reader, I see and bookmark an astronomical number of recipes that scream at me to make them (or just look so darn pretty, I have to bookmark them based solely on looks!). Knowing that I won’t feasibly have time to make all the recipes I bookmark, I wanted to create a place where I could still share those links with you.
This is where YummyLinks comes in!
I’ll be keeping an ever-changing, revolving list right here of the food links/recipes/food tips that have recently caught my eye, since it may be ages before they officially appear as a post on my blog. Check back often to get a glimpse of some great-looking food links!
{added 6.10.10}
Monkey Bread from Your Homebased Mom
Angel Food Raspberry Swirl Cupcakes from Get Off Your Butt and Bake!
Clandestine Chocolate Fudge Cake from Recipe Rhapsody
Island Rice from How Sweet Eats (p.s. I’ve done a few of the workouts Jessica has on her site and I couldn’t walk for three days…seriously effective)
Lime Angel Food Cake from Two Peas and Their Pod
Rosemary Skewers from the Pioneer Woman
How to Cut a Watermelon from Our Best Bites (I’ve used this method three times now and it has changed my life)
Pepperoni Pizza Puffs from Gimme Some Oven
Lamb and Cucumber Kebabs with Feta Sauce from Tasty Sensations
Coconut Granola Bars by What Megan’s Making
Fruit Soup from the Sister’s Cafe