Mel’s Kitchen Cafe Video Tip Rules, Regulations and Boring Legal Jargon
By submitting a video to the Mel’s Kitchen Cafe (MKC) Video Tip contest, I acknowledge that I am the sole owner of the content I am submitting and I have not granted exclusive rights to its use to any other person or party. I grant MKC the non-exclusive and perpetual right to use and publish my video on its website or on affiliated social media webpages or feeds (including but not limited to Facebook or YouTube channels) or in any other format or platform used by MKC, now or in the future, whether print or digital, regardless of whether my video is the winning entry or not. I understand and acknowledge that I will not be entitled to any profits or royalties that may be generated by MKC by its use of the video at any time now or in the future. I also agree that MKC may edit the video for publication on its website and/or for use in other arrangements or montages.