Menu Planning 101
Looking for a few tips to help you become more organized and better able to stick to a food budget? Look no further than Menu Planning 101.
Menu planning. Does the thought make you smile or cringe? I haven’t always been a menu planning believer, but I can honestly say, the minute I started actually doing it, my life (and sanity) was changed for the better. I kind of love it now. And I love the peace of mind that comes knowing I won’t have to scramble to figure out what to make for dinner later that week!
Armed with the right strategy, menu planning doesn’t have to take a long time. If stay really focused (er, and not get lost in the abyss of Pinterest), I can have a weekly menu planned in 10-15 minutes.
Below, I am sharing with you a few menu planning tips to ensure that weeknight dinners can come off without a hitch…and you’ll still have your sanity intact.
Sit Down and Plan It Out
- I recommend planning meals for one or two weeks at a time. My preference is two weeks at a time – this way I’m only doing one large grocery shopping trip every two weeks (with a quick trip in between to pick up fresh produce and such). This saves time and money.
- I always plan at least one or two nights of leftovers into our weekly plan. That means for a given week, I’m only planning out 5 or 6 dinners.
- Keep a running list of items you need to pick up at the store. I keep a small white board on the side of my refrigerator where I can quickly jot down ingredients that I’ve used the last of – I glance at that list every time I am doing my menu planning and add those ingredients to my shopping list.
Paper vs Electronic vs app
There are a lot of options these days on how to plan a menu. The old-fashioned pen and paper method may work for you, whereas filling in a simple template on the computer may work for someone else (I’m sharing the menu planning spreadsheet I’ve used for more than a decade below).
There are also tons and tons of apps out there promising to make menu planning a breeze. The one app I’ve used personally and recommend frequently is Prepear. It’s free and very user-friendly.
However you plan your menu, make sure you have an easy way to access it when you are at the store. As in, if you’ve scribbled your grocery list on the back of a receipt, take it with you (or at the very least, snap a photo of it with your phone before you go!).
My Template
Before using Prepear, I was a dedicated, true blue through and through electronic menu planner on my computer faithfully every two weeks. {And I still opt for that some weeks – old habits die hard.}
Menu Planning Example: this is an example of an old menu plan I made for my my family, complete with the meals I planned and the comprehensive grocery list.
Menu Plan Template: here’s a blank template to fill in with your own meals and grocery list. Click on the link and it will download a Microsoft Word document. You can edit it to your liking and save it for future reference.
You can see from the template that I usually only planning out dinners. But you can easily add in breakfast and lunches, too. I’ve also added a little section under the menu planning table that lists treats I want to make during the week since I really only plan an actual dessert for Sunday dinners. I add those “extra treat” ingredients to the second page, and then I know I have them on hand when the craving hits. And trust me, the craving always hits.
I print this document out with the table of meals on one side and the grocery list on the other and I take it with me to the grocery store. When I get home I post it on the side of my fridge so I can see the meals at a glance.
Fluid Menu Planning
If the thought of a super structured menu plan where there’s a meal plugged in religiously every day of the week has you feeling a little anxious, consider doing more of a fluid menu plan.
Here’s how it works:
- Instead of planning a specific meal for Sunday and another one for Monday (and so on), decided how many dinners you need to make that week and write down the meals you want to make in a list rather than adding them to a specific day of the week. Make sure to get the ingredients you need for those meals at the store and then as you go through your week, decide each day which meal you have time for (or are in the mood for!)
Grocery Shopping
My big grocery trip happens once every two weeks. I also plan in a small (i.e. 10 items or less) grocery run for the second week to pick up any fresh foods that I may need.
I don’t plan my menus around coupons or store sales, but you could definitely do that if it fits your style and is something that could help save a few dollars.
Money Back Guarantee
I’ve used the basics of this menu planning method for over a decade, and not only does it make my life easier, but it saves me money because if I didn’t plan out my meals, I’d be at the grocery store every day. And I don’t know about you, but I can’t get in and out of the grocery store without spending at least $30, even if I just went in for bread and milk!
Not only that, but having meals planned out means we aren’t opting for fast food or takeout when there’s no idea what to make for dinner. And that definitely adds up! Cooking at home is much more budget-friendly.
Please email a copy of the template to Thank you for your helps and tips. I have tried to menu plan, but it has been over my head and everyone I have asked to help has not been successful either. So, thank you again.
Thanks for sharing this! You have become an answer to prayers today. I would also love to have an emailed copy.
Again THANK YOU!!!
Hey everyone, I just sent out the first round of the menu template to the addresses you’ve left me. TJ, if you are reading this, I don’t have an email address for you.
Also, just to let you know, I’ll be posting the BLT Pasta recipe later this week for those that requested it, as well as a few others on that menu plan.
Hope this helps!
My sweet Mel,
I know you have hundreds and hundreds of readers, but I know you secretly wrote this whole post just for lil ol’ me. Bless you! Thank you!! I LOVE it. I am the most unorganized when it comes to planning dinners, so I’m really excited to put all of your tips to good use!!! Thank you so much!!!
would you send me your template; mine is pretty lame (and I know it’s probably simple to do). Thanks for the tips. I need to be better about doing it! my e-mail is
This is great! It will make my meal planning much easier! I would love a copy sent to my email. Thanks!
I’d love it if you sent the document as an attachment to my email at… Thanks!
What a great post!!! I would love a copy if you wouldn’t mind. My email is….Thansk again!
This is great information! Thanks Melanie 🙂 I love how you do your bulk shopping trip every two weeks and then a small fresh item trip the second week. This would really work for my family and hopefully save a little money in the process. I am going to give it a try. Thank You!
I linked to this post on my blog
I hope you don’t mind. This is fantastic.
I love your blog! You do such a great job 🙂
Hey…just a tip, you can use Deals to Meals and we do ALL of the work for you and tell you where the best deals are at all of your major grocery stores. I know you love to cook and come up with your own meals, but for those who would like some help doing that–our system is SO fun and easy!
Also, I would love to talk to you about giving away a couple of memberships to Deals to Meals for your viewers/readers (and YOU!) so you can see what our service offers. I would also love to talk about advertising options as well.
Thanks again! Our website is and you can email me at
Have a great day 🙂
Could I have a copy too?
I’ve been trying menu planning off and on since I’ve had kids (7 years), and lately my method has been planning for the full month about 20 meals, but not putting them on specific days. I make a list of all the meals, and grocery shop once for all the indgredients I don’t have. I hang the list in my kitchen so I know what I have on hand. Then in the mornings I choose our meal based on what we have going on that day. That way I can thaw meat, make baked goods or whatever in advance. My method isn’t precise or perfect… I do have to do weekly or bi weekly mini grocery store runs for things we run out of, particularly produce.
You make meal planning sound fun!
I absolutely loathe meal planning AND cooking dinner. But when I have a family of 5 I don’t really have a choice. I love all your recipes, and would LOVE to get a copy of your menu every 2 weeks….can I pay you?
Couldn’t have come at a better time. We’ve been struggling to think of things at the spur of the moment for dinner, and I just told Ryan we really need to get back into making menus. We used to do them monthly, too…now we do them bi-monthly. (That is, when we actually do them).
Nice work!
blt pasta? looked for it on the blog..couldn’t find it…is it there and i’m missing it?
Awesome tips! I tend to do good and bad with the menu planning – dash and run in the summer, but have more time for it in the winter. And I am glad to see you planned in a couple nights for leftovers. We almost always have them (except for when I cook your recipes – really!)
I forgot to say that I use almost identical templates for planning & shopping. The only real difference is that I have my meal planning done for an entire month.
I hope you don’t mind, I am going to stick a link to this on my blog because:)
It’s like you read my mind. Scary. I was just trying to plan two weeks of meals when I saw your post. Could you send me your file? I’d be forever grateful.
lovesjunkmail at
ps can i please get the file too?
thanks, you are a peach!
thank you thank you! i haven’t been able to find any sort of templte that i like yet. yours looks like just what i need. i agree with the meal planning every two weeks. once i am in the meal planning zone i would rather not deal with it anytime soon.
thanks again
Mel- I don’t think I could be anymore amazed by you!! I would love a copy of this!! Thank you so much!
This is exactly what I need to do. I’m getting really tired of all my mini grocery trips. When I get home I’m almost always upset with what I forgot or with the junk I did buy. I would love a copy of your template too. Thank you, thank you! Teresa
TRigell at aol dot com
Thanks for sharig this. I just recently found your Blog and absolutely love your recipes and all your posts.
I love this! Your template is beautiful, I’m planning on using it.
I plan the meals a month in advance, too. But only shop every two weeks because our minds change a lot around here.
I like to cook for 2-3 days straight, and the fourth night is called “Refridgerator Buffet.” That way, even the kids get excited for leftovers. 🙂
I looked for the recipe for BLT pasta on your blog but didn’t find it. Could you post it sometime?
I love to menu plan too;)
We get paid monthly, so I do up our menu for an entire month. I usually grocery shop for 1/2 the month at a time though, more for the produce than anything else. I KNOW that I have started saving lots of money since I started doing this. It also makes it easier to do more bulk shopping at Sams.
Also, LOVE oreo truffles! I made them this year for a cookie exchange!
I love how you organize this! Would you mind e-mailing me a copy? Thanks!
This is a great tutorial. Thanks for sharing. I’d love a copy of the template! i would so appreciate a template–i have been needing to do this for a looong time.
I love menu planning but don’t have it quite down to the science that you have. Loving your template – may I have one?
I really enjoy your blog!
I love this idea!!! and I adore grocery shopping so I bet i’d be at the grocery store every day even if i din’t have to.
I just have to say it. I know we’ve never met so I don’t want you to think I’m a super freak or anything, but I really like you! I’ve been actually thinking about this for a long time. On several occasions I’ve wanted to write to you and tell you how helpful your blog has been in creating a meal plan for me. Just coming up with ideas gives me brain freeze. Your blog not only has great ideas, but great recipes ta boot! I actually have a mental list of questions I’d love to fire at you because you’re the ultimate food guru in my book. And meal planning was one of them. I’m wondering if this is going to work for me because it seems like when I go shopping for just one week the kids eat all the food the first day. And then the teenagers open the fridge full of veggies and good stuff and say “There’s no food in this house!”-Oh yeah, tell that to Dad who just paid the bill! So I guess there is only one way to find out. I’ll have to give it a try. If you wouldn’t mind, I’d love it if you sent the document as an attachment to my email at Thank you for your willingness to share your great talent!!!
I would love a copy! I hate menu planning… partly because something always happens to throw it out the window, and partly because all recipes are too big for my currently small family (me, my husband and a 2yo and 1yo) so we end up with tons of leftovers and too many meals planned to eat them all. I’m still figuring it out and my family is still growing so any help/tips are appreciated! My email is
I would love a copy! Thanks so much. My e-mail is:
Hi its firewife again sorry about that Thanks so much.
I have a love/hate relationship with menu planning. (I also do it 2 weeks at a time.) I love when its done and the shopping trip is over, but dread doing it! I would love for you to email me the template. My email is Thanks!
This is great. I’ve been wanting to start menu planning for awhile now, but I think this is just the push that I need to actually do it. Could you email me the spreadsheet at emilymarie4 at msn dot com? Thanks so much, I always look forward to reading your blog!
It’s nice to know I’m not the only “nerd” out there who gets excited about grocery shopping and menus! I notice you have the blt pasta on there. We’re trying that out this week too. It looks delicious!
Great post. Love it. Quick question… is the BBQ chicken in the crockpot thats on your meal plan on your blog? I looked for the recipe but couldn’t find it.-mrs v
I love the spreadsheet idea! If you’re willing to share, will you send one to
Also, as I peeked at your sample, I saw Hawaiian Haystacks on your menu. I have been searching for a good version. Want to share that too?
Sheesh, I am so demanding, eh?
This is great. I also plan my meals 2 weeks at a time. And I always have to do a small run the next week too. I really like your template. Could you email it to me at Thanks. Oh and I made you vanilla pudding cinnamon rolls the other day. I was so nervous to do cinnamon rolls. I loved all of your detailed directions. Anyway, they were a huge hit and I felt victorious. All of my kiddos loved them. Thanks.
Thanks for sharing. Like many others, I’m working on planning better to save money. This should help.
Great post, Mel. I used to cring at the thought of menu planning, but once I became a stay at home mom, it made meal time much LESS stressful! I currently do the weekly menu, but I may need to try the 2 weeks at a time…cutting out a big grocery store trip sounds delightful! And since you sent your template, why don’t you just send your list of all the possible meals you have, too. I’m sure you have one of those documents, right!?! That would take even more work out of it for those of us reading your blog. ;o)
firewife – can you give me your email address so I can send you a copy?
great post 🙂 I’m currently trying to cut our food budget down and I seem to be failing at it. I get to the end of the month and I’m forced to choose between sticking to the budget and eating fruits and vegetables. so far I’ve gone the healthy route, but I need to do better at the budget thing 🙂
Thanks for the tips! I am cracking down at our house…trying the freezer meals and attempting a more diligent menu plan. You do good work…keep it up!
I would love you to email me a copy. Thanks in advance, I love it
Great tips! I also LOVE to plan our family menus. It is exciting to me to sit down with my recipe box (I often include your website now when I am planning out recipes!), coupons, store flyers and plan away! My husband teases me because I put my grocery list in order of how the items are found in the store so I won’t have to back track when I am in there. But to me that is ESSENTIAL! Cheers! Jeanette
Meal planning makes me smile.:)
We get paid weekly, and I shop weekly (strictly according to my list), but I plan a month at a time. I even start adding meals to the next month’s menu if I see a new recipe I’d like to try.
The key for us is to have a plan, but to also be flexible. A lot of times we have unplanned leftovers. We use those first and move the meal they replaced to the next month’s plan.
I love all your kitchen tips! Thanks for posting this!
Thanks for posting this! I have been working on my own version of a meal plan, but I think I will combine it with yours. My family loves that I have found your site and now make lots of yummy food for them! Thanks again!