Merry Christmas
Thank you for being here in this space with me day after day. I appreciate you more than you know. Your kindness and humor and down-to-earthness make me smile and keep me blogging.
It may seem a minor thing, this blog deal, but it’s worked it’s way into the crevices of my life, and while I hope it doesn’t define me completely, it’s definitely part of who I am right now. Your virtual friendships (and some that have turned into real, live friends) are highly valued by this girl who sits at her laptop endlessly talking about crazy, delicious food but knowing that in some weird way, it’s so much more than just recipes.
From me to you, words can hardly express my wish for you to have the merriest, joyous, most peaceful of holiday seasons. In a world that just doesn’t seem fair or right sometimes, where hearts ache and tears fall and hard things happen, I am grateful for the reminder that peace and happiness can come if we seek it, and for me and my family that is through a loving Savior, Jesus Christ, who we celebrate during this season when He came to earth as a baby…and later as He overcame all things and experienced all sorrow to allow us joy and happiness. Truly He is the greatest of all gifts.
I hope you have a very wonderful week!
…hopefully filled with laughter, friends, family, and of course, food…
I seriously got teary eyed during the holidays when I was saw you added your Christmas picture. Maybe because I was running around like a chicken with her head cut off, with at least 4 of the items on my last minute Christmas menu coming from you! As I raced home from the grocery store I was feeling overwhelmingly indebted to you for all of the times your recipes have saved me…as people assume I really know how to pull off a great meal! Thanks a million, and prayers of abundant blessings to you and yours in 2016!
Thank you so much for all of your sweet comments. It seriously made my holidays extra special. I am so grateful for each one of you and how you support me in this blogging adventure (and really in life). You are the best of the best and I’m so privileged to have you as my virtual friends!
I appreciate you and your blog so very much. May 2016 be a beautiful year for you and your family!
You’ve been a part of my life for so long now, my husband, daughter, and even my parents know about this Mel blogger I trust so much! I’ve been pinning your stuff for a few years (I even joined Pinterest because of you!) This morning I popped open the old recipe binders I used to use before I used Pinterest. Binders I have completely abandoned. Binders from wayyyyy back when you were just a random blogger I liked. The binder was full of amazing recipes of yours that I hadn’t made again and were marked as ‘incredible’, ‘make often’, ‘perfect for company’, etc! Now I have a ton more things to pin as tried and true and will have the thrill of making them again in the coming months!
Jesus bless you and your family in big ways in 2016. Thank you for allowing God to use you in this way to bless so many households!
Your blog is my favorite food blog 🙂 you are so sincere and real with the BEST recipes. In fact, I ditched the recipe I usually use for orange rolls for your orange sweet rolls for our breakfast on Christmas morning… AMAZING. My go-to from now on! So thank YOU for all your work and time to help us other cooks put great food on our family’s table!
Merry wonderful Christmas to you and your family, Mel. Your friendship has come to mean a lot to me about everything from blogging and raising chickens to shared (Truckee) friends ;). Love to you all.
Thank you for what you do here every week. I’m so glad 1) you are here and 2) that I found you years ago. This corner of the internet is where I come first and most often for inspiration and what I know will be delicious recipes every time. I’ve also told all my friends about you. It’s fun to know you live near me in Idaho, I keep hoping to run into you at Costco or Trader Joes. 🙂
I pray many blessings for you and yours in the new year. May it be a happy one.
Thank you for your fantastic blog! I appreciate the simple homey style and wonderful recipes. Before I found your blog I was in a terrible rut of meatloaf and spaghetti, so my family now loves you to. My 7 year old daughter thinks you are some distant relative that she has never met, and to be honest sometimes I feel the same way! Thank you for your creativity and transparency and I hope you never chance your style. May our savior Jesus Christ show his endless love to you and your family this new year and always.