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Your search for "chocolate chip cookies" returned 412 results:
These brown butter pumpkin oatmeal chocolate chip cookies are phenomenal. Simple and so delicious, they bake up soft and chewy instead of thick and...
These vegan peanut butter oatmeal chocolate chip cookies are incredible! Easy to make (no mixer needed!), they are super soft and so yummy! Meet...
Soft and chewy, the classic flavors of an already delicious chocolate chip cookie are emboldened with the delectable taste of graham crackers and marshmallows...
This recipe for classic oatmeal chocolate chip cookies is simply the best. Soft and chewy, it is a tried-and-true favorite! There is truly nothing...
These egg-free peanut butter cookies (with chocolate chips, of course!) might be the softest, yummiest, most decadent cookie you’ll ever meet! Cookies! Glorious, glorious...
These pumpkin chocolate chip cookies are soft and slightly chewy instead of thick and cakey. They are the perfect pumpkin cookie! I’m a pumpkin...
Coconut, almond, and dark chocolate- all the flavors of a classic Almond Joy rolled up in amazingly soft, Almond Joy chocolate chip cookies! Coming...
Throwing Oreos into a chocolate chip cookie is brilliant. These Cookies and Cream Oreo Chocolate Chip Cookies are so fun and delicious! There are...
Classic oatmeal chocolate chip cookies have been begging to go 100% chocolate and these double chocolate oatmeal chocolate chip cookies are the answer. Yum!...
Get this recipe for Doubletree Hotel chocolate chip cookies! Soft and chewy, these cookies are easy to make and so delicious! Is there room...
Plump with pumpkin and loads of chocolate, these cookies are light and fluffy and terribly, terribly easy to make. With all the hundreds of...
These Oatmeal Butterscotch Chocolate Chip Cookies are delicious. Buttons of butterscotch make each bite pop with flavor! I think butterscotch might be my baby...