These delicious and hearty lentil tacos can be made in a pressure cooker or on the stovetop. They are so easy to make, and...
Loaded with tons of chile lime flavor and served with two divine sauces, these fast and easy shrimp tacos are incredible! Easily one of...
Get all the tips and tricks to make the best fish tacos of your life! The fish can be cooked on the grill, oven,...
These easy crispy shrimp tacos are amazing! Like, one of the best things I’ve ever eaten. Baked, not fried, they are crispy and crazy...
These Instant Pot BBQ pork tacos are flavorful, tender and so easy (load ’em with toppings!). Slow cooker variation included in the recipe. Well,...
These are seriously the best Korean beef tacos EVER. Super simple to make, the tender beef + quick slaw + amazing sauce is a...
Made with a from-scratch taco seasoning that will revolutionize your family taco night, these simple skillet ground beef tacos are perfect! Tacos are a...
So delicious, so simple, and so versatile, these chili lime tacos with mango salsa and avocado cream are an incredible flavor explosion. I’m literally...
These Grilled Mojo Pork Tenderloin Tacos are delicious fresh, or reheated- they’re a flavorful homerun recipe! Let’s talk tacos for half a sec, shall...
These delicious and healthy sweet potato taco foil packets are simple to prepare and amazingly flavorful! Make them! I teased you with this amazing...
Look no further for delicious, tender, perfectly sweet and spicy bites of pork, put into in a delicious taco! Monday kind of screams for...
These quick broiled tilapia tacos are tasty and so simple to make! Healthy and fast, they are the perfect weeknight meal. I’m popping in...