Merry Christmas

From my little corner of the world to yours, I want to wish you a very merry, peaceful, joy-filled Christmas.
Thank you for being here. For creating a supportive, hilarious, inspiring, wonderful community that has surpassed anything I could have ever dreamed of when I started this blog ten years ago.
I was just commenting to Brian the other night that there’s no way on earth I’d still be blogging if it wasn’t for the “best readers on the planet.” And I really mean that.
I love all of your guts so much. I feel like we are friends in real life (is that weird? do I need to get a life?).
As one who knows how busy (and overwhelming) life can get at times, I appreciate that you check in, that you make the recipes, that you comment and let me know your experience, that you tell me funny things (I legit have snorted water out of my nose reading some of your comments; lesson learned: don’t drink water while blogging), that you email me your grandma’s aunt’s cousin’s favorite recipe, that you support me in all my crazy recipe endeavors, that you are here (some of you are still here after years and years and years).
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
And if you’ll allow me a moment to get even more sentimental, I have to express the gratitude I feel this holiday season as I reflect on the birth of that sweet Christ child so many years ago. I have such a deep and immense gratitude for my Savior, Jesus Christ, and for all that His life and sacrifice mean to me.
Nothing, absolutely nothing, I do in my life would matter if it weren’t for Him! The fact that He loves me unconditionally and shows me through 1,000 tender mercies every single day is hard to comprehend (and sometimes acknowledge and accept). But I am so grateful that His love centers me, motivates me, changes me.
From the bottom of my heart (and in the most non-cliche way possible), again, I truly hope that each of you have a Merry Christmas.
I’ll be taking a few weeks off from posting new content (something I rarely do) to spend time with my family, travel to the mountains for a bit, and hopefully come back refreshed, well-read, well-fed, and ready to dive into 2018!
I can’t wait to start a new year with all of you filled with killer new recipes (and a few fun surprises!).
Mel, I love the beautiful photos of you and your family, always enjoy seeing them! I hope you all had a wonderful, relaxing and joyous Christmas! Thank you from the bottom of MY heart for all the amazing recipes you post. I grew up with a mother that cooked and baked constantly and I have done the same through my life. I cook the old fashioned way, from scratch, natural/organic as much as possible and I don’t own a microwave. I cannot tell you how many of your recipes have been made in our family, we all feel like we know you personally, we are always talking about a new recipe you have posted or something we have tried from your past recipes. My daughter and son both work as cooks on tow boats that push barges on the Ohio River, they are on three weeks at a time and cook for a crew of 7. They do everything from scratch, three large meals a day. They do many of our family recipes and meals that are a staple on the boats and every trip they do quite a few “Mel’s” recipes. My daughter texted me today and said she made your Smokey Pork Tenderloin, she did it in the crock pot with Sauerkraut for New Years, said the smokey flavor went into the sauerkraut and gave it wonderful flavor. Last night I made your new and improved Broccoli Cheddar Soup for New Years Eve. It was the best Broccoli cheese soup I have ever had, followed recipe to a T and it was so easy and smooth. We did your foolproof pizza dough on Christmas Eve and it was a winner too! The list goes on an on! I always read your notes on each recipe and you definately have made me crack up laughing many times. Always such a fun read! Hope 2018 is a great year for you and yours and look forward to great new recipes to try! God Bless!
I hope you had a wonderful Christmas, Mel! Thank you for your wonderful recipes! I know I can count on your recipes to turn out so your website is the only one I turn to for recipes. Thank you! Have a wonderful New Year!
Thank you for feeding us in so many ways Mel. Your “Easiest Every Fudge” was a big hit with our family this year and I was truly blessed by your Christmas message.
I have been reading for a long time. I look forward to your posts. You have a beautiful family and deserve a rest. Hope you holiday was great.
Long time reader here, hope you and you family had a Merry Christmas and I hope you have a wonderful vacation!
Enjoy your time off. Thank you for answering every single question and always being so responsive. You are a gem! God Bless you all.
So glad to hear you still enjoy blogging and hope that you continue as I enjoy your recipes, posts, and you are my go to source whenever I need a specific recipe or just inspiration to get out of a food rut. Thank you for all you do! I received some USA pans for Xmas so as soon as I get over my holiday cooking frenzy “hangover”, I will be giving them a workout!!
You deserve the happiest of the end of the year with your cute family snuggled up in the mountains! You work so hard to make my life (and so many other’s that I know) so much easier! Family friendly healthy recipes that spread cheer, joy and love. I couldn’t ask for anything more to make my house more inviting and loving. I don’t think it’s weird that you think we’re friends. I feel the same way (which is why my husband and I talk about Mel like she lives next door)! I hardly ever have time to comment, but I just wanted to say THANK YOU! Thank you for your testimony and your sacrifice.
Even though it’s kinda late to say Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas!!!!! I love you Mel. You are inspiring in so many ways. Have a wonderful time off, welcoming the New Year with your beautiful family!
Mel, your recipes are so reliably GOOD and ones that are the perfect mix of healthiness but also will taste good for my kids (also 4 boys and a girl!) will eat. Thank you for all you do to help us all bring fabulous food to our tables! You are my MAIN source for recipes and I’m so grateful for this site! Truly! Merry Christmas and take all the time off you need! You deserve it. Much love!
I have a dumb question. LOL
How do you remove large dinner roles from a 9 x 13 pan, or any other for that matter?
I made a pan full for Christmas Supper and didn’t think about how I was going to remove them without messing them up. I turned them out upside down and knew that was going to be a problem when I turned them over. They fell, partly due to my flipping them over I suspect and the fact I think I over proofed them.
Any way, Ideas on how you remove them without “messing them up”.
Merry Christmas to your wonderful family. I grew up many years ago with four brothers and a sister on a farm. I will be eighty four in January and love to bake.
Hi Marion – rolls baked in a 9X13 like that definitely don’t have quite as pretty a presentation (I often will bake them on a large baking sheet so they can be a few more inches apart). But usually for a 9X13-inch pan of rolls, I carefully lift out one of the corner rolls with a flat spatula or knife and then from there carefully pry the other rolls away from each other. Hope that helps!
Merry Christmas!!! Thank you for all of the wonderful recipes. Most of the ones I use over and over are from your blog. They really are wonderful.
Thanks, Alexis!
Thanks for the great blog Mel! Enjoy the break with your family!
Thanks, Jennette! You too!
Merry Christmas Mel! Thanks for all you do. I may or may not have printed this off and put it on the wall with my other Christmas cards. I tell everyone one you’re my best friend I’ve never met 🙂
Haha, that made me smile. Thanks, Lauren! 🙂
Merry Christmas! You are one of my best friends! Thanks for your wonderful blog and recipes!
Love ya, Natalie! 🙂
Merry Christmas, Mel! Thank you for being who you are and for all the years of “friendship”!
Thanks, sweet Wendi!
Merry Christmas, Mel! Thanks for all the great food. And we would be friends in real life, just so you know. 🙂 I don’t think I would continually return to a blog, no matter how good the food was, if I didn’t like the blogger. 🙂
I need more friends in real life! 🙂 Thank you, Corinne.
Merry Christmas! And thank you so much for your blog! I like to try making something new every week, and you are my go-to 🙂
That’s a fun goal!
Have a wonderful time with your family! Thank you for your fantastic recipes & my family thanks you too Merry Christmas
Happy holidays!
Mel, I hope you enjoy the merriest of Christmases with your sweet family! As much as I’ll miss new posts over the next few weeks, I’m glad you’re taking some time just for them because speaking as a mom who has has a 21 year old, an almost-18 year old senior, and my baby who turns 16 in a month, the time flies by way too fast.
I’m so grateful, despite everything you have on your plate, that you continue to try out and then post the most amazing recipes. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
So glad you are here, Alicia. Thank you so much (and happy holidays!).
You are my favorite blogger! Food is hard around here because I have some picky kids. You are about the only reason I still enjoy cooking. Thank you!
You are amazing to continue onward with picky eaters, Danielle! That is no easy task. You are awesome!
Merry Christmas, Mel! Thank you for all of your amazing recipes. I love your blog so much! I hope you enjoy your (much deserved) time with your family!
Thank you, Kaylene! Happy holidays!
Thank you for this sweet message. Merry Christmas to you and your family, too!
Same to you, Julie!
Merry, merry Christmas Mel!! Most of the food I am making in the next two days is from your recipes, so I’ve been thinking about you a lot. You bring a bit of sunshine into my life with every post. You are funny and real and darling. Thank you for sharing your faith this Christmas! Have a wonderful break 🙂
Thanks so much, Julie! Getting caught up on these wonderful comments while the fam ice fishes and it’s worth every minute. 🙂
Merry Christmas, Mel! Thank you for giving us so many great recipes year-round. (I’m about to figure out which of your cookie recipes to make for my cousins tomorrow….) I hope you and your family have a wonderful vacation!
Hope you chose the perfect cookie, Debbie! Happy holidays!
I am one of those naughty ladies in the kitchen that does not come on and post after I make one of your delicious creations! For that I apologize! Please know that your time and effort is greatly appreciated. Thank you!! Your blog is fun and informative, simplistic and creative!! Wishing you and your lovely family the most beautiful Christmas. Cheers to good health, happiness, joy and peace during the coming year. Enjoy your time with your family… well!
Never worry about that, Annie! I admire and respect those who aren’t a slave to their computers and social media (ahem, me at times!). You are awesome. Thanks for taking the time to comment today! Happy holidays!
You are so loved by everyone! You serve others so well through this blog, and our family is no exception! Thank you for all you do! Wishing you the merriest of Christmases and all the very best!! ❤❤❤
Thanks so much, cute Meg. Happy holidays!
Merry Christmas Mel! Enjoy your break and I’m so glad you consider us friends because my sister and I lovingly refer to you all the time when dinner planning, as if you are our real life friend. thank you for helping make me a rockstar in the kitchen and providing so many amazing recipes. Much love! -Brittany
Thank you, Brittany!