Save weeknight dinner with this SUPER easy Instant Pot baked ziti recipe. It is creamy, saucy, cheesy, and so incredibly delicious! (Pro tip: you...
Dinner is served on ONE sheet pan with this simple and super tasty sweet and sour sheet pan meatballs recipe loaded with roasted potatoes...
Quick and easy (healthy, too!) this amazingly fresh and delicious mediterranean orzo skillet recipe (with pork or chicken!) is a weeknight wonder! Some meals...
Using garden fresh tomatoes, this delicious homemade canned spaghetti sauce recipe is super easy to make (step-by-step pictures below) and so flavorful! Long promised,...
Dinner will be on the table in no time with this super easy Instant Pot spaghetti! Everything cooks together for a simple, flavorful, hands-off...
Hey friends! First up, I LOVED everything you said on the last Friday Thoughts post (seriously, the comment threads are proving to be...
This flavorful Instant Pot Greek pork is fall-apart tender (in just about an hour!) and so fantastic served in soft flatbread with tzatziki sauce...
Happy New Year, friends! I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season! Now it’s back to real life, right? I’m excited to get...
Cheesy chicken and broccoli alfredo stuffed shells! There’s a lot to love here, including the simple, homemade alfredo sauce that takes this meal straight...
So easy and tasty, this healthy Thai Coconut Milk Grilled Chicken is a perfect example how every day, simple flavors can take plain old chicken...
Who knew that you could make a rich and hearty spaghetti sauce in 20 minutes? Simple and flavorful, this quick homemade spaghetti sauce is...
This simple one-pot creamy white lasagna soup is delicious! Packed with all the flavors of white chicken lasagna, it’s sure to be a favorite!...