Friday Thoughts: Speed Style
Shockingly, I’m checking in already again with another Friday Thoughts post, and I’m going to *try* to do it speedy speed style.
Nothing dramatic. Nothing serious. Nothing all that thought provoking to be honest, haha. Just a lot of quick random tidbits and thing I’ve wanted to share lately (YES, I’m finally telling you about those pants and shoes I promised).
As always, chime in on the comments with any feedback or recommendations of your own!
{Thank you to everyone who commented on the last Friday Thoughts post. I read each and every comment and try to respond to every one! Sure appreciate you guys.}
1) Headshots: after 12 years of blogging, I finally hired a professional photographer (the amazing Carrie Elton) to take some headshots and fun true-to-life photos of me and the family. Out of the hundreds she took, I wanted to share this one which I feel is probably the most flattering of the bunch and which will most likely become my new profile picture.
{I was trying to climb over the vinyl fence WHICH WE TELL OUR KIDS TO NEVER EVER CLIMB OVER BC IT COULD EASILY BREAK and also trying to avoid the electric/hotwire fence and Brian’s expression is clearly screaming: you aren’t going to make it – but also, he obviously wasn’t being much help either, haha}
2) Exercise Lately: regular exercise has been a beacon to my soul and mental health the last few months. I’m an at-home exerciser (shocker, I know). For the last few months, I’ve been doing an exercise combination that is working better than any other home exercise program I’ve ever done. I am loving it!
The Peloton app (I don’t have a fancy Peloton treadmill or bike; I just use my iPad with the Peloton monthly subscription and do a walk + run class a couple times a week) + The Sweat app (I’m currently doing the Lifting at Home program and try to get in two workouts a week on alternating days of Peloton). My favorite trainers on Peloton for walk + run classes are Matt Wilpers and Olivia Amato.
3) Hip Pain: I’m getting old. So is my hip. For the last many months, it has caused me some very significant pain (especially after I picked up a little light jogging with exercise). I can’t sleep on that side and sometimes wake up in the middle of the night (or after I’ve been sitting a long time) with excruciating pain that, if I’m being totally honest, usually brings tears to my eyes. After a conversation with a brother-in-law this summer, I decided maybe I should try yoga.
You guys, I hate yoga (I’m so sorry for everyone I’ve offended with that statement). I’ve tried doing it in the past when I went through a P90X phase, and I also tried a hot yoga class once that almost killed me within the first 10 minutes because clearly hot yoga is akin to opening the jaws of hell and taking a bath. I really thought I was going to die. Through all the yoga trial and error, I’ve just never felt the love for yoga that others do. It’s boring and I’m not flexible (this is ironic, I know; I’m the person who needs yoga the most) and I do a lot of side eyeing when I’m commanded to think of my legs being rooted into the earth with my heart center floating above me. I’m sorry. I’m really, really sorry.
ANYWAY (remember when I promised this edition of Friday Thoughts would be brief, ahem), fast forward past all my yoga boredom, and I finally decided that trying 10-15 minutes of yoga every day might be worth it for my hip pain. I promise you I am not exaggerating, but you guys, 85% of my hip pain was gone within the first week. I kid you not. I still have some residual hip pain when I sit or sleep, but it is so significantly decreased, I feel like it is borderline miraculous.
All I’ve done is add a 10 minute yoga session after I work out. Some of the classes have been targeted for hips, others have just been restorative, and some have been yoga flow classes. I can’t say that I’ve necessarily fallen in love with yoga, but man, do I ever have a testimony of the benefits. I take back *almost* everything negative I’ve ever said about yoga. (I’m finding yoga workouts on YouTube + Peloton + Sweat apps).
4) Almonds: we are obsessed with these “bold” sriracha almonds {aff. link}. My 13-year old was introduced to them on a campout with cousins this summer, and he hasn’t stopped talking about them. I finally picked up a can at the store and they were gone in about 3 1/2 minutes. We can’t keep them in stock around here. I bought the 12-pack snack size {aff. link} for school lunches because the kids love them so much. The Sweet Thai Chili flavor {aff. link} is also very, very excellent.
5) Pickle Ball: speaking of being obsessed, pickle ball is life right now. I mentioned this on Instagram a few weeks ago, but we painted our own pickle ball court last year (in front of one of our cow pastures). The lines are regulation, our skills are not. Haha.
We aren’t anything special, but we play all the time as a family and now that Brian rigged up some super fancy stadium lights (ahem, old corral posts with LED lights zip tied to them), we play a lot in the evening (if anyone ever plays with us, I am quickly reminded that my best talent is providing snacks). Any other pickle ball fans out there?
6) Marbles and Jokers: my brother introduced us to this game in June. We’ve literally played it almost nightly since. So, so fun. It’s like the board game Sorry but with marbles, face cards, and a few twists. Can’t stop, won’t stop.
There are lots of variations/brands available online through Amazon and Etsy if you look around. The exact rules vary based on which brand you buy. I’ve played other variations, and I have to say, the version we have is my favorite. It’s handmade from this small company, and it’s beautiful AND fun. Unsponsored. Just love it.
7) Cardistry: my talented 14-year old practices card tricks and cardistry nonstop. He pretty much has a deck of cards in his hands at all times (except for family scripture study and dinner time, ha). It blows my mind sometimes. He has a compilation video of all of his tricks (he learns them mostly from YouTube videos that I approve first), but he isn’t feeling quite brave enough to share that yet, so I’ll just give you a glimpse of a picture that showcases one of his tricks.
In the land of New Quarantine Skills We’ve Picked Up, I’m over here still stuck on the talent of seeing how many chocolate chip cookies I can eat in a day while my kids have apparently decided to go for more ambitious skills, like cardistry and card tricks (and keeping kunekune pigs and miniature donkeys alive and well).
8) Silk Pillowcase: Brian gave me a silk pillowcase {aff. link} for Mother’s Day earlier this year, and you guys, I’m totally and wholeheartedly converted even though I was the one rolling my eyes months before at the silk pillowcase revolution. I know you’ll say it can’t be scientifically verified, but I swear I sleep better now using this thing – it keeps my head and neck cooler and somehow just soothes me to sleep. I swear it.
Sadly, it hasn’t diminished any wrinkles as promised, haha, and I can still fall asleep anywhere, anytime (see below), but I don’t know if I can go back to a regular pillowcase. I love how it feels and how I sleep. Also, I’m lazy and just wash and dry it (on gentle).
9) Pants I Love: Ok, so the pants I promised to tell you about last time…well, they’ve been a disappointment. Good thing I waited to wear them a few more times! So I’m not going to waste your time with those.
(In case you are curious, they are these pants that are inexpensive and based on the reviews promised to be amazing, but after wearing them a few times, they lost their shape, made me feel claustrophobic with the super thick fabric, and were generally uncomfortable and not flattering on this 42-year old bottom – sorry I just mentioned my bottom).
Good thing I have other pants I love. And they’re super fancy. 🙂
Let’s talk about joggers, ok? I love these super comfy joggers {aff. link} (I have the black camo ones), and for a total splurge, I bought these joggers last year when they were on sale (you can also get 20% off with a first time purchase). Nothing compares to them. Nothing. They are the best loungy pants ever (I wear them out and about, too). But. They are pricey, so I get that spending that much on joggers might make you choke. All I’m saying is, if you can get 20% off and a mini inheritance, DO IT.
Also, my name is Mel and I apparently really like wearing joggers. Every day. Can we still be friends? {Wearing them in the picture below}
10) The Shoes: I’m probably showing my style (or lack of) with these last couple paragraphs, but hey, life’s short, and this is me. These shoes/sandals, {aff. link} are amazing and so, so comfortable. I haven’t worn another shoe all summer except for when I exercise or when I go tromping around the pig pasture.
I promise I hardly ever wear them with socks (that was just at a cabin trip this summer when my fashion standards were at a wonderful all-time low), but I definitely wear them every single day. I’ve foregone wearing my favorite “real” Birkenstocks for these, I love them so much. I have them in silver and white (full disclosure: the white ones are super dirty and impossible to get clean).
Ok, I have about 17 1/2 more things I could share with you today, but I’ll let you get back to your real life. 🙂
Any new fun recommendations to share with me?? Tell me in the comments below!
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I feel the same way about yoga (really, stretching in general) but now that I am in my 40s I feel so much better (i.e., less stiff) when I do it regularly. I’ve been working out at home for years with Lindsay Brin ( I subscribe to access all of her workouts (everything from HIIT to barre), but if you want to try her out she offers a weekly playlist for free. I use the Moms into Fitness app on my Fire stick. Thanks for your recommendations!
P.S. I’ve been using a silk pillowcase for years as well — curly-haired girl here — but only discovered joggers during quarantine. I don’t ever want to wear real pants again.
Thanks for the fitness recommendation, Laurie! Excited about that! And I agree, joggers are life.
Okay, I must have missed the silk pillow craze but it sounds like I need one, too. Also love the sandals- thanks for sharing! Haven’t tried joggers yet- are they really that wonderful? The tapered leg makes me cringe about wearing them myself… but I love yoga pants and skinny jeans so I don’t know why I feel like they’d be horrid on me. Maybe I just need to branch out and try them anyway! Love that you’re getting pictures done. We’ve neglected that this year…maybe when the leaves are all out and changed. Possibly. I have no idea what pickle ball is but it sounds like fun! And I love that you’ve set up your own place to play on your own land. I have this little dream to get my own little “faux farm” someday and just love that you’re having those life experiences. Yay! Your kids sound so fun and focused on good activities, keeping busy. How do you help support them with so many activities? It feels a litle intimidating to be honest, but so worth the effort. Would love hear how you set yourself up for success. I’m so happy you’ve found some benefits with yoga! There was never a standardized test (GRE, RN, NP boards, etc., that I took where I didn’t make sure to do at least 15 minutes of yoga before I left my house. It made all the difference for me with concentration and focus. Keeps me limber for my weights and running. Yoga really is something that has a lot to offer, so keep it up! As always, love to hear from you and sending hugs your way! Happy Friday!
Yes, Amy, joggers are worth it, haha! Not sure they flatter my figure perfectly but they are comfy and I love them. I’m not sure I’m the best at supporting my kids – I say no a lot, especially if it involves them using a screen, but I do try to champion them in things that they have a true passion for.
Joggers, silk pillow cases and Peloton!! You are speaking my language (along with all the excellent food). I highly recommend spending your retirement and buying the peloton bike. It has been life changing for me. And as you know, they have lots of fabulous short yoga classes to keep those of us with older bones moving. I love your Friday thoughts! Thanks for sharing your life—it makes your recipes all the more delicious because they feel like they come from a friend.
Really? I wondered if the bike is worth it!
I love these posts! Pickleball is the funnest! And I am ordering those joggers!
Many years ago I had extreme hip pain. My then massage therapist “healed” me. Turns out the piriformis muscle was tight and pressing on the sciatic nerve, which causes intense pain. Maybe try massage.
As for exercise, my now massage therapist recommended a stretching series, linked below. It’s low impact and the workouts are about 20-25 minutes. I have been doing the workouts 6 days a week, for about 2 months and I am leaning out and just feeling better all around. I believe you can also find her on PBS.
I’m not sure if it is my piriformis but it sounds like it could be! Thanks for the stretching video! I feel like this comment thread is a gold mine of good recommendations!
I always enjoy your posts. I am retired and started playing pickle ball several months ago, fun! That hip pain must be somehow related to these crazy times, lack of “normal” movement, whatever that is! I know two other people, and myself, who just turned to yoga for some relief. (not a former yoga fan either) When I see how big, and old your kids are makes me appreciate how long I’ve been following you! A long time! Have a good day!
Love that you’ve been around since the kids were super little, Donna! I think you’re right about the hip pain – of course it would crop up during 2020!
I’ve had hip pain since my first pregnancy. After five kids I’m finally taking care of it. I’m going to a chiropractor, since it could be caused by a pinched nerve. I’m hopeful that the sessions will help. I don’t think I’ll ever do yoga but if it does take care of your hip pain, I might reconsider
Thanks for sharing!
I hope the chiropractor helps, Jocy! Hip pain is no fun!
Hi Mel, recently found you here. I have had several scans for osteoporosis and have a fairly severe case. I “don’t mind” the viniyisha yoga, which is gentle stretching. When I asked my doc if that was a good type of yoga, she said NO yoga was good to practice with my osteoporosis. So ladies, get scanned for osteoporosis, then ask your doctor about it.
My co-mom (my son in law’s mother) plays pickleball, something I had never heard of. She loves it … so at least I now know what it is. Well, odd things DO happen in Ohio!
If you change your lovely blog pic of your face to the climbing over the fence pic, I hope nobody calls you “butthead”!
Haha. 🙂 Thanks for the feedback on osteoperosis + yoga. I’m sorry it isn’t beneficial for you.
I just bought the nuts! I am excited to try them… and I clicked on each link so hopefully you can get a bonus from it. (Not quite sure how that works.) Anyway, I think I am going to give pillowcases to my Mom and sisters for their birthdays next year thanks to you. Great idea!
haha, you’re sweet, Katie. Thank you! I just bought one of those pillowcases for my sisters birthday next week. I think they make great gifts!
I used to like yoga many moons ago but have omitted from my routine for years. My body could probably use some too. But I do love pilates! It might be a good one to add into your exercise routine. We are obsessed with the Wasabi almonds but we will certainly try the Siracha. I like to make a mix with spicy almonds, trail mix and some chocolate. Yum!
Have a great weekend!
Thanks, Patricia – I’m excited to add pilates in to my routine since so many of you have recommended it!
You are the best 🙂
Aw, thanks, Patricia! XOXO
Pickleball! I played year-round tennis when I was younger and was fascinated by friends who were talking about pickleball, thinking it would be a great, gentler alternative to tennis lo these decades later. Well! My YWCA had a fledging league and one evening I stopped in while I was there to see what it was all about. A man unofficially known as the Pickleball Ambassador really put me through my paces. I was amazed at how rapid and physical the play was. Unfortunately, my schedule and other obligations did not allow joining at the one time the league was offered.
I just showed up in running shoes and, boy, did I have lower back/hip pain after that one session. I mention this because I realized a person REALLY needs to be wearing athletic shoes that allow for lateral motion, which running shoes do not. I have not researched this, but I assume a shoe appropriate for tennis would be good for pickleball!
Oh, by the way, I made the manicotti yesterday and it was very well-received. I may be rolling all sorts of things up in no-boil lasagna noodles. Ha! What a great idea!
Great thought on the pickleball and correct shoes! I need to figure that out! And glad you loved the manicotti! I agree…the flavor combos are endless!
Hi Mel, I feel the same about yoga! Have you tried Magic Eraser on those Birkenstock’s? Worked like a charm for me!
Someone else said that! Where have I been? Such a great tip. Thank you!
A friend invited me to play pickle ball a few weeks ago and it is my new favorite thing! We are planning a trip to Zion National park and Bryce Canyon next month and when I was looking at VRBO’s and found one with a pickle ball court I rented it immediately!
And those pants- the ones you don’t like- so good to know. I’ve had them in the save for later section of my amazon cart since last spring. I was going to order them but then decided to wait until fall because I was hoping to be able to buy a smaller size (ha! Yeah right! Didn’t happen) if I waited a few months to order them. Well now I’m glad I didn’t order them.
Haha, I would rent a VRBO based on a pickleball court, too. How fun! I hope my negative review doesn’t lead you astray from pants you would love, but they were definitely not for me!
I also love joggers and would wear them every day… but mostly I stick to house dresses. Not the frumpy ones, the cute ones. Nesting olive is my favorite. Plus, they have pockets!
I think I could get behind the house dress trend for sure!
Pickleball for the win! It is the #1 thing that’s helped me stay sane through 2020! Who knew a sport with such a weird name could be so much fun?! So jealous of your court and lights!
Right?? It’s been surprisingly fun and such a huge blessing.
I agree with your yoga feelings! I started just a simple stretching routine after each workout and I have loved that. Exercising has saved me too during this crazy! Glad your hip is doing better!
Exercise has become mandatory where once I didn’t put such a priority on it, 2020 has changed that!
I love these posts, Mel! Always great, interesting info and entertaining! Beautiful family.
Thanks, Lori!
I love your Friday posts!
Try yoga with Adriene (if you haven’t already). I used to hate yoga, but I like yoga with her because she isn’t super serious. I also love the daily Om yoga with Sadi Nardine…not sure if I spelled that right
I can’t wait to try the joggers and the game. I love that you Made a court in your yard and I love, love, love all posts about your pigs. I am trying to get my husband to get me one….but since we currently live in a neighborhood with an itty, bitty yard and an HOA, I’m guessing my pig dreams will have to be on hold for a bit. Have a great day Mel!!!
Thanks for the yoga recommendations, April! Haha, you know…those kunekune pigs supposedly make great house pets! 🙂
Hello, Mel,
This was just delightful to read! Thank you.
I continue to use a ton of your recipes, because they are easy, use ordinary ingredients, and are deliciously never-fail. (You replaced my CC cookbook.)
Please continue writing to us, and be well,
Thanks for such a kind comment, Nancy!
I’m so glad you hated yoga, too, and for the exact same reasons I still hate it. I’m not flexible and I cringe at all the grounding vocabulary. But, I also know yoga could probably help me. You’ve inspired me to try it for 10 minutes a day. Thank you for your awesome and real posts.
Let’s do it together, Lindsay! After reading all the gentle calls to continue in the comment thread, it’s clear yoga will benefit us! 🙂
I love your Friday posts. You are a funny lady.
Ha. Thanks, John!
If you want to try something different with yoga, I absolutely love Yoga with Adrienne on YouTube.
I’ll add my love for Yoga with Adriene. My daughter and I started one of her “30 days of yoga” at the start of quarantine, and haven’t stopped (152 days and counting!). Honestly, I usually don’t feel like doing it beforehand, and I sometimes get bored and antsy during, but I’m ALWAYS glad I did it (ha, you could probably say the same for most exercise).
These posts are the BEST — thank you, Mel!
Thanks, Rosalyn! And Susan, this is amazing! She must be incredible to have you still going strong. Or maybe it’s just the power of yoga.
First of all, you’re hysterical. Second — if your magic loving kiddo hasn’t already, he would probably love the movie Magic Camp on Disney+. Also, those JOGGERS!! I have recently started cycling classes at the gym again (after not being able to use my neighbors fancy-pants Pelaton since coming back to college) and I live in them. Constantly. I hope boys don’t ask me on dates so I don’t have to change out of them. Thanks for the Friday thoughts!!
Yes! He just watched that movie last weekend and loved it! Haha, girl, WEAR THOSE JOGGERS ON A DATE. Better that those guys know your true (awesome!) colors from the beginning. They’ll love you. 🙂
Just want to say your recipes are amazing and you have a beautiful family. I’ve been a fan for years. Thank you for brightening our world with your recipes and humor! Your hip pain sounds exactly like mine, and I’m only 41…..started at the beginning of quarantine and sent me into a slight depression. In the beginning it was a shooting pain. Sleeping and sitting brought me to tears. I sometimes have heard a clicking in my hip, and that seems to be getting better. When I start to overdue it, it will hurt more and click again. I now drive with a pillow under me to keep my hips aligned correctly. My kids call it my granny pillow. I have loved running but cannot jog even a half a mile anymore. I try to stretch, but will definitely try the yoga suggestion!! Thank you!
I’m so sorry about your hip pain, Sarah! Sounds so familiar to mine. I hope yoga helps like it has for me. There are so many recommendations in this thread!
I agree with your love for the Vuori pants! I have 2 pair, my husband has a pair, and we both agree they are the BEST! I typically don’t think joggers are that flattering on me, but these make me look good:). Plus they are oh so comfortable.
Haha, I totally agree with that, Danielle! Those joggers are amazing.
Another vote for Adriene for YouTube yoga! I have been loving instagram workouts from @bodybytrainor (free) if you’re ever looking to shake things up. She’s so creative and high energy!
I had weird tailbone pain for like a year – never did anything about it because it only hurt when I sat for more than 10 minutes which apparently I never do except once a week at church? It was fine in lounge-y couch positions, lol. But I was facing a long flight and has been completely miserable on one earlier that year. ANYway, I was desperately googling and found out it could be a rotation in my pelvis and found this site and fixed it in like 30 minutes. It was crazy! It has very occasionally hurt again and I go back and do the stretches and exercises. Sooo if you don’t learn to love yoga you might be able to find just a couple key stretches!!
Thanks for the recommendations, Bet! Some others recommended posture direct, too. I have so many things to check out and I’m excited. Thank you!
I put those jeans in my shopping cart yesterday; I’m so glad that I didn’t check out before reading your post. I’m buying the joggers instead! Thanks for all the great things you share.
I hope you love the joggers, Jennifer!
Hi Mel. Excellent column, short and snappy and full of good stuff!
Glad to read that yoga is alleviating most of your hip pain. Have you ever looked into Tai Chi? When I worked in Toronto I would often see a group of elderly Chinese people doing it in the parkette beside my office building. They obviously benefited greatly from years of doing it. It’s great for all ages and fitness levels. Even Harvard Medical School endorses it:
Could be fun for the whole family, no special equipment or clothing required.
I’ve seen people practicing Tai Chi but never gotten involved myself. I think it could be a huge benefit. Thank you!
So, yoga. I SO feel it. “Picture a blank space” immediately is mentally filled with my to-do list. Child pose for relaxation? No. Child pose to consider getting the carpets cleaned.
But joggers? I’d like to more. I never really owned any, and then #coronapocalypse Now, I’m actively hunting. So thanks for the tips!
Haha, Cheryl. Your first paragraph made me laugh right out loud.
Haha, Cheryl. Your first paragraph made me laugh right out loud.
Mel, I’ve had hip pain for a long time and was just recently diagnosed with osteoporosis which I’ve obviously had for years. I didn’t think bone scans were all that important but I’ve changed my mind. I wish I had kept up with them. Make sure you keep up with those!!
So important, Kim. Thank you! I will!
I have been doing home workouts for years. I just go on YouTube and do the free ones. I am not much of a yoga person either but agree that Yoga with Adrienne is great. Other ones on You Tube – Kit Rich, (pilates, cardio, yoga), Sydney Cummings (athletic style, uses dumbbells a lot but plenty of no equipment workouts too and she posts a new workout everyday!), Yvette Bachmann (step workouts, kickboxing), Up to the BEat (fun walking dance style workouts). There are a lot more on You tube. Pop sugar fitness have their own channel as well and their Active app is currently free right now. You have access to tons of workouts without having to pay!
Thanks for all of the recommendations, Christine!
Hi Mel, I’m the Spencer in Oregon that loves strawberry rhubarb pie— thanks for the recipe, it has changed our lives. We don’t have a pickle ball court (wish we did), so we are starting a date night spike ball league— so if you’re ever in Oregon, let us know!
Hey Spencer! So great seeing your comment. Brian LOVES spike ball. (I like it; I’m also very very terrible at it) That would be so fun!
Hi! This is my first time commenting and wanted to tell you that not one time has one of your recipes disappointed. You’re always the first site I check when I am looking for something.
i am not disappointed in your lack of love of yoga; the diversity is what makes the world interesting. I am impressed that you keep trying; most people wouldnt! I am a lover and though I’d suggest Erin at Five Parks Yoga on youtube as well as They both have varying lengths and focus/ability.
Thank you for your blog.
Hi Beth! Thank you so much for taking the time to comment!! And thanks for the yoga recommendations. So helpful!
I hear you on the yoga! I haven’t found any I like…however, you’ve encouraged me to keep looking :). I prefer Pilates over yoga. I walk, did some running over the summer, do Pilates, and I do karate, even though training time has been cut way back due to COVID. I like the fit-on app for workouts. We’ve been playing Mexican Train dominoes, Exploding Kittens, and Bananagrams, and plan to teach our kids to play Rook soon. Thanks for sharing! I always enjoy these Friday posts!
My kids learned rook this summer and they are obsessed! It’s been so fun to play it with them! I think I need to look into Pilates. So many recommendations for it! Karate sounds intense and amazing – thanks, Kristi!
Mel—I love the picture of you climbing over the fence! Our photographer caught a picture of me scolding my son as he was threatening his brother with a cactus. I also have resorted to elasticized pants. These look so much more classy than my Old Navy sweatpants!
Hahahaha, the cactus terrorization had me laughing out loud.
Mel—I love the picture of you climbing over the fence! Our photographer caught a picture of me scolding my son as he was threatening his brother with a cactus. I also have resorted to elasticized pants. These look so much more classy than my Old Navy sweatpants!
As a former yoga instructor – P90X & Hot Yoga are NOT yoga (in my opinion)…the one day we did hot yoga in teacher training I hated every.single.minute. of it. However I 100% agree with everyone’s recommendation of Yoga with Adriene on YouTube! She offers short sessions, long sessions, and sessions that target just about every specific need you could possibly imagine and she’s a delight and humorous and has a really cool dog 🙂
Thanks for that insight, Julie! Basically after all the recommendations for Adrienne on youtube, I’d be insane not to try it. I’m kind of excited (who would have thought??)
Also I second the Habanero BBQ almonds! My dad loves the wasabi soy sauce ones, but I prefer the habanero
Literally ordering the habanero BBQ ones right now.
Love this post, Mel! (I have been trying to comment unsuccessfully so if my comment shows up five times, please forgive me!) That pickle ball court is to die for! I have been wanting to ask you if you still run half marathons. I’m a long time reader of your blog and I remember those days! I’m *kind of* training for a half but I much prefer a 5k distance. Sometimes I read your training posts for inspiration! I’m a home exerciser, like you, and a few years ago I was having trouble with my back. My sister introduced me to Classical Stretch with Miranda Esmonde-White. She has a show on PBS, but I buy her DVD’s. It’s like yoga with movement. Check her out – Miranda is the best! I love seasons 11, 12, and 13. Her workouts are short and keep me pain free if I do them regularly. And her book, “Aging Backwards,” is a great read. Thanks for your wonderful blog. Most of what we eat comes from you! Your whole wheat chocolate chip cookies are on the menu today. And I’m ordering those pants with your aff. link immediately. Joggers rule the world! 🙂
Hey Jacqui! You have been around a long time if you remember the half marathon days! That was my one and only half marathon. I don’t really run much now unless it’s a walk + run situation. I’m getting old! Clearly. Good luck if you run one! And thanks for the stretching recommendation!
I love Five Parks Yoga on YouTube. I also have hip pain from running and her deep stretch and hip focused videos have yielded awesome results. Plus, she’s super mellow and low key which is another aspect I look for in yoga videos. No music, but soothing sounds of Costa Rica in the background.
Oh, I like the sound of that already. I’ll check out her channel!
Hip pain!!! Oh man I can totally relate. Mine started during my last pregnancy and has gotten worse over the last three years, I walk around with pain a pain patch almost daily. You have definitely convinced me to try a yoga.
I also love a good pair of joggers. I just ordered a splurge pair from Albion so I’ll let you know how they compare but I’ll definitely be getting the ones from Amazon.
Thanks for all of your delicious recipes. There are too many to name that we eat regularly.
When I made the white chocolate mousse cheesecake I had never used a spring form pan and I didn’t put it on a cookie sheet. The butter from the crust leaked out and burned in the oven so the cheesecake was it super smoky but you better believe I picked out the inside of the cake and still ate it.
Oh no! I’m so sorry about the cheesecake. Gah. That’s the worst especially with an intense dessert like that. Darn. I hope yoga helps your pain – man, I’m sorry you are dealing with that!!
I actually love yoga because I did dance all growing up, and have never been into cardio AT ALL. But I haven’t done it all this quarantine, so this post is a great reminder to do it again. I also haven’t ever played pickle ball, so I need to try that again….but my hand-eye coordination isn’t great Love these posts!!
My hand eye coordination isn’t great either but pickleball is still fun (on a VERY amateur level)
After having my first child I had hip pain exactly like you described. After trying everything, I finally went to a physical therapist. They told me the pain was due to weak glute muscles. We worked on strengthening them and tada the pain went away! Hope this helps!
That does help. Thank you!
I have been doing yoga pretty consistently for ten years now. And it took me a while to get into it because I also thought boring/weird. For me I have pain in hips and shoulders, and it helps a ton. If you want to try out some other YouTube channels my favorites are Yoga with Adrienne (great for beginners) because she makes funny puns and just is really laid back and approachable, Yoga with Kassandra (try the yin yoga), and Do Yoga With Me. I choose the classes by Fiji, but this is more intense yoga.
I love your recipes and always look forward to your posts, but I really find myself enjoying these. They’re a nice little break/chat with a friend who I’ve never met and has never met me.
Thanks, Sherry! I love doing the Friday Thoughts posts, too. Thanks for being here and reading them! And thank you for all the yoga recommendations! So great and I’ll be checking them out!
I love yoga with Adriene on YouTube. She keeps is slow and simple/basic but also shows modifications as you advance. She has a cute quirky sense of humor too which helps me feel less ridiculous. I love her videos for stress. It works wonders!
I’m so excited to check her channel out after all the recommendations. She sounds delightful.
I am dying with laughter over the photo of you hopping the fence. Thanks for making me smile today.
Ha. Thanks, Stephanie. 🙂
I get the best little tidbits from the Friday Thoughts posts. Love your humorous/semi-sarcastic writing style.
Thanks, Melissa! 🙂
Oh no Mel! Those pull on Levis are my favorite!!! They never inch down and are so stretchy!! Oh well I still love you and all of your recipes and recommendations.. Buying the birks now!!
I’m actually so happy to hear from someone that loves them! I’m sure it was just me and my body. I’m glad you love them!
I for one love your Friday posts! Question about pickle ball—I played it for the first time a few weeks ago and fell in love so now I totally want my own court! I feel like it’s the perfect 40-something-year-old sport haha. Where is your net from?
I agree! Such a great sport from us middle agers. We just got a pickleball net from Amazon. It’s not available anymore but it was just a low end one that’s held up quite well!
Try the Habanero BBQ Blue Diamond almonds. They’re amazing!
Can’t wait!