Friday Thoughts: Speedy Speed Style
Hey friends! It’s time to pop back in with a speed style Friday Thoughts post because I have so many crazy things to talk to you about. And also, these posts are my favorite. And also, you guys are AWESOME. Your comments on these posts are golden. I come back to them over and over when I need some ideas (and laughs).
Today I’m going through a bullet list of things that have been on my mind. It’s kind of a lot. But don’t be scared. AND DO NOT LEAVE ME HANGING. I need some help and advice and friendship and support and chocolate. So answer all my questions, dang it. 🙂 Especially #7. Thanks.
You can catch all past Friday Thoughts posts here.
1. Glasses Thoughts: I ordered my first-ever pair of glasses online at Zenni Optical (unsponsored, not affiliated with them in the least) after hearing how inexpensive it could be. I was scared (my prescription is pretty gnarly with a really high astigmatism). I had to measure my pupillary distance (gulp). I succeeded (awkward miracle). I have wanted a pair of clear-ish frames for a while and love them so much. I’ve never received so many compliments on glasses before. You can see them in these IGTV videos. Here’s the link to the frames I ordered.
2. How to Teach Kids to Read Thoughts: my days of teaching kids, at least my own kids, to read are past (and it makes me kind of sad). With all five of my kids, I used this old school, simple, no frills book to teach them to read – aff. link. They are all varying levels and strengths of readers, but I can solidly say that this book gave each of them a really strong foundation for basic principles. It’s not exciting and colorful (I often bribed them with M&Ms to get through the first lessons until the pictures start appearing with the stories), but I love this book and am grateful I had it to teach my kids (they each started using it at different ages based on their individual personalities and learning styles, but it was anywhere from 4-6 years old for each of them). Anybody else used this book?
3. Bum Bum Cream Thoughts: Yes, you heard me right. Bum Bum Cream. (Heads up, lots of bikini-clad women on the website – you can also find it here on Amazon– aff. link) This stuff is magical and wow, it has a cult following. I’m sure I’m the last person on earth to know about it. And despite the name, it’s not really for your bum bum. At least I don’t think so. Ha. I use it as my go-to hand cream (along with this Capri blue lotion – aff. link). I’ve never had lotion that smelled so good. Like, people have actually come up to sniff me when I’m wearing it…which has made me think swiftly about discontinuing use, personal space issue alert, but I can’t because I love it. It’s soft and smooth and not greasy and perfect.
4. Signature Recipe Thoughts: I’ve been known to wax poetic about the value of having a signature recipe and how empowering that can be. A recipe that people know you by. A recipe people request and talk about. A recipe that basically makes you feel like a rock star. Not only is it kind of fun, but it also becomes a back-pocket recipe. Something you don’t even have to think twice about when you make it because it turns out perfect every time, and it can become a really easy go-to recipe to take anytime you need a stellar ________ (fill in the blank) recipe for that certain event or potluck or whatever. Plus before you know it, people will be saying things like “I really hope she brings her famous horseradish carrot jello salad tonight!” except of course I really hope no one actually has a horseradish carrot jello salad as their signature recipe.
I LOVE asking people what their signature recipe is. So here goes. What’s your signature recipe?? I think I have different signature recipes depending on the occasion, but one of them is definitely these super soft chocolate chip cookies and I make this fluffier than fluffy bread all the time to take to new neighbors/church members and peeps who just need a little thinking-of-you-here’s-a-loaf-of-bread-don’t-feel-guilty-about-eating-the-whole-loaf kind of pick me up. I also say it’s perfectly ok for your signature recipe to change over time (or every day).
5. Movie Thoughts: recently my two younger kids (ages 7 and 10) and I stumbled on this Miniscule: Valley of the Lost Ants movie, and holy cow, it was entertaining. I didn’t read anything about it before we started watching so I was slightly alarmed/bemused when I realized there was no talking in the movie at all, but my kids did not even notice. It was creative and funny and highly captivating. Also, I just watched the Hundred Foot Journey movie and quite liked it! I mean, yes, because it’s about food, but I enjoyed the personalities and story line (even though there was just one part that I can’t mention because of spoilers that had me side-eyeing the believability). Have you watched either of these?
6. Sunscreen Thoughts: I’m actually gearing up to do an updated suncare/sunscreen post related to my skin cancer and some updated products I’m using and things I’m doing to protect my skin and my family’s skin. But. I had to tell you about this supergoop unseen sunscreen that has completely rocked my world. I’ve been using it every day on my face (finding the right facial sunscreen is SO hard especially with an spf 40). It has the most interesting, lovely matte texture that feels like a primer (and I love it). Honestly, it’s one of those products I’m totally scared will ever be discontinued because it’s become such a huge part of my skincare regime.
7. Photo/Video Storage Thoughts: Ok, I’m almost done, but I just have a super big question for you. How do you store your personal/family digital photos and videos long term? On a cloud service? External hard drives? CDs? Haha, mostly kidding with that last one (ahem, says the one who has a bunch of cds stuffed with family pictures from the early 2000’s sitting in a closet somewhere). I’ve used external hard drives as a backup for our family photos/videos forever, but based on the fact that they can fail and/or a natural disaster could wipe them out, I think I need to explore a cloud service. However, the daunting task of uploading 17 years worth of digital pictures with subpar internet speeds has me holding back (as in, it would take years to upload them all). Am I missing another obvious solution? Help? Advice? Chocolate? Send it all.
That was a lot! Sorry for the brain dump! So much for “speed style” haha. If you made it to the end, just know I love your guts and am virtually sending you high fives and lots of cookies. Love your guts!
Oh wait, there’s more!
Friday Thoughts Update:
After the last Friday Thoughts post and your significant alarm at my game closet, a much-needed intervention took place. Behold the before and after. I’m actually happy (and completely and utterly shocked) to say that two months later, it still *mostly* looks like the new and improved version. Storing games on their sides is brilliant; thanks to the many readers who suggested that.
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I LOVE bum bum cream! It smells divine!
I back up my photos in multiple places: google photos {I pay for extra storage and it automatically scans for new photos on my computer, and I just open the app on my phone for it to back that up as well. It takes FOREVER for the initial upload, I just let it run until it finished. I had like 75,000 photos.} I also have 2 hard drives that I save to on occasion and I keep one in my safe in hopes that it will make it through any natural disasters that take out the internet #zombieapocolypse. And I print Chatbooks so I have the pictures I care about most there…. just in case. It’s so overwhelming to pick an option! But I say just pick one and commit and you’ll be fine. It matters more that they are backed up than where they are backed up. I’m lazy and like easy so I went with google photos. Good luck!
BTW, Love your website and all your recipes. I’ve been following you since 2007 and you haven’t failed me yet! {Your risotto oatmeal dish made you a life-long groupie, I still make it all the time. Thanks for dedicating your life to the feeding of my family . }
Ok, I need to figure out how get google photos to sync with my computer. So many people are suggesting that! Your system sounds amazing. I wish I had been that motivated in the past but I’m determined to get there! And I am so, so happy (and super flattered) that you are still here after all this time. Girl, that’s FOREVER! And seriously endears you to me because that’s a long time to stick around. But I agree, that red berry risotto is something special. 🙂
I absolutely swear by Usborne books Very First reader series. Used it with both my girls and they were both reading (and still are) above grade level. They love the stories and it’s a fun thing to do together. It starts out with parent and child reading together with the child doing the easy pages. It gets progressively harder until they are reading whole books on their own. Each book focuses on different types of sounds that are new for that book. Then they have additional practice word lists you can print. They are really amazing.
thanks for the reading recommendation!
My signature recipe is homemade dinner rolls with honey butter (that I add marshmallow cream to). People go CRAZY whenever I bring honey butter anywhere. I also make a killer green salad with my secret “house” dressing which is just a rice vinaigrette that I’ve been making for years. Sometimes I make a cheesecake too but for the most part, rolls and salads are what I’m asked to bring to almost every family function (and we have a LOT).
Share your recipe? I’m still experimenting to find my go-to always-have-in-the=fridge recipe. Thanks.
If you are looking for a fabulous honey butter, check out Mel’s recipe on the It really is amazing.
Sounds amazing!!
Shoot, I left a lengthy comment and it’s not posting, so I’ll do some bullet points, too. 🙂
1) Signature dish: green salads are my thing. I love veggies!
2) Thank you for reading book suggestion- need to try this with my kid!
3) I also love Capri blue- I’ve been burning Bath and Body Works Peach Bellini candle the past few weeks. Haven’t been a candle person, but this converted me. It literally lifts my mood- I feel happier when I smell it. Been loving it!!
4) I also stack my games sideways- makes a huge difference!
5) From one dark chocolate lover to another, my go-to is Lindt 90% dark chocolate bars. They ha e the smoothest, creamiest cocoa taste without the bitterness- huge fan!
6) So glad you got the glasses figured out! Having lost my hearing I know how vital good support devices are, so way to go on that!
7) Thanks for the face lotion suggestion- also been looking for something better than what I’ve been using.
8) Your kids are adorable! (Even the older ones 😉 ). Hope all is well for you and yours!
9) Been loving the Friday Thoughts posts- sorry I’ve been a silent reader- keep them coming!
10) Still just love ya!
Take care!
Love hearing from you, Amy! I’m going to go looking for those chocolate bars. NEED! Love you, too, my friend. 🙂
As for storing digital photos/videos–I use DropBox and an external hard drive besides having current photos I’m working with on computer hard drives and regular phone backups on iCloud. It seems like overkill sometimes but from personal experience, I now live by the mantra “when your hard drive/computer crashes not if….” No hardware is immune.
Thanks for all you do in making me successful in the kitchen with your recipes and info on the blog!
So true about all hardware being fallible. Thanks for your thoughts!
Mel! I also started using supergoop Matte face sunscreen a little while ago and I am hoarding it because I love it and because there were 2 options… the 1st option $18 and the next $36. I was thinking $18 was a lot for a moisturizer and I buy their big pump sunscreen for my kids and it lasts almost all summer and I have 5 kids! so I was thinking that the $36 option must be giant. Well, the $18 option is like for you carry on bag or something because it is tiny. But I love it so much I hardly have to wear any other make up! So yay for Supergoop, but watch those size options! oops!!
I’m so happy you are a fan of that sunscreen, too, Jessica! I’ve wondered if I should go for their pump sunscreen. That’s awesome it lasts so long!
Mel, you are the best girlfriend I’ve never met! I have been following you for years and love, love you. Thank you for the ideas, encouragement and yummy cookie recipies. If supergoop stops making their sunscreen, try Heliocare gel – order from Beauty and the boutique. The owner of the boutique is very sweet and has great easy ‘I don’t have for makeup’ tips.
Oh thank you, Dana!! And thanks for the recommendation on another sunscreen. Love that!
How to Teach Your Kids to Read book, never heard of it, but kinda wish I had as my youngest struggled with reading in gr. 1 and even in gr. 2. However, he is 16 now and can read just fine, thankyouverymuch! Bum Bum cream. Never heard of it, either! I guess I have been living under a rock? Probably will not be buying it as it’s expensive and I am going to try to make my own cream in an effort to go Zero Waste, so although it does sound awfully nice… Loved Hundred Foot Journey. Your link to the sunscreen doesn’t work for me for some reason, so no comment there. Signature recipe is raspberry cheesecake brownies, or my Daffodil cake (like an angle food cake but marbled with orange and lemon, so light and delicious) And Google Photos is what I use for photo storage. But let’s not even get into all those boxes of printed photos languishing in my crawl space… that’s kinda like storage, right? Ahem, must get on that.
p.s. Great job on your games closet! I was losing sleep over that!
Good luck on the zero waste path, Maxine! Sounds like it will be a worthwhile adventure! Your signature recipes sound divine! Glad you can sleep more soundly now!! 🙂
Amazon Prime has free photo storage. That’s what our family uses, in addition to external hard drive backup.
So many people recommending Amazon!
Ooh, if I have a signature recipe, it’s probably the raspberry butter I make at Christmas to take to people. It’s more than a compound butter. Imagine butter and homemade jam having a beautiful baby.
Well, that sounds like a very beautiful thing.
I used that same book to teach Trace to read! We didn’t make it all the way through, and we sometimes had some pretty big battles with doing the lessons, but it gave him a pretty good foundation to enter preschool with and now he is totally reading! Not sure what his kindergarten teacher is going to do with him next year. My signature recipe is an oatmeal chocolate chip cookie with coconut and walnuts (my favorite cookie ever!) and my homemade white bread. Shane got glasses from Zenni too! Great discovery. And as far as photos and videos go…I do several things. But the one I count on the most is just google photos. Free app that takes all your pics from your phone and automatically stores them on a cloud. Not sure how you would get all your old photos on there though. But you could start having any new ones go there.
Well, obvs, because you and I think alike on so many things. Not surprised we used the same reading book. Ha. Did you make those cookies in college? If not, rude.
Haha! They are a Mrs. Fields recipe that somebody gave me that I have perfected. And you don’t like nuts in your cookies right? That might be your one fatal flaw. These have walnuts so you might not appreciate them. But honestly, they are so good. I don’t know how you couldn’t.
I’ll just be right here waiting for you to SEND ME THE RECIPE. I might even get over my nuts-do-not-belong-in-cookies philosophy.
I have used that book to teach one of my children how to read and we both loved it. It can’t get easier than that and it is so effective! Lessons are short and my daughter requested doing two-three at a time . She was reading fluently before she started kindergarten. I made a chart with 100 squares and we put a sticker on each square for lesson completed. I had somebody recommend this book to me and have since recommended it to others! It’s defijitely a winner.
Yes, I loved that the lessons were so short and straightforward!
LOVE the Teach your Child to Read workbook! With our 1st, we were struggling to get him going with letters and reading until a friend told us about this book. Changed everything. He LOVES reading now and I loved doing the workbook with him…before, I didn’t know how to help him. Used with our 2nd child, and amazing results once again!
Same here! So grateful someone told me about this book so many years ago.
I got my signature dish while teaching middle school cooking as a substitute teacher (cooking is not my subject but you have to come prepared to teach anything!). The kids hated it because it was too weird and spicy, but I’ve taken it and modified it over the years and cooked it countless times and everyone adores it. It started out as Indonesian beef meatball skewers with simple satay sauce, but I long ago dropped the skewers and just cook the meatballs up in the frying pan. They are juicier that way and easier. Served on a bed of rice, simple and sooooo delicious! A Sri Lankan friend of mine suggested mango chutney as a condiment and although it’s probably not authentic at all, the flavours are sensational together.
Wow, that meal sounds amazing, Laura!! I might need you to send me the recipe. 🙂
My mom used that book to teach me how to read 25 years ago! (Granted it was an earlier version than that link, but the same book). She used it for me and my two sisters and we all love reading!
I don’t really have a “signature recipe” that other people associate with me but I think the closest thing I have is a meal that my husband and I discovered and we love! He requests it often and it’s definitely in our regular rotation. I adapted it from this recipe: I usually use tilapia instead of salmon because it’s less expensive. I also simplified the seasoning and usually just sprinkle our favorite lemon pepper over the fish before searing it in the skillet. The Dijon butter sauce is amazing so we usually double that part of the recipe!
I love using google drive for photo storage! I have the app on my phone so it automatically uploads photos as I take them since my phone is my main camera these days. I have not gone back to upload old photos into it because all my older photos are on either amazon photos (which is free if you have amazon prime, but I don’t anymore) or an external hard drive.
That’s amazing! I know that book has been around a long time simply because my copy is a used version (and it’s the old yellow cover). Thanks for including the link to your favorite meal. Looks AMAZING! I’ll be trying for sure!
So, I’m terms of #7, I store my pictures I’m a couple of different places. 1- strait on my computer in files. I organize them by year and then by month. 2- I take those organized files and then I put them on a huge external hard drive. And finally, I also take those same organized files and I pay for a yearly subscription with Dropbox. It’s probably redundant and overkill, and I could probably save $100 a year by just using good photos… but this works for me and I’ve been able to find my pictures when I needed them.
In terms of a signature recipe, I don’t really have one, BUT whenever I make something and someone asks for the recipe, they literally go, “Oh wait, I remember, its’s from Mel’a kitchen, isn’t it?” And they are basically always right. I really don’t say that to flatter you, it’s 100% true. I basically have a signature *website.*
I honestly don’t think that’s overkill at all. Sounds like a great system! And seriously, that IS super flattering. You have no idea. Thanks for the pick me up (and smile)
I would have to second this statement. You’re my signature website. Anytime someone compliments something I bring to a function, they know where I got it!
Thanks, sweet girl. 🙂
Game closet looks great! Way to go!
I love using Bob books to help my kids read. It is so exciting to watch them learn sounds and figure the world out! What a thrill for them.
As for signature your soft cookies are quickly becoming my signature too – I also make ginger snaps that will rock your world and homemade (deep fried Utah style) scones with a maple glaze. Cannot. Eat. Just. One.
I am with you deliciousness must be shared. Yum.
I love your Friday thoughts, and you wish to send me cookies – I will take cookies anytime. Have a wonderful weekend Mel
Thanks, Jenny! Sounds like I need that ginger snaps recipe, my friend!
I used that book to teach all 4 of my kids to read and they started kindergarten reading at a 2nd grade level. I think that boosted their confidence from the get-go. I admit, it’s bit always fun, but I’d let them pick one thing from the dollar spot every 10 lessons and when the finished all 100, they got a date night to chuckie cheese.
I think my signature summer meal (I know, it’s not just a recipe, I’m complicated that way) is pulled pork on homemade buns with coleslaw, homemade lemonade, and chocolate chip cookies with homemade ice cream for dessert. And for winter hamburger soup with homemade French bread and buttermilk brownies.
As for glasses, I love md Zenni until I got lasik, and I love lasik even more.
Great incentives for that reading book, Kari! And whoa, that signature meal sounds seriously ridiculously yummy.
Signature recipes … Like you, I have several. Side, soup, dessert, appetizer, main. (Lots and lots of fellowship dinners and family gatherings). Roasted new potatoes, Aztec chowder, pumpkin pie, hummus, chicken gumbo.
As to the photo storage … I do suggest a cloud service. There are a myriad of choices, epending on your personal technology. iCloud, Google, Verizon cloud, etc. These all have a limited amount of free storage space and then you can choose to pay for more. If your internet is patchy are you able to go somewhere else where you can connect to a seecure WiFi?
Thanks, Susan! Yes, I need to look into faster wifi solutions (can’t get any faster where I live but I could probably go somewhere to upload).
First off, I love the new frames. Zenni is great for ordering some accessory glasses. I wear glasses everyday and to the gym too, so I like to have options.
Signature dish – homemade rolls or cookies. I also make a your Blackbean/Mango quinoa salad and it is a requested item.
love the game organization.
Thanks for the sunscreen tips, I need a new one for the face this summer as the old one is discontinued. Yikes. Always hard to start again.
Also the first picture, makes my heart melt. We use iCloud and google photos to back up.
Thanks, Susan!
Perfect timing with the sunscreen post! I have been struggling with my facial sunscreen and thought, I bet Mel would have a good recommendation! We store our photos on an external hard drive, AND it backs up regularly through an online cloud service. We set it to only back up at night, and it is such a peace of mind for me! We also use Google photos, which automatically backs up all our phone pics. (But I still download them off my phone onto the external drive regularly.)
That sounds like a cool system to have the external hard drive back up to a cloud service. My brain is spinning with all the options!!
My signature recipe is a homemade brownie recipe and pretzel salad. My family is quite disappointed when I don’t make and bring them to get togethers. We use google photos which works well for us.
That’s the sign of a true signature recipe!
Great thought provoking post! We will all end up with lots of good info!
– Hand cream – sounds interesting – how would you classify the “Volcano” scent ? Citrus? Floral? Herbaceous? I love this hand cream especially during cold Midwest winters,82,1,29193,1159026.htm#s=39166
– signature recipe – I’m sad to say I’m not sure I have one. I’m the guest who says what do you need and I fill in so I end up bringing many different things to parties/potlucks. Having said that one of the most popular things I’ve made is a version of this avocado tomato corn salad. If you love cilantro and fresh veggies it’s the best.
Another kind-of signature is a toasted walnut Gorgonzola compound butter for putting on steaks.
-photo storage great question I’m old school (cd’s of old videos (also download loaded to computer) stored in safety deposit box with flash drive of all photos which are on my computer and iCloud) so I can’t wait to hear some more current ideas !!
The volcano scent is light and a bit citrus-y with a hint of floral. Yes, that’s what I would say. It’s divine. And not obtrusive. Thanks for the link to the hand cream you love! And that recipe looks amazing!! Sounds like you DO have a signature recipe or two!
Ok, do you use goop now instead of elta, md? I LOVE elta md (both you and a derm recommended it) but I also did try the goop tinted sunscreen. I want to try the unseen too, but I love a tinted spf since I don’t wear other make up on top.
And digital…just google/overdrive?? Not perfect and not super organized. ah!
Not sure I have a signature recipe….maybe sweet potato black bean burritos or my husband and I make pretty good pizza!
And I just have a 3 and 6 year old. I did NOTHING to prep 6 year old for kindergarted/reading except reading to him. I feel like “that’s what school is for”…but maybe I should have done something else? Is it too late? I can always try on the younger one!
I use both! I’ll go into more details on my suncare post, but I’ve been using supergoop daily with Elta MD as my go to for more prolonged sun exposure. And no, I don’t think you necessarily need to prep them before school at all. You are doing just fine, mama! I just always wanted a little something learning-wise to do with them when they were home so that book fit the bill!
My signature recipe is Chex party mix! Now before you think of the awful varieties that are on the cereal boxes, my recipe is the oldest one there is for this snack. My friends and family go nuts over this stuff and it’s so special to make every Christmas!
Me, too, Becky ~ my story is exactly like yours! I’ve made it for wedding receptions and graduations, and chuckle every time!
Sounds yummy, Becky!
Oops! One more thought: I use the blurb online book tool instead of the download because I’ve been known to delete books accidentally:/ I also love that I can load pics anywhere with an internet connection…
Thanks, Kandis!
I have used carbonite for years now, and it did take FOREVER (like a few weeks?) to do the initial dump but now it is easy and seamless. Bonus, it’s so helpful when you get a new computer to just import all your files.
Thanks, Ellen! So many ideas to sort through!
#7: I turn my videos into a short monthly video with the vivavideo app (vimeo is good for iPhones) and upload to a private YouTube channel. Seriously takes 10 minutes. We share with friends/family and watch the old ones on Sunday mornings;)
I edit my pics in picasa into collages with info typed right on the pics, then load weekly or monthly to a blurb book that I print as a Christmas gift to myself;) They have a pdf version I order and save to my hard drive that I keep in emergency storage because I couldn’t carry all those books!
Love that video idea!
I love that book! I hope it works on my boys like it did for my daughter.
My signature dish is Pork Chili Verde. It’s the only dish I don’t follow a recipe when I make it and it’s always delicious.
I’m definitely going to get that sunscreen. I’m regretting my teen years of not wearing anything on my face.
Sometimes those are the best kinds of recipes!!
I have the teach your child to read book, it never worked for us. Too many tears and lost tempers on both sides. I have never been able to teach any of my kids to read, they hate it and refused. Of course they learned in school, but I wasn’t able to teach them. They all hate reading still and it breaks my heart because that’s all I want to do is read all day long! Maybe they see me doing that and that’s why they hate reading?
Signature recipe is almond puff. It’s a perfect blend of buttery, flakey crust with a deliciously sweet almond soufflé topping, then topped with a sweet almond glaze on top. Everyone raves about it and it’s gone in seconds.
Oh, I hear you. Definitely not a one size fits all with kids! There’s some things my kids hate to do that makes me so sad and I wonder if I’ve done something wrong?? Maybe they’ll come around to reading, you never know! Also, that almond puff sounds so yummy!
My signature recipe is either my spinach lasagna (with homemade marinara) or my apple crisp.
What a wonderful photo of your son and daughter. It makes me laugh just to look at her! Please keep us updated on the photo/video storage solutions. I also have a rural internet that struggles to upload anything and I have decades of photos that I need to save.
My signature dish is a buttermilk coffee cake. It is in my recipe file on a worn out and faded card that just says Coffee Cake–no other description needed!
I’ll compile a list! And I bet that coffee cake is divine!
Mel I think you’re awesome! I’m s sucker for all things that smell delicious. Can’t wait to try that lotion! Love your Friday thoughts
Thanks, Ashlee!
I love your Friday thoughts posts! My signature dish changes (many of them are your recipes), but one I’ve been known for for years is Bundt Bread. I really need to email you the recipe because I think it deserves a place on your site! And the photo dilemma. I use google photos and I like it, but I also have some super old photos that I need to figure out what to do with them. It’s overwhelming!
I just got your email. I AM SO EXCITED!!
Also I make yearly scrapbooks (not really detailed) on Blurb. Or rather that’s my goal and I’ve got 5 of 13 years done. Look up Eighteen 25 what she does. Then if I ever do lose things for some reason, I can just get those reprinted. The kids love to pull out their birth year and read their birth story and relive family trips
Yes! I’ve used blurb for my blog books. It’s a great idea that I need to keep in the rotation for photo storage.
I’m definitely going to order that reading book! My daughter just turned 5 and I’ve been doing phonics with her (how I learned to read) but I’m always looking for new resources.
I don’t really have a signature dish- I get bored so easily with food and sometimes I’ll make a new recipe that’s amazing and I always think to myself ‘I’ll have to remember this for the next time _____ (we have guests, go to a potluck, have no groceries etc)” and I never do! I’ll have to start a list I guess. I’ve had family ask me to make the same dish again and I have no idea what it was that I made the first time. Also if you wanted another higher SPF option, the Biore UV watery Rich sunscreen is SPF 50, available on amazon, absorbs nicely and isn’t greasy or white casting, plays nice under makeup, and is only $16 Canadian, so probably less for you. It’s been my go to face sunscreen for years, I’m extreme about skincare!
I hear you – I get bored easily, too. That’s why I have 100 versions of chocolate chip cookies on this site. Haha. Thanks for the sunscreen recommendation!
Zenni: we had a great experience ordering my husband’s glasses. He wanted these crazy expensive Oakley frames but I was able to find a very comparable pair and convinced him to give it a shot. So glad he did! Yours look adorable!
Signature recipes: White Texas Sheet Cake (make sure you use half vanilla, half almond extract), your Amazing Romaine Salad and Anne Burrell’s Focaccia bread. Also your vanilla buttercream with Cooking Classy’s Chocolate Layer Cake.
That’s awesome about your experience with Zenni! Love your signature recipes!!
We love Zenni! I’ve been using them since college when none of us had insurance. My persciption is really mild and it seems like a waste to spend big bucks on something that I hardly ever wear. My dad likes to get persciption sunglasses from them for driving.
How do you know when your child is ready to learn to read? My oldest is two. I really don’t want to be pushy at all. I didn’t want to even think about it until he’s in first grade but some of the other parents in my neighborhood said that if your kid can’t read when they enter kindergarten they are already behind? Is that true?
We use the photo service that comes with Amazon prime. We like it. The family vault feature is nice. It makes it easy to share pictures from family trips. But it doesn’t have very much video storage so we are still looking for a video solution.
That’s a good question about reading. All of my kids were a bit different. When I felt like they had a pretty good attention span to listen to me read to them, I would start to look for the signs that they were noticing letters and/or sounding things out. With a couple of my kids, we started the lessons in this book…and then stopped. And I tried again several months later and it worked MUCH better. I do not think they are behind if they aren’t reading in kinder but maybe that’s school district dependent. Certainly not here! They can get a good foundation in most schools.
Let’s see. I’ve never ordered glasses there because once we sold the bakery that I didn’t want in the first place, I got LASIK! So that’s my favorite! My signature recipe in my family is your pizza, potlucks is any of the chocolate chip cookie bars (it depends on my mood), and those are really my constants. There’s too many yummy things to make! We have an external hard drive that both hubby and I know to grab in case of emergency. My cousin had her phone pictures saved to her phone and 2 cloud services, and somehow she lost 18 months of pictures, including a trip to Disneyland, and her baby’s first year of life. So I don’t know how much I trust clouds.
Yay for LASIK! And that makes me just so sad about your cousin’s pictures. Ack!
These posts are my favorite. Two signature recipes (for which you always get credit): 1. Green Chile Chicken Enchiladas. 2. A variation on your red wine dressing from the “Gourmet Green Salad” post.
Thanks, Sidney!
“How to Teach Kids to Read Thoughts” – I thought we were going to discuss mind reading. Darn, lol! Guess I’ll have to keep telling my kids to do work around the house the old fashioned way. Thanks for the sunscreen update! I was just about to buy one.
I thought the same thing!
Haha. I know! Bad wording on my part!
So were the glasses cheap? I am in the same boat as you – I pay a ridiculous amount to get new glasses to have the coke bottle lenses whittled down to a reasonable size. I would LOVE a cheaper option that would allow me to have more than one pair!
They were much cheaper than buying them through an office, but because I paid for high index lenses, I’d say they were right around $95. However several of my friends have lower prescriptions and pay $25!
1. I was buying cheap reading glasses at Walmart twice a month due to their fragility. When I realized this negated any savings I went with (during a 50% sale). I love how they tilt!
2. I’m aging myself here: “Hooked on Phonics” was THE reading program when my kids were young…is it even around any more?
6. Supergoop…I heard about this some years ago when a professional tennis player (Sharapova??) became co-owner. I remember thinking it had to be pretty good since those tennis players are in the sun all the time!
7. aaah, photo storage! External hard drive for me too although I do remember all those years of making yearly CD’s (always two–one to keep at home and one for my parents to keep just in case a photo catastrophe struck!!)
Thanks, Sandra! I do think Hooked on Phonics is around but just in a totally different format.
This is a completely different topic, but I know where to find help. We started having a potluck once a month after church. I don’t know why I feel so intimidated about cooking for it. Do you have post to take the fear out of potluck dinners?
Hey Kelly, I don’t have a potluck post but it’s a good idea! Tell me what stresses you out the most??
Hey, Mel! Love the Friday Thoughts posts- love all your posts, as per usual! I also store my games sideways and it has made a huge difference in being able to keep the game closet clean! I don’t have any thoughts for #7 because we haven’t figured that out yet, so I’ll be watching for ideas here. I also don’t have a signature recipe at the moment but people usually like my green salads (doesn’t sound exciting but a good green salad can go a long way, which I know you know). Also, I totally love Capri blue lotion- best scent ever! I have been burning the Bath and Body Works Peach Bellini candle in my home the past few weeks and I think I’m addicted. It literally lifts my mood with its scent. You might like it if you’re a candle person (or even if not- I wasn’t a candle person until I found this!). Thanks for the tip on the reading book- I need a good tool for one of my kids. Also, glad the glasses worked out! I know how important it is to have good devices (for me, hearing) when a sense starts to have issues. Happy for you! Hope all is well with you and yours. Sending love and hugs! (Oh, and on a dark chocolate note, I have been treating myself to Lindt 90% dark chocolate bars… they are so smooth, so creamy, and so dark, I can’t get enough! From one dark chocolate lover to another 🙂 .) Love ya!
This is probably to obvious to be helpful, but I use Google photos. It’s free and automatically backs up. I’m just a snap shot kinda girl with limited space on my iPhone, which why I use it. But it does have some cool search features to find pix lost in the depths.
*too obvious
Lots of people saying google photos works for them!
Thanks for the recommendations on the sunscreen(and the bum bum cream). I have a tough time trying to find one that doesn’t feel greasy and can be used as a moisturizer. I’m gonna have to order that asap. Can’t wait for your sunscreen/skin cancer update. My signature dish right now is enchiladas and probably queso dip. We don’t do the rotel tomatoes in our its just beef and hate to (but not really) cheez-whiz with some spices.
Thanks, Courtney! Signature recipes are the best (love a good queso dip!)
I’ve used that book to teach my older 4 to read and will start using it on my fifth this fall. Love/hate it! Ha.
My signature dish may be black bean and corn salsa (I get Asked to bring it to a lot of dinners) or my brownies.
Haha. YES. Love/hate it too, my friend
Did you have to get rid of any games or is that all just reorganization?? We have a lot, too, but I’m not ready to part with any of them! ha
All our photos since 2015 are in the cloud on Google Photos, but I guess I need to figure something out with my older pictures, too! Interested to see what people recommend!
I sent about 10 to the thrift store that we didn’t play anymore but that’s it!
My signature dish is lemon pound cake with a little jar of blueberry sauce I can every summer. People seem to enjoy it.