Using the microwave, this easy peppermint bark fudge is simple to make, and the rich chocolate, white chocolate and peppermint flavors are delicious! Wow....
This loaded broccoli cheese bacon soup is full of hearty veggies, cheddar cheese, and crisp bacon! It takes broccoli cheese soup to a whole...
Filled with delightful holiday flavors, these cranberry orange white chocolate scones are ultra-tender, quick to make, and so delicious. Oh my, these festive scones...
This brownie peppermint bark pudding trifle is a showstopper! All the delicious flavors of brownies and peppermint bark are wrapped up in one incredible...
This cranberry-pecan Thanksgiving slaw recipe is so delicious! A zesty vinaigrette adds flavor to the crunchy and fresh slaw ingredients. The perfect compliment to...
This slow cooker turkey breast is flavorful and moist and is a perfect easy-but-fancy dinner all year round. Bonus: the gravy makes itself! This...