Search Results
Your search for "cookie bar" returned 403 results:
These brown butter pumpkin oatmeal chocolate chip cookies are phenomenal. Simple and so delicious, they bake up soft and chewy instead of thick and...
These are the best chocolate crinkle cookies! They are a delightful cross between a soft, chewy chocolate cookie and a rich, fudgy brownie. They...
These birthday cake sugar cookies are cute AND delicious! The dough is pressed instead of cut out which makes them so easy to make....
This triple berry rhubarb pie is exceptional! A juicy berry rhubarb filling topped with a delicious streusel makes it one of the best pies...
These vegan peanut butter oatmeal chocolate chip cookies are incredible! Easy to make (no mixer needed!), they are super soft and so yummy! Meet...
Deliciously soft and chewy, these easy lemon sugar cookies are a simple drop cookie (no rolling or cutting out), and they are amazing! Thanks...
Get ready for the most decadent cookie you’ll ever meet. These no-bake chocolate peanut butter buckeye cookies are incredible (and easy)! It was about...
These quick and easy cinnamon roll blondie bars are delightful! Swirled cinnamon + sugar cookie dough is topped with a cream cheese drizzle. These...
These soft and chewy chocolate ginger molasses cookies are amazing! A twist on a beloved classic, the fresh ginger takes them over the top....
These raspberry white chocolate blondie bars are incredible! A buttery cookie base is topped with raspberry jam, MORE cookie batter and almonds. Wow! Ok,...
These double chocolate s’mores cookies are cute, fun and delicious! Fudgy chocolate cookie + marshmallows + graham crackers + more chocolate! Talk about a...
Creamy, light and so delicious, these lemon white chocolate cream bars are going to be the best dessert of summer. I’m calling it now....