Enjoy the deliciousness of gluten-free Monster Cookies only in bar form (much easier but just as tasty!). When I don’t have time to make...
Soft, fluffy sugar cookie bars topped with a luscious, tart lemon glaze. A super simple treat that’s sure to please the ultimate lemon lover!...
Fudge sandwiched between layers of graham cracker, toffee and cookie dough makes these fudgy toffee chocolate chip cookie bars irresistible. Do you see that...
These cheesecake stuffed chocolate chip cookie bars are amazingly, tremendously, awfully wonderful. What do you get when you take a cold, Northern climate dotted...
These glorious S’mores cookie bars have a buttery, graham cracker base and fissures of gooey marshmallow and decadent chocolate running throughout. These glorious blondie...
Simple and elegant, these gingerbread cookie cheesecake bars are the perfect holiday mashup dessert! Gingerbread + cheesecake = WOW! Do you have room in...
All the flavors of classic 7-layer bars wrapped up in a deliciously chewy, soft, creamy and all together amazing cookie! Don’t hate me for...
If you still need some holiday baking inspiration, below you’ll find 18 of my favorite Christmas cookies and bars. They are special. And delicious....
A thin, buttery, chewy cookie, these Heath Bar cookies are deliciously nutty and filled with crunchy toffee bits! You really can’t go wrong. “C...
If you like chocolate chips, cookie dough and cheesecake, these chocolate chip cookie dough cheesecake bars are for you! They are simply fantastic. Wow....
Using the microwave, this easy peppermint bark fudge is simple to make, and the rich chocolate, white chocolate and peppermint flavors are delicious! Wow....
This brownie peppermint bark pudding trifle is a showstopper! All the delicious flavors of brownies and peppermint bark are wrapped up in one incredible...