Snapshot Saturday
There is something about having a baby in the house during the holidays that is simply magical. I love how Cam’s presence in our family makes us (yes, makes) slow down a little. Her schedule rules the family and it’s a blessing, actually. I’m prone to the syndrome of going-crazy-during-the-holidays and I hate the feeling of rushing, rushing, rushing. This year is special. We spend a lot of time sitting around watching Miss C roll around and try to grab the Christmas tree. When I’m feeding her peas in her high chair, the boys sit at the counter and recite their Christmas lists out loud to her. She waves her arms in approval and they giggle. She snuggles with us at night when we turn the house lights off and listen to Josh Groban’s Silent Night over and over with the glow of the Christmas tree lights. It’s heartwarming to see how my boys’ eyes light up when she gets excited about something new (i.e. the first time she saw the Christmas tree or the first time she heard the boys screeching their lungs out to Alvin and the Chipmunks – perhaps excitement was replaced by fear in that moment, actually).
Yes, of course it’s still a crazy busy time of year. Yes, I think there are way too many holiday parties in a 3-week span, and yes, it can be stressful fitting in all the shopping, cooking, wrapping, and who knows what else, especially when there are other particular stresses in financial and family life.
But I feel that those worries are muted with our own little babe. She reminds us that family is what matters. That love grows strong in small spaces. Her sweet, innocent presence helps us remember another baby born long, long ago. We are so very blessed.
It truly is the most wonderful time of the year! We are looking forward to some of our favorite holiday traditions: decorating Gingerbread sleds, listening to Christmas music at night (like mentioned above, although I’m hiding Alvin and the Chipmunks far, far away) and unwrapping Christmas books recycled from past years to read each night. I hope you are able to step back from the frenetic pace of the holidays and enjoy what matters most to you. Let the holiday season begin! (Ok, so actually, we’ve been going strong since the day after Thanksgiving, but now that it’s finally December, I feel like I can acknowledge it officially.)
If you’d like to check out past Snapshot Saturdays, click HERE.
Your recipes are so wonderful, but I must confess these Saturday snapshots are better! this one is a lesson for all. Thank you.
Great post. We get so hurried this time of year, forgetting what is truly most important – family, family, family!
Beautiful, Melanie!!! Just exquisitely written. Merry Christmas to you!!
What a beautiful picture! We too are slowing down this Christmas. I have a 2 1/2 week old baby and a 2 and 4 year old. We have had to slow down a lot and really decide what matters most. I love that I have an excuse for not going to everything (or anything) and not doing everything. I think I’ll remember this in years to come :-).
To me, Christmas is all about family….and you described it beautifully, Mel
I absolutely loved this post! It speaks truth! Babes=magic!
So tender, Mel. Thank you for sharing such beautiful insights and honest thoughts. You truly are an inspiration to me. May God bless you fully as you carry on the most important work of this mortal journey–motherhood. You are a wonderful person and I look up to you! 🙂
Joan (and others) – the search bar should be fixed now!
I just want to thank you for sharing. I Google homemade hot chocolate mix and came across your site. I haven’t made it yet. But I love your simple instructions. I’ve skim through the rest of your recipes and have quite a few things I’ll be trying out this week.
I so agree. My third was born the end of November, we had waited for him for 8 looooong years. I have to say that was the most magical Christmas. I secretly loved the excuse of not having to go to every single holiday party and we could hole up in our cozy christmas house and snuggle our baby. Such sweet memories.
Christ truly is the reason for the season. You combine the love of Christ with the countless blessings we share and this time of year is a time of gratitude. My son is 6 and this magical season brings with it such appreciation for my little family. The innocence of a child, the pure joy of a child is such a tender, special experience. Thanks for the post. We have much to be grateful for…we just need to remember to slow down and enjoy what matters most.
Thanks for the post. So wonderful. And thanks for the year-round recipes. I love your blog and have made many, many good foods from it. Also wanted to mention – I’m having trouble with the search engine on your Website. Is it working for others? Whatever I type in, it always says ” this page cannot be found.” Thank you, Mel.
This glimpse of your family life during this holiday season (plus that precious photo!) really pulls at my heart strings. Merry Christmas, Mel, to you and your precious family.
You are so amazing. I loved this post. And you most definitely made me baby hungry! 🙂
I’m enjoying by granddaugher who is 20 months and the excitement she feels for all the Christmas things that are new to her…it’s infectious to say the least and next year this time she will have a little sister or brother to appreciate the wonder of it all!!!
I loved this post — such great writing and it evoked tender feelings as I read it. It reminds me of a family Christmas letter posted for all of your followers to get a glimpse of your sweet life. “Love grows strong in small spaces.” That must speak volumes for you right now in your new place on this first Christmas for your little one. I hope you have a happy month and peaceful Christmas!
What a sweet post. Thank you for sharing!
This is such a beautiful post. Happy holidays to you and your family.
Thank you – I have been waiting for this picture. What a precious one! That sweet brother is as precious as Miss Cam! Such mutual love they have for each other and it shows! Your thoughts brought tears today of times gone by, family grown up and loved ones far away. Life happens fast – hope you never lose sight of the importance of slowing down – not just at Christmas – and enjoying your family. Jesus is Love.
How sweet is this! My new baby is due any day now (well, actually yesterday, but let’s not talk about that), and I’m so excited to have a tiny newborn at Christmas.
What a wonderful post! I love to hear that families are slowing down and treasuring family time. My girls are all grown and have lives of their own – so we don’t spend as much time together as we used to – which means family time is so much more special.
Thanks for your great recipes throughout the year – and keep hugging the little ones!
Thankyou for your ‘slowing down’ post. We should all do it and your gentle reminder just made me dump my whole schedule for today. Really no one will even notice if I don’t have all those cookies baked, or all the decorating done. Today I resolve to do what I makes me happy. Selfish perhaps, but today I am the only one here..LOL with a terrific head cold.
Also, your recipes are staples in our household and at my hubby’s firehall. He has been cooking them all this year and the guys love them and ask for some of the same things over and over.
Mel…You Rock!! Merry Christmas to you and yours and thankyou very much for sharing.
This post nearly brought me to tears! So sweet! I am loving the seeing the magic of Christmas this year as my 2 year old is just recognizing what’s going on, but things already feel super busy. Thank you for the reminder to slow down a little and just cherish my family and the season. Merry Christmas to your sweet family!
Thank you for your post. What a precious time you are enjoying! Touched my heart. My boys are in the teens now. I remember those special Christmas memories when they were small. Such a wonderful way to reflect on the reason for Christmas. Thanks for sharing!
If I don’t have a baby, does a puppy count? LOL
It IS necessary to try to find some peace and space to enjoy the important things we have amongst the commercial whirlwind that is this time of year. That pic is magical Mel!
Yes, you are indeed so Blessed. You have touched on the real meaning of Christmas – Christ, Love and Family. Thanks for reminding me – I smiled when reading your entry today – heart warming.
It is so special having a baby around at Christmas! My favorite Christmas was two years ago when my youngest was 5 months old. All those things you described sound so familiar….her wonder at all the pretty lights, her fascination with watching her big sisters act crazy to silly Christmas songs. It makes me a little sad thinking about it. I miss having a baby in the house. Enjoy the holiday season, and thanks for sharing a glimpse into your sweet family’s life!