Video Tip: How to Shape Perfectly Round Dinner Rolls {Bonus: Shaping Hamburger and Hot Dog Buns, Too}
After last week’s crazy popular garlic tutorial from my brother-in-law, Danny, I’m not sure I can top his energy and minions (although I do look pretty excited in this picture which should give you a clue just how nerdy and happy I am about sharing a tutorial on shaping dinner rolls), however, I am forging onward to share with you a tip that is requested all the time: how to shape those perfectly perfect round dinner rolls.
Plus, I love you so much, I gave you two bonus sections: how to shape hamburger buns and how to shape hot dog buns.
Can you even stand it? I know. It’s too exciting for words.
So get on with it! Take a look at how I shape my favorite all-purpose roll dough into these three classic shapes. I’m pretty sure your life will never be the same.
P.S. If you have a kitchen/cooking/baking tip you are dying to see shown in video, leave your suggestions in the comments!
Remember all of the video tips can be seen on the main Video Tips page as well as on Mel’s Kitchen Cafe You Tube channel.
Can you make these rolls using strong white bread flour?
This video was so helpful! Thank you!
Just have my hamburger rolls sitting for the last rise so haven’t baked them yet… I hope they turn out, but I couldn’t get them to roll into balls. They rounded nicely under my palm but were flat on the bottom. Hopefully this won’t matter, but I wonder what could have caused this? No-one else seems to have had this happen. (my apologies for the duplicate comment, couldn’t figure out how to delete the other one)
It’s ok if they are flat on the bottom! As long as they rounded on top, they should be fine!
I’m making sandwich buns for a funeral. How many rolls will I get per bread recipe if I use 3 oz. per bun? I’m trying to figure out how many batches I need to make.
Are you using the French Bread rolls recipe? If so, you’ll get about 10-12 per batch.
Loved you video. It was exactly what I was looking for the how to. I made them and not only were they easy they came out perfectly. Thanks
Hi, I really enjoyed your video. I am so new at making rolls. It never turns out. What do you put on top of them while they raise. Thank you
Hi Tracie – I usually use a white flour sack towel or greased plastic wrap.
So this may sound so ignorant, but do you need to change the cooking times for the different sizes? And if so, how long are the cooking times? (for the hoagie size too)
Hey Jessica – great question! I will sometimes add 30 seconds but usually I stick with the same timeframe.
Loved the video! Great fun to watch and useful information. I just wish you had shown the finished product too!
Loving your videos!!! I really hope you do one about kneading dough by hand. My KA broke and I am saving up for a Bosche and in the mean time I am having to hand-knead and even though I bake at a restaurant once a week – I don’t have a good technique for hand-kneading!!
Thank you so much for making this video. I’m a noobie when it comes to baked goods so this was very informative and fun – exactly what I hope for in any cooking video!
First of all I love your site! My husband and I were watching your tutorial and you are fantastic. My husband used to manage a bakery and he suggests when making the hamburger buns instead of pressing them down individually, you grab a piece of parchment paper (spray the paper with Pam) and another pan and press down. He says doing this makes all of the buns proof and look the same. And I am sure maybe a little easier. Just thought I would pass along the tip.
I am relatively new to your blog. I keep coming back to this tutorial for the weights that you use for the perfect size buns. For the life of me I can never remember the weight. Would it be possible to list the weights in the text so I don’t have to watch the video every time? Or if I am blind and just didn’t seem them feel free to point that out too 🙂
Melanie – I use about 2.5 ounces of dough for dinner rolls (and about 3 or so ounces for hamburger buns).
I would love to see a video on making yeast dough. Your pictures for the French Bread dough have helped a lot, but I just feel like I never really know how sticky to keep it and how long to knead with a mixer, etc. Seeing you in action would be so helpful!!
This is a great video. Your email was helpful, but I’m a visual learner and this just solidified what you told me before. i think I have been so focused on not over flouring that this last batch I actually underfloured (is that a word?) . So that was a helpful tip on the video. Thanks again!
I am so happy you did this video tutorial. I made these rolls for a luncheon today, and they looked better than any other rolls I’ve ever made- thanks to your secret rolling technique. I also never thought to weigh my dough, and when I did they came out perfectly sized. Thank you!!!
hey! thanks for the video! i love your website!!! 🙂 what was your ratio of wheat to white in this recipe. i used wheat the last time i made it too but was curious to know what you did. i think i did 3 cups wheat and 1 cup white?? can’t remember.
thanks again!
Amanda – I never really measure, but usually it’s about 3 parts whole wheat flour to 1 part white flour (and sometimes, I use 100% whole wheat).
I love the tricks and videos–I used the olive and tomato cutting trick and it worked like charm!–but 8 minutes is entirely too long. If you can cut it down to, “use this recipe, weigh each serving so they are all exactly… and roll like this. Tootsie Roll music. Voila, the pan is filled. 1 minute. Now on to hamburger buns.” Then it would be perfect. Thanks for running such a great, helpful blog!
Okay, it’s confession time… I also weigh the hamburger meat so every patty is exactly the same size! My husband thinks I’m nuts, but he admits that I make the best looking burgers. He comes from a family where they just grab a handful of meat and smash it down with their hand. The patties are all different sizes and cooked at various degrees of doneness. Now, THAT drives me nuts! Great video, Mel. You make everything look so easy.
That’s the same way I shape my rolls and I learned by working at good old Great Harvest Bread in Provo. If you really want to be a pro though, you divide all the dough up first, then roll them with both hands going at the same time. Best arm workout ever!
Thank you Mel! I ask my son almost everyday what Mel is making for dinner so we can decide what we will make. I don’t know how I ever lived without you. Thanks for all the time you put into sharing your knowledge with us.
You are awesome! This is my all time favorite French bread dough recipe. I use it all. the. time. I have never made hot dog buns though, might have to give that a try. Although I’m selfish and if I’m not going to eat the disgusting hot dog, I’m probably not going to make you a yummy bun to eat yours on. 😉
Mel, I’ve been such a big fan of yours for many years. I didn’t think it was possible to love you more but with these amazing videos, I do! You are too cute and these videos are so helpful! I made homemade hamburger buns a few weekends ago and I wish I would’ve known your way of rolling them. 🙂 Keep up the videos and the great work, girl! ♥
I have been making my rolls like this since reading one of your posts a while back… Seriously…life changing! I love your videos!
Awesome choice of Tootsie Roll!! I want to make some rolls!!
Loved the video and I love how you keep it real!
So I have never done my rolls this way, I always shape and pinch them at the bottom…
I do the slide and tuck like my momma always did.
Do the rolls come out of the oven with smooth tops when you roll them on the counter? I’m anal about how smooth the tops. We all have our thing we are particular about! 🙂
mommy of 4 – I’m not sure how smooth you like them, but yes, I think these come out with really smooth tops after baking. If you compare methods, let me know!
Your videos are awesome!
This one reminded me of my grandma. She was THE baker in her native town and made ‘conchas’ (sweet mexican bread) tons of them everyday.
She rolled her bread the same way you do yours, but she would roll two at a time, one in each hand. By doing that she felt how equal they were in size. It was so fun to see her being a baker and rolling that much bread (what it seemed to me) in no time.
You know what I love about this video? The fact that you have a big beautiful kitchen! Especially with the kitchen you were living in before that was tiny! You so deserve that awesomeness!
I had to comment on this before I even watch it! (It’s late and I’m to head for bed, so I’ll check it out in morning) But you are just the cutest thing ever!
For your hoagie rolls do you do the same thing as the hot dog buns, just bigger?
Karri – pretty much. But I use probably 5 ounces of dough and make them slightly wider.
Thanks for the great tips! I make your roll recipe all the time for rolls and buns and have not yet mastered the “shaping” part. 🙂 This video helps a lot. Your blog is my favorite – keep up the great work! 🙂
Love it. Thanks!
Ok, now I KNOW we’d be BFFs if we knew each other! “Tootsie Roll” just clinched it for me. And the cupboard door made me laugh. Keep the videos coming!
Mel, you are seriously too cute ! You are a natural in front of the camera and should have your own cooking show on 🙂 I haven’t made all of your recipes but love the ones I have tried. Keep um comin !
You are darling!
Great video! For the hotdog buns, I use the size and shape of the hotdog I’m using as a guide for how to shape the dough. Works perfect every time!
Love the video tips! I would love for you to show how you cut and arrange your bread sticks. It is one of our favorite recipes but I always seems to end up with crazy shaped bread!
Great job!!! I love making rolls, and hamburger buns! So fun 😀
Great Job Mel, Loving your new tip segment!!!!
My mom knows I’m visiting because all the cabinet doors are open! This video made me make rolls today! Now I need to find something to fill them with for dinner!
Just have my hamburger rolls sitting for the last rise so haven’t baked them yet… I hope they turn out, but I couldn’t get them to roll into balls. They rounded nicley under my palm but were flat on the bottom. Hopefully this won’t matter, but I wonder what could have caused this? No-one else seems to have had this happen.
If I remember correctly, this is your 2nd video, right? (The other was your brother). In your 1st video wasn’t there a cabinet door open? There is in this one too! Maybe you should have a contest to see who can spot the open door in every video. BTW: I’m excited to try this for making rolls! Mine usually turn out funny shaped! Do you have a tick for a long loaf of French bread? Mine always looks lumpy.
Beth, I know! I could have died when I was editing the video and saw that darn cabinet open. There was NO way I was going to refilm but yeah, I should do a “where’s Waldo” type contest except with my open kitchen cabinets. As for the french bread, I usually pat the dough into a thick rectangle and then kind of roll it up, pinching the sides and the seam.
Best thing about this video is the music choice! Lol…the dinner rolls are pretty awesome too. 🙂
Thanks for the tips! We are in love with the french bread rolls at our house. I would love to see how to cut up an onion the easy way! I am embarrassed to say it; but I always use dehydrated onions because I hate cutting up onions. I have seen it on food network a couple of times and they are done super fast. Thanks for all of the tips!
I’m making your french bread rolls today, so this is very timely! I never would have guessed how you roll the dough…I usually pull and pinch the dough under, but I like your way better!
I’m a crazy kitchen scale lady, too, so I’m glad to know how much each roll should weigh 🙂
Crazy Kitchen Scale Ladies Unite 😉
I’m officially in love with you now. You’re adorable! And I love that you played Tootsie Roll in the background. Hahahaha!
I started baking all our bread products about 4 years ago, and I used the exact same method, and I do weigh my dough. It’s not only easy, but I think it is just a lot of fun and my Hubby brags on all my roll to the point that I’m embarrassed. I’ll bet yours does, too. But I have a question……my scale is getting old and I need to replace it because I have noticed that it is no longer accurate. I love that little scale, but if it has to go, it has to go. What brand is yours, please?
GREAT video, Mel!
Hi Barbara – I have this kitchen scale:
It’s simple, inexpensive and it’s been great for the last 8 months or so I’ve had it. (Plus it has over 5,000 five star reviews…)
I’d never seen that method for round dinner rolls! I’ll have to give it a try next time.
You are one chatty lady! 😉
I loved the video! Thanks for the tips! And for letting me know I’m not the only crazy one weighing my dough! 😉 I have found that placing a baking sheet on top of the hamburger and hot dog buns while they rise gives them a perfect shape while still allowing them to get puffier all around! I love your blog!
Oh yes, thank you!
gah! So cute! I love your videos! And I love your music choice, hehe!