Friday Thoughts
Hey, friends!
How is the fall treating you??
It’s time for a quick Friday Thoughts check-in. We’ve got everything from memes to mental health today.
I love these posts because of everything you share in the comments. They’re my favorite. YOU are my favorite(s).
1. Two memes to sum up my existence right now.

That koala bear meme. Please tell me I’m not the only parent that can relate with that one.
And also, the reason I feel like a permanently exhausted pigeon is almost certainly because of the second item in today’s Friday Thoughts lineup.
2. Piglets, piglets, piglets.
If you follow my faux farm account on Instagram, you’ll know that our kunekune pig momma, Olivia, had a litter of piglets 2 1/2 weeks ago. And oh my gosh, they are the cutest things ever. But they are also so much work!
The original plan was to time the litter birth for when the kids were home from school in the summer, but the best laid plans didn’t account for the pigs taking forever to “get the job done” if you know what I mean.
So. I’ve been largely responsible for the piglets while the kids are at school. And to say these little zoomie rascals are more than I bargained for is an understatement.
We lost one in the first few days to a birth defect, another one has struggled to thrive so I’m constantly trying to keep her eating and growing, and they’re so adorable, that, yes, I spend a lot of time sitting out in the pig hut watching them play, because I can’t tear myself away. #pigsoverpeople
Three of the kids invested their savings in the adult kunekune pigs in the hopes of making their investment back by selling piglets. So, here we are. It’s been an adventure!
If you go to the PIGLETS highlights on Instagram, you’ll see all the antics from the last few weeks. Warning: turns out, piglet content is highly addictive.
3. My Friend Maria
I want to tell you about someone really amazing. My friend, Maria.
Earlier this year, Brian came home from work and asked if I still had the reading book I used when our kids were learning how to read. When I asked him why, he said a sweet lady he works with (Maria) had come to his office asking if he had any resources or places that could help her because she didn’t know how to read.
He explained that Maria is one of the most hard working employees at the plant, that she raised five kids as a single mom, and that she is also smart, kind, quiet, and a caretaker of others. Her life has been challenging in ways he and I will never be able to fully understand.
I pulled out my old reading lesson book for Brian to take to work…and immediately felt this strong desire to help Maria learn to read, even though she and I didn’t know each other yet.
After Brian helped arrange things at work, Maria and I started getting together every morning (4X a week) back in May to do reading lessons together. I doubted I’d be a very good teacher, but it turns out, this rather old-fashioned book is just as effective teaching adults to read as it is teaching kids to read!
Of course, the main reason for success is because of Maria’s heart. Her determination. Her unfailing willingness to keep trying. She persevered even after years of being told by many, many people that she was stupid because she couldn’t read and that she’d never be able to learn.
Over the last five months, Maria and I started out each lesson together talking about life and family and stresses and food and teenagers and everything in between…and…eventually we got to the reading part. 🙂
I legitimately have tears in my eyes as I’m typing this, because Maria has become such a dear friend and inspiration to me.
She’s taught me that it’s never too late to learn something new or try something hard (especially learning to read in English when your first language is Spanish). She’s taught me it’s ok to cry (she has the kindest heart in the entire world).
She’s taught me that in an era of fiery personalities, divisive opinions, and front and center merit for being “the best,” there’s a quiet, steady power in working hard every day to make your way in a world that most likely won’t ever notice, or reward, you.
And she’s definitely taught me to be more grateful for the opportunities I’ve had in life that too often I take for granted.
The first day that Maria read her first “real” word (it was ‘mat’), she stopped, shook her head, and with absolute awe in her voice kept repeating: wow, wow, wow. She couldn’t believe she was reading. (I was biting my lip HARD under my mask to keep myself from bawling that day.) Now, she’s reading full stories with dialogue and plots and characters. She told me that she feels like a whole new world has been opened to her now that she can read.
She just finished this book about brave Clara Barton. But to me, Maria is the bravest of all. She has defied circumstances stacked against her that would spell devastation for most of us, and she has done so with integrity, kindness, and endless, endless hard work. I’m so grateful to know her.
4. Halloween (cough, hater)
Are you a Halloween lover or hater?
I’m in the hater camp. I’m sorry if that causes some of you shock, dismay, disappointment, and horror. I just don’t find many redeemable qualities in this holiday. I’m a Verified Halloween Scrooge.
Except for, sometimes, the food. Like, the cutesy monster cookie type food.
Some years, we’ll decorate these fun little spooky houses (or a kit from Trader Joe’s or Costco). And if I’m really on my A-game, on Halloween night we’ll do dinner in a pumpkin or these mummy dogs.
Do you have any fun Halloween food traditions?
{P.S. Before anyone gets really worried, yes, my kids go trick-or-treating, but the process of finding a costume around here is…very much a create-your-own type situation.}
5. I’ve Gotta Know
Someone told me recently you can tell a lot about a person whether they wear crocs in public or not.
So. I have to know. Do you??
I do. Unashamedly. My kids have had crocs for years. I’ve had no real strong opinion about them. Earlier this year, they got me a pair for Mother’s Day.
I wear them constantly. I hope we can still be friends.
Tell me your deep, dark thoughts about crocs. This is a judgment free zone.
6. Believe it or Not
This second son of mine is turning 16 a week from today. Many of you have been around since he was just four years old. (INSANE IN THE MEMBRANE.)
He’s evolved into a hilarious, witty, smart, hard-working young man who loves to take selfies on my phone during church while I’m painfully playing my way through the hymns on the organ.
I have a few ideas up my sleeve for his birthday but I can’t type them out here, because I know from regular comments left on my blog that he and his friends often read here during math class (ahem, BOYS, get back to work!).
Please share any of your sweet sixteen birthday ideas below!
7. Catch Up and Struggles
Catching up from the last Friday Thought’s post:
- Thank you for all the planner recommendations! I seriously spent hours researching different planners for next year. I’m not sure what I’ll settle on yet, but you definitely gave me some great ideas. You’re the best. (Some of the most common recommendations were Passion Planners, Emily Ley planners, Golden Coil, Planner Pads, Erin Condren, In the Leafy Treetops, bullet journals/planners, Plum Paper, Jordan Page productivity planners and a few others!)
- Also, we started watching Crash Landing on You on Netflix like hundreds of you suggested. 🙂 My boys didn’t stick around long, but Brian and I have liked it a lot. It’s quirky and funny and unique. Highly recommend!
I don’t talk about my personal struggles much on here, but for me, 2021 has been a hard year. I know I’m not alone. It’s been a difficult couple of years for the entire world! For me, 2021 has been filled with difficulties and stresses and challenges and heartache that have kind of rocked my foundation on a lot of levels.
I deleted these paragraphs a million times because I don’t want this to be a call for attention or a sympathy plea. Mostly, I just want to acknowledge that sometimes online and social media posts do a really good job of masking real life and real challenges. But I feel like it is important to acknowledge that life (and mental health) rarely fit into a neat, pretty little box.
If you’ve had a hard year (or years), just know that you aren’t alone. I’m slowly and stubbornly learning that it’s ok to admit I’m not ok. That’s a monumental step for me. And after getting awkwardly ghosted by a therapist earlier this year, I’m finally brave enough (I think!) to try again so I can get some help sorting through the chaos in my brain and bolster some puny coping skills.
Thanks for being here. I say that a lot, but I really, really mean it.
I am certainly grateful for all of you that allow me to be very, very human even when society seems to prize and reward unsustainable and misleading perfection. I’m so grateful YOU are real and beautifully imperfect, too.
Love your guts.
One of my favorite quotes is from the song, “Anthem” by Leonard Cohen:
Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack, a crack in everything
That’s how the light gets in
We are all cracked, wounded, and a work in progress. Being open and sharing is how the healing can occur. You’re a beautiful soul, Mel. Thank you for sharing your struggles. It lets us know we are not alone in the challenges.
Thank you Mel, for talking about mental health. I struggle with depression and had an especially hard time during the quarantine. It’s being brave and sharing our stories that bring healing. Admitting you need help is so important too.
Thanks for reinforcing that we are not alone!
And, your piglets are adorable! I’m sure I’d watch them all day too.❤️
Thanks for sharing Maria’s story. That is your story too. You made the world a better place for her, and you. ng
I missed reading this but had to come back–because I just love you, Mel! You’ve inspired me many times in many ways. I love your story about Maria.
I agree completely with your Halloween thoughts.
I think Crocs are ugly but totally wear them too…functionality over fashion for me every time!
Thanks for hanging in there and continuing to be your positive self despite the hard years.
Hi Mel,
Love this site, your recipes, friday thoughts, piglets, and your honesty…. Hate Halloween and neutral on crocs.
I admire you greatly and while no life is perfect I love how you embrace your life with all the messy – I bet you have a great laugh!
Thank you for sharing your recipes and your life….reading your site is a highlight for me!
Mel, thank you for being so fun and so real. I love the memes- Yes to all of it! And the piglets! *Swoon* So cool that you get to help Maria and she in turn has blessed your life too. Thank you for helping us all be inspired by her amazing-ness! And thank you for being real about Halloween!!!! I know people who LOVE it and I have wanted to love it too for so long but I really just don’t (I feel this pressure to make it fun for my family but I would prefer to curl up and watch a non-scary movie) and it’s sooooo nice to know that I’m not alone. I also invite my children to pull out the halloween boxes and figure out their costumes. 🙂
I don’t wear crocks ever but that’s mostly cuz I have feet issues and have to wear special, expensive shoes all the time!
And lastly, I am a HUGE fan of counseling and have been blessed for many years in having a great counselor. Self care and mental health affect everything in our lives and I’m glad we are slowly destigmatizing mental health and asking for help! Thanks for normalizing it! Love your recipes and your realness and your Friday Thoughts posts! (Sorry about the long comment- I just wanted to react to everything in your post! :))
I love how real you are. It’s you that keeps me coming back to your blog even more than the recipes. I have been a consistent follower of your blog since the beginning. (I think I found you with a link from a post by Erin on Sister’s Cafe and I’ve been a devoted fan ever since. Fun fact- I have become a vegetarian and I don’t really eat sugar, yet I read every post you put up.
Your story about Maria was so touching. I love her as if I know her. You have a gift for writing in a personal, connective way that allows all of us to feel apart of your experiences.
Your pigs are adorable! I am intentionally not showing my kids the pictures because I know that they would beg to have one of their own. I kind of want to beg my husband for one!
I’m a Halloween hater and a Crocs hater too. (Sorry)
My kids get their first cell phone and a set of keys to the kid car when they turn 16.
Thank you for being consistent with this blog! I don’t know how you do it with all of the demands of family life, but I’m so grateful that you do. You are a bright spot in my life.
Thank you Mel! I love your Friday posts! I didn’t think I liked crocs until I found myself wearing my 11 year old sons … all the time….:) Let me know what planner you end up with 🙂 Love your posts and your recipes!
Oh and Crocs are my summer go to. I have some fancy blue paisley ones that I wore out and asked for new ones for Christmas last year. Love the crochet idea!
What a wonderful post. I loved all of it. I love the piggies. I love Maria. I saved Crash Landing to watch. I hate Halloween I appreciate your transparency. I feel like I have been ghosting you unintentionally. It’s been a rough year and it is nice to know we aren’t alone. My husband is 36 days sober. I couldn’t be more grateful and am coming out of the fog. Sometimes things feel impossible. And sometimes the impossible becomes possible but only through hard work, therapy and and by doing the hard things. Don’t give up. I’m with ya still.
Thank you for sharing that you have struggled. I am often convinced i’m the only one. It’s hard, but it’s even harder when you feel so alone. Your words matter and I hope better days are ahead.
I love your Maria story. I am privileged enough to be able to work with people with hard stories and persevering spirits at my job as a Public Health Nurse. You get a whole new perspective on life learning about what some people have had to overcome.
I was always a Halloween hater. 3/4 of my kids were due around Halloween. I always said, “any day but Halloween!!” when I was pregnant. Well…… guessed it. #4, our little witch Hazel, was born on 10/31/17. Halloween is a special day for us now
Me and my whole family unashamedly wear crocs everywhere in public. If anyone reading this was hiking in the Smokies this summer and saw a family of 6 sporting a rainbow of crocs…yep, that was us.
No shame in self care. I’ve done several stints of counseling through the years, and medication has got me through the worst of times. I see both work wonders for so many people.
I love your posts. Food, Friday Thoughts, anything. Still my favorite blogger ever. Deer hunters are getting served your fajitas and spaghetti sauce this week. Thank you!!!
*I am using that same book right now to teach my 4YO to read because he wanted to learn — and I tell you, there is nothing in the world like seeing the light come on and the pride in his eyes when he reads a word (or a whole story! we are on lesson 42 tomorrow!) to me. I am humbled by Maria’s willingness to ask for help and to struggle with something that has to be incredibly difficult! And she’s reading now! That’s AMAZING.
*Crocs are not something I love, but my kids do! My 4YO is asking for Mickey Mouse Crocs for Christmas. He’s adorable.
*Halloween is not my fave. But My two youngest love it, so we get to do the fun, friendly, neighborly-style Halloween stuff, and I like that because my two littler kids love it so much.
*I love the piglets! They are incredibly cute.
*I am the pigeon. I relate to that so much!
*I love what you had to say about mental health. I have struggled with disordered eating for many years and recently started doing some group coaching to try to help myself. It is amazing what a mental boost it gives me to acknowledge that I am worth spending money and time on. I am finally doing something that will help me gain some peace with eating, body image, and my relationship with myself. I am coached with two other women who are facing the same struggle, and it constantly brings me to tears to hear someone else describe the exact thoughts and feelings I have about food, dieting, and myself. I know that it makes me feel less alone to be able to talk about this challenge. I still struggle and have hard days, but I feel so much hope, which has been missing from my mental landscape for a long while.
Thanks for your Friday thoughts! I love these posts!
Mel, I’m late to the party since I haven’t been on computer recently. I don’t wear crocs because the arches hurt my feet on the only ones I ever tried on. However, I do wear easy spirit mules all the time. I’m all for comfort instead of worrying about style, but that could be because I’m 70+ and a cranky old lady on the subject. I wear comfy clothes and could care less about style.
Do take care of yourself mentally and emotionally. I’ve learned through a long and occasionally troubled life that sometimes survival is victory. You just have to get through the bad patches and win through to the better times.
Congratulations to both you and Maria. Reading is one of my joys in life and I am so glad you helped open that door for her.
I’m not fond of Halloween although I do keep some treats on hand for the kids. I’m ready to start celebrating Thanksgiving which gets a bum deal in my opinion sandwiched in between Halloween and Christmas which both get lots of attention it seems.
Thank you for being you and sharing all your life with us.
1- Maria- what a beautiful story and experience, Mel!
I’ve used that book to teach my kids. I have them sign and date the last page when they finish it.
2- Halloween- I like the fun, cute traditions (pumpkin patch, fall treats, fun/ silly music), but definitely not a fan of the creepy, scary stuff. My kids will trade in candy for legos or money, and we either donate it or I save it for movie nights, etc.
3- 16-year-old birthday- depending on the personality, but we did a very simple surprise party for both of our boys when they turned 16. Had friends, pizza, cake, and let them play games. My 15 yr old just threw a party for his friend (because he’s sure 16 means surprise party) and is looking forward to his “surprise” next year. I also like the idea of doing a fun activity (escape room, try local things to do on Groupon).
4- My feet don’t do crocs, but I have plenty of other things I wear that are the in the “spirit” of crocs.
5- Mental health- YES TO THIS! You are wise to recognize the need for help. I agree to make sure you get a good fit! The last 1.5 years have been some of the hardest (for so many different reasons). I have a few Instagram accounts that I follow that have been an additional resource: somaticexperienceingint, heybobbibanks, sitwithsharon, and pyschotherapy.central.
Those piglets are so adorable! I have “piglet envy” for sure.
Maria- heartwarming story
Halloween-like and dislike.
Crocs- no thanks, Need more arch support for my feet
16 yr old son bday ideas? Laser tag with friends, escape room, bonfire?
‘Stay-at-home’ mom is one of the hardest jobs (even though very rewarding in many ways) No salary, promotion, or recognition. Talk about flying under the radar. No offense to working moms. Definitively trade-offs both ways.
Music is a great therapy for me. Look up lyrics to ‘Only Jesus’ by Casting Crowns. It sums up life quite well.
Okay, my favorite around the house flip flop is the Crocs Reviva. I own more than one pair! They’re so comfy and help my plantar fasciitis riddled heels not hurt so bad. Mel, your story about Maria is inspiring. I have a special needs son and I know that sense of ‘opening the world’ to him through the ability to read. What a wonderful gift it is to be able to read! Thanks for being authentic and for showing that vulnerability is okay. I hate being vulnerable – but I’m learning that growth and blessings usually follow after it. Love this recipe site, I’ve been around for years and I’m not going anywhere!
I forgot to say, I am a Croc lover. I even wore them last year in our family pictures. They are a lovely shade of green. Just so ya know my type.