Friday Thoughts
Almost two months since my last Friday Thoughts post? Say it isn’t so! Ha. Actually you probably didn’t notice, but I did! I’ve been storing up all these weird but necessary thoughts to share with you.
Today it’s somewhat light-hearted and random, but these are the thoughts burning a hole in my brain (and in my Evernote app which is where I jot them down when they come to me at 3 a.m.).
1) Mascara Thoughts: not earth-shattering, I know, but I have strong opinions on mascara. I’ve used L’Oreal Voluminous Waterproof (color: black) mascara forever. Forever, forever. Recently I decided to live on the edge and try L’Oreal Voluminous Lash Paradise aff. link (always waterproof, always), and, well, I love it. Very much.
But the most amazing part? Using the lash paradise for the first coat and then my much-loved voluminous for a couple top coats is pure magic. I don’t use any type of lash boosters or serums, and my eyelashes are very average, but I’m telling you, this combo is pretty awesome. Favorite mascara? Spill it!
2) Podcast Thoughts: I’ve talked about several of my favorite podcasts before in my newsletter, but the last couple months I’ve been obsessed with Malcolm Gladwell’s Revisionist History. Not only is his voice kind of mesmerizing, but the content is fascinating. FASCINATING. I listen to it while I exercise in the mornings (and sometimes while I clean my house), and I often find myself just standing there (take that, lunges!) because I’m so caught up in the story. The civil rights episodes in season 2 are eye opening to say the least, and I loved the “McDonald’s Broke My Heart” one, too. My advice? Make sure you have a friend who listens, too, so you can talk about it! Share any of your favorite podcasts below – I’m always looking for good recommendations!
3) Summer Thoughts: After this post on summer schedules, I’m happy to report that halfway in, summer is going pretty well. We had close to two weeks of travel/family reunions thrown in so far, but the daily jobs vs weekly jobs system is running pretty smoothly! The older boys started their flag selling business and are working their teenager buns off selling them door-to-door, at farmer’s markets and online.
My kids, of course, wish they were doing this every day, but no such luck.
We’ve had some ups and downs (and waaaay too many late nights for everyone – thanks a lot World Cup and American Ninja Warrior), but I think I like this system.
We’ve been really busy on our property setting up watering systems for fruit trees and raspberries, raising baby chicks and introducing them to our existing flock, keeping all the other animals fed, and spending time working on some inside/life skills (cooking, teaching my 8-year old how to sew a pillowcase at his request, mini entrepreneur plans, and increasing typing speed, to name a few!)…and I feel like summer is flying by! How are your summer schedules going???
4) Honey Slip Thoughts: I needed some serious help for a see-through dress situation (so pretty but even with the lining, it is eye-poppingly see through) and remembered my friend, Corinne, recommending the honey slip. After ordering, wearing, and crying from happiness, my main thought is: why haven’t I ordered one of these before now?
Not only did it solve my too-old-to-show-undies dress problem, but I have a feeling it’s going to become a staple of my Sunday under-wardrobe. Comfy, simple, and kind of a lifesaver.
5) Cookie Thoughts: I know you’ll probably roll your eyes thinking I’m dramatic, but I legit made some of the best cookies of my life last month. And then I made them again and again. And I took them to a family reunion and made my friends eat them, and the consensus is: life changing cookies are coming to this blog SOON. Here’s the dilemma. I already have a fantastically delicious and easy pie recipe typed up and scheduled to be posted Monday. How badly do you want this cookie recipe? lmk and I’ll see what I can do. 🙂
Later, skaters! Thanks for being here.
And as always, tell me all your OWN thoughts below. I love them. Each and every one.
Give me those cookies!!!!!
Please post the cookie recipe sooner than later! I love all of the cookies I have made from your site but love trying new recipes too.
Post the cookie recipe! Please!!! Cookies = Bliss. Dramatic much? 😉
Podcasts: Our Fake History ; The Women With Fire (found it because of you. Love it!)
Thanks for the Mascara tips!
Not dramatic at all! 🙂
Yes to the cookies!!!! Cookies are life!
You can’t do that to me! Post “life-changing cookies” AND a pic with no recipe and expect me to go about my day as usual?!? Come on! That’s just diabolical.
I know. I’m sorry! Monday!
I’m afraid I’m going to need this cookie recipe. My mouth is watering! Oh and I’ve never heard of Honey Slips, but it looks like the down east full body slip I just ordered that changed my life! Cover everything, light weight, no extra camisole, yes please! Also, I enacted your summer chore schedule after years of trying to find a solution for summer and it’s been ! So thank you, thank you for making this so easy this summer. Everyone who comes to my house and sees it taped on the wall ( we’re high tech cool over here) wants to know all about it and I send them to your blog. Bless Up Woman! Thanks for the mascara tip! Uber excited about a drug store find!
Love all the recommendations! Two of my favorite podcasts are The Life Coach School and Better Than Happy. Can’t wait to listen to Revisionist History.
Thanks! Lots of people recommended those after my newsletter about podcasts went out a while ago.
Hi Mel,
I use and love L’Oreal’s Double Extend Beauty Tube mascara! It washes off clean (comes off in little tubes with water). No smearing… ever. Can’t wait for your new favorite cookie recipe! If you could share today- I promise I’ll be making them this afternoon for our weekend trip to my parents. Otherwise, I’m making our all time favorite Mel cookie-Chewy Choc. Chip Oatmeal Coconut (CCCOC) and then making the new ones on Monday of course! (Win-Win!)
Thanks for the mascara rec! I won’t be able to share the cookie recipe today (sorry!) but I promise it’ll be up Monday
YES to the cookie recipe- stat!
I love revisionist history! And I am old enough to remember the old McDonald fries and I miss them. My husband also listened to the podcast and he makes the fries in the family. So I set out to find beef tallow and I did find some through a local rancher. And it was totally worth it! The house now smells like a really good pot roast instead of a greasy fast food place. And the fries are really good.
That’s amazing! I was so fascinated by that episode!
Cookies pleeeeease!
To heck with pie, I want the cookies!!
Just waiting for the recipe!!!
WANT the cookie recipe!! Need to try something different and amazing! Been in a cookie slump.
Cookie slump will be fixed Monday!
My current favorite mascara is L’Oréal Telescopic. It lengthens my stubby lashes and has great staying power. I don’t use waterproof mascara because I find it hard to remove, even with the correct eye makeup remover. Still, I feel compelled to try your combo. 🙂
Pie is delicious, no question, but life-changing cookies are a no-brainer!
Have a beautiful summer + kids + farm day!
Great recommendation, Gail! Thanks!
Oh! The cookies recipe would be great timing as I am having our family’s friend visiting from England over for dinner this Monday night along with 12 other family members.
I’m competing with those lovely biscuits over the pond…your cookies look fantastic! USA represent!
You are terrible! I was so excited for the cookie recipe and to make it today to have again tomorrow for my daughter’s Cookie Monster party and then there was no recipe!
Can you just publish it today as a Freaky Friday bonus?!?!?
Thanks for the podcast rec! Can’t wait. I love the simple show, purpose show, and happier. My kids and I also love Stories Podcast and it keeps us entertained on road trips. Thanks for your thoughts!
I know! People are getting kind of intense! Guess I learned my lesson about not giving any hints about recipes. I really was curious about cookie vs pie, but now I know! 🙂 I won’t have time to post it today but it’ll go up Monday!
We always need cookies and pie. So you better just post both. Pronto.
My thoughts— well, I have a 3mo old as well as a 3yr, 5, yr and 7 (almost 8) yr old. So most of my thoughts stem around “how soon can I take a nap”, “how many chores will get done before my three-nager gets all sassy and belligerent….?” And “I think I need cookies for breakfast.”
I actually mopped the floor yesterday. When I bragged to my husband about it, I quickly followed it with “such a waste of time!”
Floor mopping has got to be the most instant-gratification chores, as well as the most quickly pointless chores. Between the 3 kids, the dog, and our unfinished back yard it gets dirty in a moments notice. And I must mention how much I hate doing the chore. Alas. It must be done.
There’s my random thoughts for the day.
Now… off to make coconut steel cut oats in the IP and those cherry pie bars that have been taunting me all week!
❤️ From Oregon!
Love the random thought, Katrina! And I am SO with you on floor mopping being so validating…and so pointless! Hang in there. 🙂
Mel!! Can we have the cookies then the pie….like the day after? ;0)
Haha, maybe!
I just bought a slip like that but from Seagull book on there SweetSalt clothing line for $24.99. Love it! I wear Younique’s Moodstruck Epic Mascara and love it. I need to look at your chore post again. I feel like my children struggle with getting it down every day. Always up for a new cookie recipe and all the other recipes you post.
Thanks for the recommendations!
My favorite mascara is called Better Than Sex. I used to wear glasses and had to stop using this mascara because my lashes touched my lenses. But now my eyes are fixed and I can’t wait to go back to this brand.
And yes please, post the cookie recipe asap! My kids will be in town this weekend and I would love to make them some and not have to mail them!
That’s awesome!
Cookies! Please!!!
All of that……and then a recipe tease
I think that I need this miracle cookie recipe. Right now. Like, so i can make them for the weekend right now. Thanks! I adore your site!
I won’t get them posted that soon (heading out for a super fast road trip to my cousin’s wedding this weekend), but I promise, Monday the recipe will be yours!
Cookies! Please
Please, oh please send your cookie recipe! It is Friday the 13th after all and mysteriously wonderful things can happen on this day…like making life changing cookies and eating them!! 🙂
Yes, that would be the BEST thing to happen on this crazy day! It’ll be Monday, promise!
Better than the almond joy? Do tell.
I know. I hate to oversell things, but honestly, I can only think of these cookies lately.
Post the cookie recipe please!! 🙂
Always cookies!!!
Monday, Monday!
Cookies! Cookies! (Pie too, but cookies always first!!) and thanks for the tips on mascara and podcasts..need to look into the honey slip!!
Tease! Of course we want the cookie recipe. ASAP please.
Haha, I’m gathering that!
I want it so bad (the cookie recipe, that is), that I am shaking, sweating profusely, and won’t be able to function as a human being unless you post it.
there… if you needed encouragement… 😉
Cookies before pie ALWAYS! And I to love my honey slips! And you!
Yay for another honey slip recommendation!
I recently started listening to Revisionist History and am really enjoying it as well. My neice recommended it, so luckily I have a built-in conversation partner. I also really like the “Pop Culture Happy Hour” podcost — movie, TV and other reviews and discussions from primarily NPR culture critics + guests. I like the discussions both about what’s good/worth watching, but also the broader dicussions about genres, tropes, culture, race, etc. Thanks, Mel!
Thanks for the recommendation, Susan! Is that the one with Knox and Jamie?
Don’t give yourself more work this weekend! Just post the pie recipe and we’ll get the cookies eventually. In this day and age of instant gratification, having to wait for something is good!
This is sweet! Much as I want the cookie gratification, I am willing to wait 😉
Brianna – you are so sweet! Thanks for that comment. I probably shouldn’t have asked that question in the first place. 🙂 I’ll end up posting both recipes…and I won’t be able to work on anything this weekend as I’m heading to Utah super fast for my cousin’s wedding, but something delicious will go up Monday!
My favorite mascara is by LimeLife – it’s their perfect mascara and it’s amazing. My lashes look darker, longer, fuller when I use it and what I love is that it lasts all day long!
Definitely would love to see that cookie recipe before Monday! 😉
Thanks for the recommendation!! Probably won’t get that cookie recipe posted before Monday (heading on a super fast trip to Utah for my cousins’ wedding) but I promise asap!
Another vote for the cookie recipe. I mean, you know us, how could you even ASK???!!? Haha.
Haha, that’s what I’m gathering from all these comments. Kind of like: tell me how you really feel!! Haha.
Your giant chocolate chip cookie cake was life changing for us. I’ve probably made it 25 times in the last couple months… so I’m sitting on the edge of my seat waiting for this new cookie recipe! Loved this post btw 🙂
Serious? That’s undying love right there! I’ll get that cookie recipe posted asap! I’m feeling bad for my little pie. It’s SO delicious, too!
My latest mascara obsession…Lemongrass Spa! I’m pretty demanding with mascara. I like a more natural product, it has to agree with my sensitive eyes, and I need waterproof/resistant. So far, this one is getting my vote. Oh, and I vote for cookies!
Yay for a great mascara recommendation!
I came down with a cold about a week ago and it wasn’t too bad except that it killed my appetite and energy level! Now that I’m feeling better I’m craving cookies! After reading this I’m craving them more! I vote cookies before pie!
Glad you are on the up and up, Paula!
Cookie recipe. Always.
Will do! Monday!
I started using Babe Lash serum back in February. It’s not break the budget expensive and it really works! It took a full 12 weeks before I saw results but my lashes are definitely longer, which I’m just really loving since I’ve always had sad little lashes.
However, I also have super sensitive eyes and have noticed that I can only use it a couple times a week or i start to develop stys on my lash line. I’ve always been prone to them. But it’s fine if I don’t use it everyday!
That’s awesome! I found out the hard way with several lash serums I tried that they don’t play nicely with my hard contacts (think: gummy, foggy contacts all the time). Such a bummer!
I haven’t seen which ones you recommended in your newsletter, but I love Revisionist History as well. Another favorite is How I Built This with Guy Raz. He interviews different entrepreneurs who have created successful companies. I find it fascinating. Recently, I started Cut the Fat Podcast and have loved learning more in depth about healthy eating and exercise. A great one to listen to with kids is Wow in the World.
Yes, How I Built This is great (some episodes better than others, which is true for all podcasts). Thanks for the recommendations!
So, which color of slip did you go with? I almost feel like I need one in all 3 colors, but I’m leaning towards nude.
Yep, I got the one in nude.
Cookie recipe please! Be careful introducing new chickens to older chickens. If you put them together too soon you’ll have a pecking situation. As for podcasts, I listen to This American Life, Ted Talks Heakth, Sword and Scale, Something You Should Know, The Vanished, Serial, and several others. Enjoy the rest of summer! It’s going fast. Teresa
Cookies coming Monday! We’ve been able to gradually introduce the chicks and it’s going great, thankfully!
Good tip on Malcolm Gladwell’s podcast — I loved the Tipping Point, but didn’t think about checking him out in podcast form. And good mascara layering tip — I have lashes that I would call “short scrub brushes” so I need all the help I can get, lol.
Haha, I think my lashes and your lashes must be friends. 🙂
I want both recipes!!!! We made your oatmeal chocolate chip cookies last week. They were so delicious!
I made these and they did not set up correct but will try again
I’ll post both, promise!
Definitely looking into that slip! Thank you!
If ‘s fun reading about your farm. Our farm is a little different; we have 416 blueberry plants-it all goes to our kid’s college/mission fund. It is keeping us super busy right now. Not to mention the chickens, two Fair pigs (I joke my husband didn’t think a baby in April would keep us busy enough this summer), 10+bee hives, a large garden (grateful for a husband who keeps that up and going as I tend to have more of a black than green thumb), some raspberries and blackberries, and some fruit trees. But, I am so grateful for our little farm and the skills it teaches our children. The Lord is definitely good to us and mindful of us (each of us).
Now cookies or pie? Definitely cookies!
I love hearing about how others live the property life! I love all the blueberry plants (that’s SO many!). I would love to have pigs but right now we just have our 24 chickens and 4 cows. Plus the beehives and garden (both cultivated and the raspberries and fruit trees). I can’t believe you manage all of that and a newborn!
Cookies before pie. DON’T YOU DARE HOLD BACK ON US! 🙂
I’m getting the message! 🙂 Cookie recipe coming Monday!
Cookies before pie! We NEED life changing cookies!
Haha, ok! Monday!