Friday Thoughts
Almost two months since my last Friday Thoughts post? Say it isn’t so! Ha. Actually you probably didn’t notice, but I did! I’ve been storing up all these weird but necessary thoughts to share with you.
Today it’s somewhat light-hearted and random, but these are the thoughts burning a hole in my brain (and in my Evernote app which is where I jot them down when they come to me at 3 a.m.).
1) Mascara Thoughts: not earth-shattering, I know, but I have strong opinions on mascara. I’ve used L’Oreal Voluminous Waterproof (color: black) mascara forever. Forever, forever. Recently I decided to live on the edge and try L’Oreal Voluminous Lash Paradise aff. link (always waterproof, always), and, well, I love it. Very much.
But the most amazing part? Using the lash paradise for the first coat and then my much-loved voluminous for a couple top coats is pure magic. I don’t use any type of lash boosters or serums, and my eyelashes are very average, but I’m telling you, this combo is pretty awesome. Favorite mascara? Spill it!
2) Podcast Thoughts: I’ve talked about several of my favorite podcasts before in my newsletter, but the last couple months I’ve been obsessed with Malcolm Gladwell’s Revisionist History. Not only is his voice kind of mesmerizing, but the content is fascinating. FASCINATING. I listen to it while I exercise in the mornings (and sometimes while I clean my house), and I often find myself just standing there (take that, lunges!) because I’m so caught up in the story. The civil rights episodes in season 2 are eye opening to say the least, and I loved the “McDonald’s Broke My Heart” one, too. My advice? Make sure you have a friend who listens, too, so you can talk about it! Share any of your favorite podcasts below – I’m always looking for good recommendations!
3) Summer Thoughts: After this post on summer schedules, I’m happy to report that halfway in, summer is going pretty well. We had close to two weeks of travel/family reunions thrown in so far, but the daily jobs vs weekly jobs system is running pretty smoothly! The older boys started their flag selling business and are working their teenager buns off selling them door-to-door, at farmer’s markets and online.
My kids, of course, wish they were doing this every day, but no such luck.
We’ve had some ups and downs (and waaaay too many late nights for everyone – thanks a lot World Cup and American Ninja Warrior), but I think I like this system.
We’ve been really busy on our property setting up watering systems for fruit trees and raspberries, raising baby chicks and introducing them to our existing flock, keeping all the other animals fed, and spending time working on some inside/life skills (cooking, teaching my 8-year old how to sew a pillowcase at his request, mini entrepreneur plans, and increasing typing speed, to name a few!)…and I feel like summer is flying by! How are your summer schedules going???
4) Honey Slip Thoughts: I needed some serious help for a see-through dress situation (so pretty but even with the lining, it is eye-poppingly see through) and remembered my friend, Corinne, recommending the honey slip. After ordering, wearing, and crying from happiness, my main thought is: why haven’t I ordered one of these before now?
Not only did it solve my too-old-to-show-undies dress problem, but I have a feeling it’s going to become a staple of my Sunday under-wardrobe. Comfy, simple, and kind of a lifesaver.
5) Cookie Thoughts: I know you’ll probably roll your eyes thinking I’m dramatic, but I legit made some of the best cookies of my life last month. And then I made them again and again. And I took them to a family reunion and made my friends eat them, and the consensus is: life changing cookies are coming to this blog SOON. Here’s the dilemma. I already have a fantastically delicious and easy pie recipe typed up and scheduled to be posted Monday. How badly do you want this cookie recipe? lmk and I’ll see what I can do. 🙂
Later, skaters! Thanks for being here.
And as always, tell me all your OWN thoughts below. I love them. Each and every one.
Please send my way.
We recently discovered Malcolm Gladwell’s Revisionist History podcast too! Totally amazing. We love it!!
Isn’t it? I listen to every episode the minute it comes out.
Cookies!!! My son leaves to go back to college soon and I need to show him as much Mom love as I can.
I will take the pie recipe when your ready. Baking pies scares me, but I’m always willing to practice. I always like to try them once or twice before Thanksgiving. FYI- the crumb apple pie recipe you shared last Thanksgiving has become a regularly requested treat! Thanks!!
Thanks, Jackie! The pie I’m posting has a graham crust and it’s super easy. But I’ll post those cookies today!
Cookies! Always cookies!
And, thank you for all the other tips!
Oh dear – your teasing is not nice!! 🙂 Yes! Yes! Please bring this cookies recipe to us BEFORE the pie recipe! Thank you so much for all your posts!
Hi Mel! Thanks for your Friday thoughts! I bought the L’Oreal Voluminous Lash Paradise mascara too but haven’t tried it yet (need to use up what I currently have), so I’m glad to hear how much you like it! I may have to break it out sooner! Also, thanks for the info on the Honey Slip. I had never heard of that. I looked it up and looks like a great option, so I may have to try it.
I’d be happy to see either the pie or cookie recipe but I’m more likely to make cookies than pie. Thanks!
Thanks, Kristine!
Pie or cookies? Both as fast as you can post them! Have a great weekend Mel!
Cookie recipe Please?!?
My niece currently makes the best cookies in the family. I would love to try the cookie recipe to see what she thinks! Be sure to have a big announcement when you post. (drum roll please)
The cookie link!!! I need these in my life! Where is ittttttt? 🙂
Cookies please! Also, I’m not a big podcast listener but I do enjoy “How I Built This” which highlights how different businesses were started. Pretty interesting stuff!
Life-changing cookies?!?!?! No pressure, but . . . yes, Yes, YES!
NOOOOOOOOO, I was hoping the cookie recipe would be on here!!! I need some life changing cookies in my life asap!!!!! Please share!!!
Coming today!!
I’m assuming these cookies make some killer cookie dough, in which case I need it now! It’s too hot to turn on the oven anyway, right?!?
Oh my gosh, yes, the dough is crazy good. I mean, not that I know firsthand or anything.
Hi Mel, I love cookies and pie! And I’m not too worried how quick or the order they come. I know how much work it takes. Thanks so much for all your posts. Loved your recommendations. The two podcasts I listen to regularly and love are Better than Happy by Jodi Moore and The Life Coach School podcast by Brooke Castillo. They are both great podcasts about learning how to manage your thoughts to accomplish great things in the world. Have a great weekend!
You are so sweet, Heather. Thanks for being patient regardless of which recipe is posted. Thanks for the podcast recommendations!
PLEASE – new cookie recipe
I am so excited for your cookie recipe! I seriously can’t wait to try it!
I am a huge fan of L’Oreal voluminous mascara and will be scoping out L’Oreal voluminous lash paradise the next time I am at the store. Thanks for the great tip!
YES I want the cookie recipe! I have a slight obsession with trying new cookie recipes
My death wish is to die with cookies, fantastic cookies in my hand and a Dr. Pepper inn the other!
Hahaha. Love this.
I want the cookie recipe pretty please ♀️♥️Ashley Udall
Would love to have this cookie recipe! My grandchildren expect me to have homemade cookies every time they visit(which is very often). I, too, use Loreal mascara and love it!!
What a fun grandma! I’ll post it today!
Life-changing cookie recipe needs to come sooner rather than later!!!! I loved the life coach school podcast on organization – but that’s an area in which I am always looking for solutions and inspiration – I pretty much suck at it!
Great post. Thank you for the tips! I like listening to the Optimal Health Daily Podcast. They’re short, so I usually listen to one week at a time. Those cookies look amazing, so a post with that recipe gets my vote!
I’ve read all of Malcolm Gladwell’s books. I’ve never been a big audiobook or podcast listener but I’m going to give this a try. Thanks!
What are you doing for National Ice Cream day this Sunday July 15????
I need to look into his books! And I was a slacker for national ice cream day, sadly.
Want the cookies!
Cookies for the win! Every time. And I think your pitch for Malcolm Gladwell’s podcast has me sold. I am going to check it out.
Hope you love it, Anne!
Me want cookies! Pie shmie.
love to have a go to cookie recipe!
cookies, cookies, always cookies is my vote!
Thanks for the tip on the slip! My favorite podcasts right now are Happier with Gretchen Rubin and 3in30 Takesways for Moms. I’m going to check out your recommendation!
So many of you love Gretchen Rubin. I need to get on board!
Cookies!!!! Always cookies!!!!
I’d love to have & try your “best cookie” recipe!!
Can’t wait to try them! Thanks!!
Robyn Martin
Dying to get my hands on this recipe!! These cookies look soooo yummy!
I would love to hear which one of your cookies would be the best to make ahead form into a small cookie and freeze for baking later. There is only two of us and we love Just a few flash baked cookies at a time. By the way, just today I was wondering where you had been…missed you.
That’s a great question, Lynn! Honestly, any of the classic drop cookies work great like that! The one I’m posting later today would be great frozen and baked later.
I’m excited to try the honey slip! I really needed something like that. I’m also excited to try the pie AND the cookies so post in whatever order you’d like! Thanks for all the tips. My kids are similar ages to yours and your chore charts etc have been really helpful for us
Thanks, Amanda!
Cookie recipe first please! My hubby has been begging me to make him a sweet for the lake.
so bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! looks delicious. I always go for cheap on mascara but i think I’m going to go for one of these. Thanks for the rec
We’re soul sisters, amen ti all of the above. I too recently found Lash Paradise and I bought it with the Primer combo. Boom, actual lashes on this very average lash girl as well!
Also, i’ll be needing a BYU flag. Ordering online is fantastic!
Love love love all you do Mel. I may not comment on everything all the time but I make so many of your recipes my friends and family don’t even ask for the recipe, they just say… “now what is the name of this Mel recipe??”
Thanks, Mickie!!
Thanks for the mascara tip! I was hating mine just this morning. Those cookies look amazing and I will probably make them as soon as you post the recipe! Thanks for your great ideas and best recipes ever! You are a rockstar at our house!
Thanks, Becky!
As if I didn’t already love you enough, this post has just made me love you even more.
I, too, am a Voluminous lover and am so excited that my fave food blogger is equally as obsessed! Loreal should seriously pay me commission for how often I recommend it to my friends. It is the absolute BEST and I will never, ever stray. My mom, who started the Voluminous obsession, tried the Lash Paradise and loved it. I tried it and liked it, but thought it was dry. I will definitely have to try the combo now!
Honey slips = amazing.
I got so excited about those cookies and then depressed when I realized there was actually no recipe. No hard feelings though. 😉 I would LOVE to see this life-changing cookie recipe! Thank you so much for sharing your amazing talents with all of us mediocre folk!
I hope our love for the same mascara made up for the fact that I didn’t have the recipe for those cookies up on Friday. I promise it’s coming soon! 🙂
How can it be any better than your “My Favorite Cookie ” recipe? I’ve made this one so many times I’ve almost gotten it memorized. (and I haven’t had it all that long) But this one also would me amazing as my husband loves chocolate chip cookies of any kind.
Thanks for giving us such wonderful recipes that become part of our family favorites!!!
Linda in Phoenix
It’s a lot different…but SO delicious! 🙂
We’re going to a BQ tomorrow and would LOVE to take your new cookies,! PRETTY PLEASE….post your new recipe today!
I really really want life changing cookies
Post the cookie recipe!!!
Please!! You must post the recipe for these cookies.. A must! 🙂
I want to make those cookies ASAP! They look delicious. Question about the slip: does it breathe? My problem with slips is that they’re kind of sweaty in the summer, which defeats the whole purpose of wearing a nice, cool dress…
As for podcasts, I’ve been meaning to listen to Jen Hatmaker’s (because her writing is hilarious) but I haven’t gotten around to it yet.
Hmmm, that’s a good question, I’ve only worn it twice and it was just to church so I wasn’t outside dealing with the heat. I’m guessing it’s not super breathable…but it is pretty lightweight and comfortable. I wonder if their customer service would have a better answer? Sorry!
I’m up for a new recipe for life changing cookies! 🙂
Current favorite podcast is The Lazy Genius. I love all of her practical tips…now if I could just implement them