Friday Thoughts: Holiday Detox and Other “Stuff”
Random as always, I decided to type up a quick Friday Thoughts brain download while we are on a little 6-hour road trip this afternoon. Don’t forget to comment below with any and all of YOUR thoughts (my favorite part!).
Remodel Thoughts: We thought it would be fun (??) to start remodeling significant parts of our house the week before Christmas. And by “we,” I mean, Brian and I are giving lots of advice but leaving the important work to the highly-recommended Eric from Remedy Residential (locals – he’s amazing, but you can’t have him until he’s done with my bathrooms, k, thanks). It started with the kitchen pantry because my cute, little corner pantry was starting to spill out into every corner of the house. Literally. I was stashing food and cooking supplies in the kids’ closets, above the washer, and underneath beds.
We figured out a way to punch through the back wall of the existing pantry and utilize some of our deeper garage space to create a walk-in pantry. And seriously, I don’t think I’ve ever been so excited about something in my life.
I legit think I heard angels singing when I walked into the renovated space for the first time. Also, I think, maybe, possibly, most definitely Eric was a little caught off guard when I hugged him because of my excitement over pantry shelving. What I really know is that this miraculous, new walk-in pantry brings a whole new meaning to my oft-used coping skill of hiding in the pantry eating chocolate chips.
Brian Recovery Thoughts: Thank you to EVERYONE who has emailed, commented and followed up to ask me how Brian is recovering after this post where I vented a little about it. Brian is doing much, much better. He’s back to 100% capacity in terms of work, home life, and church service. Although he’s dealing with pretty constant congestion from the surgery and his snoring is…well…still very special, we are grateful he’s doing so much better than he was in October and November. Thank you so much for caring!
Go Positive Thoughts: Are you an ambitious new year’s resolution setter? I’m kind of a moderate. I always choose a few things to work on (both personally, spiritually and creatively) but I don’t go crazy. The feeling of failure is hard for my perfectionist personality, and I do better when I set the bar low, or rather, realistically. This year personally, after having some emotional breakdowns in regards to parenting and some issues we are dealing with at home and with the kids, my biggest goal is that I’m not saying anything this year that isn’t positive. While I’m trying this in all aspects of my life, mostly it is in relation to how I mother my kids.
I feel so strongly that if I can stick with this, it will change the trajectory of my kids’ lives. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still correcting behavior and issuing consequence, if need be, but I’m framing all of those conversations positively (i.e. “it would really help if everyone could jump up and help in the kitchen so we can get things cleaned up!” vs. “seriously, you guys, can’t anyone get off the couch and help a little bit around here??”). Not going to lie, I’ve already nearly bitten the side of my tongue off keeping myself from saying something naggy/negative and have ended most nights since the new year with a migraine from the effort of ignoring a lot of “behavioral noise” and focusing on positive, positive, positive, but thankfully I am seeing nearly miraculous improvements in the feeling of our home, and I’m determined to continue, even if the effort earns me some gray hair. I’m also doling out more 8-second hugs to anyone related to me who will take them (and also those who don’t want them!).
Creatively, I’m committing myself to finally finish the Fancy Forest quilt I started a couple years ago. Last year, I finished my first-ever, real, live pieced quilt (this Book Nerd quilt pictured below) and gave it to the kids as their traditional homemade Christmas present (although I didn’t confess to them how many bad words I said while making it – quilting is hard!!). Their reactions were so fun on Christmas morning…here’s to hoping I survive and actually finish a much harder quilt this year.
Cinnamon Roll Thoughts: Would you believe me if I told you over the holidays I discovered the cinnamon roll recipe to end all cinnamon roll recipes? I don’t know how to say this and have you take me seriously (considering I have an abnormal number of “favorite” cinnamon rolls already posted), but I’m not sure I’ll ever make another cinnamon roll recipe. These new cinnamon rolls are amazing – lighter, fluffier, and more delicious than any I’ve ever made, I think. What level of interest do you have in me posting this new recipe (given to me by an amazing home chef/baker friend from church)? Stop already with another cinnamon roll recipe or bring it on??
Holiday Wrap Up Thoughts: Overall, we had a great Christmas and New Year’s despite having some lingering sickie germs. And, you know, general holiday and sugar overload (can only be blamed on poor parenting choices such as committing to a Harry Potter movie marathon among other things). We’ve also completed no less than four pretty substantial puzzles thanks to the fact that we are a family of puzzling nerds. The kids go back to school on Monday, and we are currently on a last-minute family drive to Utah to celebrate the life of Brian’s grandpa who passed away on New Year’s Eve at the age of 91. A bittersweet, but also wonderful, way to end the holiday.
Ok, now gimme all YOUR thoughts! Holiday thoughts, cinnamon roll thoughts, pantry thoughts, goal setting thoughts or any old thought you want to share. I love reading them all!
Hi Mel,
First of all, I love the picture of your too-small pantry! Somehow it makes me feel at home, since I could post a very similar picture right now. 🙂 And your new pantry is in my dreams fortnightly! A perfect Christmas gift!! That is so awesome that you had space to take from your garage to make it work.
Also, I am tagging your remodel man, since I do live locally and we do have dreams of expanding/renovating parts of our house this coming year. Thank you for the reference!
I am all ears for the new cinnamon roll recipe, (yum!!) and I’m also loving all the healthy recipes you’ve posted recently to help with holiday detox! Yay!
And one more thing while I’m here… I didn’t get a chance to comment on your cheese ball parable post. But I loved it, it’s spoke to my heart and reminded me
of the many little miracles that I’ve been a part of, on both the giving and receiving end. Thanks so much for sharing all your goodness!! Happy new year to you!
Thanks, Kamber! I hope if you ever get a chance to work with Eric it’s a great experience! You’ll have to let me know if you remodel even if it’s in the far future. I love hearing things like that. Thank you for your comment. Happy New Year!
What do you do with your puzzles when they are complete? I always find it so hard to take them apart.
We just take them apart and then keep them in our game closet to pull out later. If we’ve done them enough times, we donate them or give them to other puzzle loving friends. My kids would love me to glue each and everyone and hang them up but I’ve shot them down enough times they’ve stopped asking.
My favorite high school class was Spanish with Sra. Dandurand. She was fun and eclectic and had modge-podged whole puzzles (no rhyme or reason to a theme) to completely cover her ceiling, and it was a big classroom. Such a fun flashback memory when you mentioned gluing puzzles. 🙂
I want the cinnamon roll recipe!!!!
Coming soon!
Love your new pantry!! So gorgeous & so much storage! Also, bring on the new cinnamon roll recipe. There can never be too many. (:
Cinnamon rolls yes! Is that really even a question?
And I love your only positive talk…it sounds SO hard but I am going to try it. With a very strong willed 3.5 year old and a teething 7 month old I am tired and grumpy and not the mom I want to be. I am going to try this! We can do it!
Haha, I doubted you, my faithful, readers – had no idea everyone would want the new recipe! Coming soon! And hang in there, I’m not sure I would have taken on a positivity challenge with a teething baby. 🙂
I love your random thoughts. Yay for coming to Utah–i wish we had better weather for you, but hopefully new snow will get here before you do and make it all pretty! 😉
YES on new cinnamon roll recipes, please!
SO glad Brian is doing better and your new pantry looks AMAZING!!!
Also, I bought a couple games off your list for my kiddos and we have LOVED them!! the Scrambled United States, 6 zimmit and Chameleon, all of which got rave reviews and happy teenagers over the break, thank you!! (we even had my brother and sis-in-law addicted to Chameleon, played every night!)
My burning question is: what do you do with your completed puzzles? We have a handful we’ve finished and I modge-podged, and am thinking about mounting them on foam core and hanging them on our playroom wall…but also thinking about putting shelves on said wall for lego creations to remain intact for more than 30 seconds…thoughts?
Thanks, Melanie! I think you guys are due to get a big snowstorm – we got home before it hit, but the inversion was pretty bad through SLC this time. So happy you’ve loved those games. That honestly makes me so happy to hear! That’s a great question on the completed puzzles. My kids BEG me to glue them together and hang them up and I’m like, um no. So we just box them back up and then do them again in a year or so (and we have a few friends that we do puzzle exchanging with to get new puzzles to do and that’s kind of fun).
YES PLEASE on the cinnamon roll recipe. A girl can never have too many recipes for those, I believe. I am a more moderate resolution person too,and I agree that being more positive definitely helps in the mothering stage, but it is very had at time (I am mom of 4 ages 21 to 13). I feel ya! We loved our holidays and played lots and lots and lots of games. I got my husband the Double Ditto because of your recommendations, and we have loved it! Played it at least 6 times since Christmas. We tweaked it and decided we were going to do 4 things for each instead of 2 and just score them one point each. Makes it extra crazy and fun!!! Thanks for you recommendations on games. I always buy a game each Christmas but I always wait until you post your recommendations to buy one, and I REALLY appreciated that you posted those early this year, because I am a girl that likes to be done Christmas shopping before Dec 1, so THANK YOU for posting those gift guides early and I would love it if you did that again for 2019 🙂 You are truly awesome and a rock star Mel! I make something of your almost daily! Thank you! Thank you and bless you and your family so 2019 is wonderful for you all!!! and I LOVE your pantry by the way! I am jealous!!!
We played Double Ditto a ton this holiday, too!! Glad you guys loved it! I love the variation you made, too. Thank you, Jen! Love you right back.
Sounds like u had a fun holiday. Love the panty. I raised 4 kids every 2 yrs I another. They are all raised and I have 2 great granddaughters. I am going to try your sauage soup with sweet potatoes. I also quilt slow an steady.
Happy New Year
Kay. Your moms neighbor.
Thanks, Kay! Happy New Year!
I try every new cinnamon roll you post! Love them! Currently Gloria’s are my favorite but know if you post a new recipe it’s worth trying! I’m excited for it to be posted!! Oh that pantry is amazing!! Mine looks about like your after pictures ha! I’m not much of a New Years goal setter, but do set mothering/health/fitness goals throughout the year as I notice there need. How did you get your kids to like puzzles?! Or maybe at what age did they start liking them? I love them but my kids don’t. They enjoy the little 48 ish sized ones but not any bigger. My 10 year old will “help” when he sees the puzzle is almost done, something about finishing the puzzle, even though he put in maybe 5 pieces ha and my 7 year old will help with the initial finding the edges but that’s about it. And my others are too young to grasp how to do the bigger puzzles. I keep bringing them out and trying to convince them to do them with me, but they just don’t care for them, kinda makes me sad.
Ok, well I expect all of you Gloria fans to try this new roll recipe immediately and give me a detailed analysis! I’m not really sure on the puzzle thing. I mean, some of my kids like them more than others, but they all sit down and puzzle for a while. I think we’ve just had them around for so long that it’s just a part of what we do for holidays and summer stuff. I definitely did have younger, easier puzzles around when they were younger and that was my go-to to pull out when they were bored. Maybe puzzling is part of our DNA?? 🙂
Your new pantry is awesome!!! I would be giddy too and I am so happy for you! Your post made me laugh, especially the part about your husband’s snoring and trying to get your family to help clean the kitchen in a positive way. The latter is a constant struggle and I was trying to convince my husband the other day that this was a normal thing and that we can’t get frustrated about it every single day. The struggle is real! Loved your quilt—-so darling! Also love that you commiteted to a Harry Potter marathon—we have done that before and my kids are always trying to get us to do it again. I am definitely intrigued by and interested in the cinnamon roll recipe. We love cooking together as a family and had fun trying out some traditional Colombian recipes (empanadas and buneuelos) on Christmas Eve in honor of our first Christmas with our children whom we recently adopted from Colombia. Totally a lot of work, but a fun way to spend the day as a family. Love your recipes and your random thoughts! Thanks for sharing Mel!
Oh my goodness, THE STRUGGLE IS REAL. Truer words have never been spoken. Your Christmas Eve with new foods sounds awesome (congratulations on your adoptions!!). I agree that cooking together is a great way to spend a day (minus the cleanup)
Heck YES to a new cinnamon roll recipe- tried and true are the best recipes!
Love the new pantry and glad your husband is on the mend.
A Cup of Joe had a post on resolutions that is a game changer for me – it doesn’t demand perfection so instant failure can be avoided! Check out tge system she references
Thanks for sharing that!!
Share the recipe!!!!!! You can’t taunt us like that!!
I honestly didn’t mean to! I wasn’t sure anyone would want another recipe, but once again, you guys have proven me wrong!
Everything you said about mothering/parenting sounds exactly like Ralphie from Simply on Purpose so I’m assuming you are a fellow follower? She’s amazing, as are you, and I am so grateful for both of your talents and for sharing them with the world!
Also, I NEED that cinnamon roll recipe! If you say it’s better than the ones on your site, which are the only ones I make and LOVE, then it has to be life-changing. Can’t wait!
Hey Danielle – I followed Simply On Purpose a while ago before I did an Instagram detox, but I need to start following her again. Clearly I could use the help!
I am loving te pics of your new pantry and staring at my space trying to find a way to make it happen for me. That is an awesome remodel. I am sure the bathrooms will excite you just as much. We made your small batch cinnamon rolls for Christmas and I am intrigued by another recipe-lighter and fluffier? Bring it!
We are detoxing from too much sugar and device time and ready for the new year and more recipes from you. I need more veggies in my life right now (and 8 second hugs). I haven’t made any resolutions, but I am inspired and will be copying yours. I hate to yell at my boys, and I know that they just get mad about it. They are good boys and asking them nicely is a better way to communicate. Thanks for changing my life with every post.
I need more veggies and 8 second hugs myself, Sheila! 🙂
The new pantry is amazing! I ‘m always up for more cinnamon rolls :). I’m teaching kindergarten for the next 2 weeks (I ‘m a sub), so if I survive that, I will try to make the cinnamon rolls Good luck on the quilt. Prayers for you and your family for your loss.
I hope you come out on the other side of that. Good luck!!
The pantry is amazing! And oh so clever.
Yes, yes, yes, I want the cinnamon roll recipe. I am on the hunt for perfection. I do really like one from King Arthur Flour that uses a tangzhong.
I have to thank you for your gift guide this year as I bought so many gifts from your lists that were hits! InstantPot for the son- in-law ( plus I turned him on to your website),
Mini waffle makers for two daughters, that Kaboodle game x 2, the electronics docking station! Seriously big hits.
I admire you for working on your positivity. It is so hard. My kids are grown up, and they have turned out well, but there are times I wish I had used kinder words.( Three teenage girls at once though….I try not to beat myself up too much, and you shouldn’t either.)
Happy New Year to you and your family!
That cinnamon roll recipe looks so interesting! I’ve made a roll recipe like that before but not cinnamon rolls. I’m so happy the gift guides were helpful!! Thanks for your thoughts, Kendra!
Of course you need to provide the new best ever cinnamon rolls recipe. But you should take bets about when you’ll find the next best ever cinnamon roll recipe! That’s the beauty of trying new recipes 🙂
Haha, super good point. Love that. I’m sure there’ll be another “best” in no time.
I love your quilt.
I want your pantry.
I need your cinnamon roll recipe.
Thank you.
The one thing I can do – get you that cinnamon roll recipe! Will do! 🙂
What?! You mean you haven’t already posted the perfect cinnamon roll recipe?! What am I supposed to make RIGHT NOW?! Get to it already and let us have it!
Haha, coming right up!
I just love you and think you’re the best, and that’s a fantastic goal and quilt! You are my biggest fan
Hahahahaha. Love you right back, Ashlee.
The pantry! Amazing! Who needs deep dark garage space? I confess, I zoomed in on your photo and was able to breathe a huge sigh of relief that you have things like cold cereal and apple sauce packs.
The cinnamon rolls! I can’t hardly believe it, but if it is the best yet, I would love to give it a go! Post away, my virtual friend.
I also go low-key on the resolutions so I have 10 lbs to lose, an almost finished basement to actually finish, and some parenting goals as well, cheers to the new year!
In other news I have now, as of New Years eve made your top recipes from your anniversary post. It was so fun making all of them knowing they were your favorite and truth be told the quinoa bread is probably my favorite out of all of them! So tasty! The brownie pudding being a close second.
I didn’t post anything on your parable cheeseball because you made me cry when I was just looking for the candied pecan recipe, but from the bottom of my heart, thank you for the great food, the wisdom, the unwavering stability. In all your interviews, and yes, I have listened to them all, you say you only have a food blog, but Mel, your food blog has changed my life, I eat your food everyday. I fill my families bellies with deliciousness because of you. Thank you for making a huge difference, not many do so with such style and grace.
Haha, yes, we have all kinds of cold cereal in the pantry! And thanks to Brian working for an applesauce company, we have that coming out of our ears, too. 🙂 I love that you made those top recipes from the anniversary post!! Thanks for letting me know; I love hearing what reader favorites are. You are the sweetest. Love having you in this space, Angela, I really mean that.
Happy New Year, Mel! Sending you love and hugs for all your honesty, humor, and glorious food!
Yes, cinnamon rolls, please and absolutely! Preferably with kid photos.
Continued good luck with the positivity approach- I am trying that, too; speaks to my mind and heart. Brings to mind the Liberian (?) proverb:
“A little rain each day will fill the rivers to overflowing”
Thank you so much, Tina! Love, love that proverb. Thank you for sharing!
I LOVE your new pantry! My husband and I have moved into an apartment temporarily, and it has less than half the kitchen space that our house had.
Oh man, that’s tough! Hang in there!
Yes to the cinnamon rolls!
Could you give a tour of your fantastic new pantry? I’d like to see how you organize and what you keep in it.
I’d be interested in how you organize your pantry as well!
Also, I LOVE that book quilt. I’m not craft-y but just looking at it makes me wish I were!
Kathi and Caitlin – sure! Let me get it a bit more organized first and then I will share!
If you say it’s the best ever cinnamon roll recipe then you need to share it!! I would have hugged the pantry builder too!! I currently have no pantry and it’s terrible. Who builds a house in 2003 and doesn’t put in a pantry!? I commend you for your focus on positive parenting. I need a lot of work in that department. Are you familiar with Ralphie @simplyonpurpose on IG? She’s has the tips and methods and all the things for positive parenting! I constantly tell my self to “ignore the junk” and to “stop watering the weeds”. It takes work, but it makes such a big difference!
Oh seriously? that is annoying! No pantry! I’ve followed Simply On Purpose before and I need to again! Lots of people love her messages!
Yes, please to the cinnamon roll recipe love your new pantry!
Thanks, Sarah!
Love your new pantry! We’re moving to Kuna in the fall (already purchased home) and may have to call on your contractor for future improvements! Thank you!
Another great cinnamon roll recipe??!! Bring it on! My husband had a heart attack in 2017 so we limit his intake of cinnamon rolls (his favorite) so it’d be wonderful to have the absolute best when he does have one!
Positivity is always a good thing! My goal this year is to love myself better.
Thanks for everything you do for your readers/followers!
Thanks, Sandy – and that’s exciting you are moving to this area! I’m on the opposite end of the valley, but we love it.
The new pantry is truly divine! I’m wondering if there’s anyway I could do that, too. My pantry currently looks like you’re before photo! Please, please, please post the new cinnamon roll recipe. I love cinnamon rolls, but I haven’t found my favorite recipe yet. I have a feeling this could be it! Happy new year to you and your family! Please except my condolences on the passing of Brian’s grandfather. It sounds like he lived a wonderful life. We recently moved to Utah from Oklahoma. Contact me if you need anything or if I can help in anyway!
I’m excited for you to try this new cinnamon roll recipe then and see what you think!
That pantry is epic, congrats! And I’m not sure I ever commented on the tonsillectomy post, but I had mine out at 25…and it was the worst experience of my life. I am sick less often, but I dunno; I tell everyone not to if they’re over like 12 years old.
Bring on the cinnamon rolls!
So you wouldn’t say the tonsillectomy was worth it?
Bring it on with the new cinnamon roll recipe! I can’t imagine anything better than Gloria’s cinnamon rolls! I’ve made them two and a half times during the break and my family is asking when I’ll make them again.
Oh my goodness, you guys are devoted fans of that recipe!
My resolution was to make my house a more peaceful place, which really includes speaking more positively and calmly. If I wasn’t afraid to make bread, I’m sure I would try your cinnamon rolls
Yes, trying for peace, too!
Bring on the cinnamon rolls!
Coming soon!
While eating our leftover- from- Christmas yukon gold cinnamon rolls, I mentioned to my family that you had discovered an even more amazing cinnamon roll. They were very intrigued! Yes, please share the new recipe. I can’t believe that there is anything better than the yukon gold rolls, but I trust you!
I’m actually super happy to know they love that one because these are similar (but still a little different) in texture and softness!
There can never be too many cinnamon roll recipes!! Bring it on, I say! Happy new year!!
Happy new year!
Challenge accepted. I cannot believe that there could possibly be another cinnamon roll recipe that is better than the vanilla pudding ones. Nope. Can’t be better. But I would love to try them! Please tell me they are smooth and not sticky, just like the vanilla pudding kind. Please.
Your pantry has drool coming off my chin. My pantry is also on a garage wall. I was showing my daughter your renovation and my husband is standing behind me… I can feel his eyes rolling. I don’t even have to look at him. My pantry looks just like your old pantry, even down to the pile on the floor.
The quilt is amazing. What a gift! I have counted cross-stitched stockings for my family and completely retired forever. It takes me years to get one done. 3, to be exact, to get my youngest’s done. Now the kids are getting older and there are two boys that are very serious about my beautiful oldests. Sigh. Currently out of retirement. One of them was over last night and asked what I was doing. When I told him he said “Yep, that’s smart.” At least I like them. 😉
You might have to refresh my memory. I told my husband you lived in Utah. I know you have moved a few times and I think my middle age brain has forgotten where you moved to… South Dakota? That sounds wrong.
Haha, well if your husband was rolling his eyes, I’m taking a little of that eye roll for myself and my messy pantry too! I know my previously messy pantry drove Brian nuts but I honestly didn’t give it a second thought because he wasn’t the one in there cooking all day every day. 🙂 And oh my goodness, cross-stitched stockings?? You.Are.My.Hero And no, we don’t live in Utah. But we do live in Idaho (moved here from Minnesota 4 years ago)
You can never have enough cinnamon roll recipes. YES please share the new cinnamon roll recipe.
Sorry for your loss of your grandpa.
Thank you. 🙂
You have to post that cinnamon roll recipe!
Will do!
Love the book quilt (good luck with the work in progress – you’re right – quilting is hard). And I love the new pantry. Is it possible to have pantry envy, ha-ha? But most of all, I love your resolution for positive thoughts. I agree that that can change the spirit in the home. I have been working on that one for a year now, and haven’t made much progress, but I’m not giving up. I was successful in decreasing the amount of yelling in our home, so I’ll take that as progress and keep working on the positiveness in our home. Best of luck to both of us. Happy New Year. Love your recipes and the cheerfulness of your blog 🙂
Yes, pantry envy is real, trust me! Haha. I’m not going to give up either even though it’s hard – let’s not give up together! And it sounds like you HAVE made progress!!
Well, first of all,over the holidays, I tried what I think was the latest cinnamon roll recipe to rave reviews. Believe it or not it was my very first attempt in my entire life. I will not admit how many decades that encompasses just know this grandma’s entire family is thrilled I am a fan yours!
Many times the freezer door opening and microwave hum reached my ears before I was quite awake and sure enough someone was pirating another roll!
Resolutions, parenting, goal setting give us time to reflect and say to ourselves. Hey, maybe I can do a little better. Sometimes we do sometimes we don’t it’s still all a great adventure. One thing I have learned along the way… you never stop loving your children more and more no matter how old they are and those grandchildren, well it just doesn’t get any better!!
Thank you, Mel, for being my go to source and brightening my day!
I’m so happy your first foray into cinnamon rolls was a smashing success! Loved that so much. And loved your thoughts on resolutions and love. You are awesome.
Heck yes on the cinnamon rolls! As for resolutions- meh. Resolutions are overrated. I quit coffee a several months ago. Felt AMAZING! Then got back on it for the last month and have decided that I don’t want daily coffee anymore. Unfortunately, that means unbearable headaches as I wean myself back off, including as I type. So yeah… THAT is my ultimate goal for 2019. Manage my coffee addiction. I just get sucked back in with those creamy smooth lattes (I don’t like the fancy ones- just plain unflavored latte) and I live in the land of coffee (also known as WA state) so it’s not even that there is a Starbuck’s on every corner or in every store and the parking lot, it’s all these independent coffee drive-thrus fills in the gaps where SB doesn’t. I wish I could say I was saving money by quitting coffee. But 99% of the time I make it at home, until I quit- then on a sick coincidence I’m near the best darn coffee place literally in all of Seattle and it’s like velvet cream and coffee and smooth complete with grumpy old man barista who glares at you when you giggle and inhale deeply and sniff your cup and you can see the color nine when you’re done then I’m like oh yeah- that’s the stuff. I buy a bag of beans and it’s all down hill from there. Oh and continue getting my art/craft supplies organized. Maybe stop being so overly verbose. HA! It’s 7am. *sigh* I’m down to my last beans. I have stocked up on crappy instant coffee which I switch out with decaf. *sob* I’m obsessing over coffee. Verbosely so.
Glad your hubs is doing better. Sorry he still snores. I hope you have a safe trip to and fro.
Haha. Good luck with your coffee resolutions!
Pleeeease share the cinnamon roll recipe!! I love baking rolls and have a go to recipe but hey, even softer?!?! I love your blog. Always watch for the emails linked to updates blog posts. So jealous of your new pantry!!!! I’m just stuck with overflowing cupboards:) happy new year!
Yes, softer! I’ll post the recipe soon! Happy new year, Lilly!
Um, I would NEVER say no to another cinnamon roll recipe!!!
Merry Christmas Mel, thanks for all you do!
Thanks, Ashley!
Please post the cinnamon roll recipe, thank you!
Will do!
That pantry is the stuff dreams are made of. Lucky you. And bring on the cinnamon roll recipe. If you think it’s the best then it must be.
I’ll probably make it about 10 more times just to be sure though…
Hey, Mel, have you heard of KJ Dell’Antonia? She used to write the “Motherlode” column in the New York Times, which has recently been rebranded/expanded into an online “Well” column (read more about it here: with her and a number of other writers. I’ve followed her for years (but otherwise have no connection) and have always loved her perspective on raising a family (and everything else).
She recently wrote a book called “How To Be a Happier Parent” that I think you would really love. ❤️It’s a parenting book, but unlike most other parenting books it’s more about the parents than the kids. She decided that there had to be a reason that most parents of school-aged children wanted this life, but express high levels of stress and low levels of general life satisfaction—and a way to change it. She’s right in the middle of it all, with 4 kids (one by way of adoption) of various ages, and she’s honest about not having it all figured out, but she’s come a long, long way.
I think it might aid your positivity resolution by helping you feel less like saying things that sound like nagging or negativity, which would make it significantly easier to avoid saying them. I think it’s a great goal, and it seems to have already borne fruit for you and your kids. It would be even better if it was easier to accomplish, and I have a feeling that this book could be useful.
If you’re at all interested, take a look at this Boston Globe article about the book. It definitely gives you the major ideas in the book:
xoxo Nicole
Love, love, love this Nicole! I’ll definitely be looking into her book/work! Thank you!
As a self-proclaimed book nerd, I’m going to dream about that glorious quilt. It’s beautiful. And really-can you ever have enough cinnamon roll recipes? I usually use my grandma’s cinnamon roll recipe but we also love your recipe that uses biscuit dough. I’m sure my family would love to test another one out Happy New Year!
I’ll post it soon!
As a mom of 3 young adults, it’s gratifying to now find that my kids tend to remember only the positives. The best part of holidays is being with one or more of my children and listening to them tell stories (most of which I had no idea happened) and realize that my husband and I, while not perfect at all, did a pretty good job 🙂 The kids are happy, following their own dreams, independent, and good people. So, go easy on yourself and don’t bite off your tongue when you keep finding your daughter’s leggings taken off inside out with the underwear and socks all rolled into the ball under her bed in a pile of other similar dirty clothes balls…I mean, we all have limits on our positivity! On another note, there is always room for a new, improved recipe…that’s what makes cooking interesting, so bring on the new cinnamon roll recipe! Finally, love the new pantry – plenty of room to hide when you’re sneaking your dark chocolate! Happy New Year!
Ah, thanks for that reminder, Deb. I hope my kids remember mostly only the positive too! At my grandfather-in-laws funeral today it was so heartwarming to hear his grown kids get emotional over the fun and heartwarming stories they shared of him. They truly did focus only on the good memories. Loved your comment, thanks, friend!
Bring on the new cinnamon roll recipe, please! If your daughter can do it then there’s hope for me.
I love this! I love your pantry, so jealous! That quilt is so cute, I dream of having the patience to make a pretty quilt one day. Your positive words have inspired me to say things in a more positive manner… I also feel the nagging and annoyance sounds creeping into my voice sometimes when I talk to my kids and they are much younger than yours, I don’t want years and years more of that voice affecting them! I like to say it’s just because I feel tired so often (why won’t the baby sleep through the night yet?!) but really I just have to remember to be and say things more positively. Also, puzzles! We love them! We’ve been working on a lighthouse puzzle the last few days, even the 3 year old tries to join in… mostly by holding up a random piece and saying, where does this one go? Ha, that’s what we’re all trying to figure out! Happy New Year!
Oh man sleep deprivation tone of voice is a real thing. Hang in there with that babe who isn’t sleeping through the night yet. Your 3-year olds puzzle tactics had me laughing out loud.
Did you know that you are amazing? Thank you for taking the time to respond to mine, and pretty much everyone else’s comments! It sounds silly but it really makes me feel special. Your dedication to your website and guiding all of us followers to making and eating delicious food (in addition to the other random things you post –thoughts, gift guides, products you love, etc), on top of raising your family and fulfilling all your other responsibilities is incredible and very admirable. Thank you again!
That comment meant the world to me – thank you so much, Nancy!
Yes! Share the cinnamon roll recipe! You can never have too many.
Will do!