Friday Thoughts: Holiday Detox and Other “Stuff”
Random as always, I decided to type up a quick Friday Thoughts brain download while we are on a little 6-hour road trip this afternoon. Don’t forget to comment below with any and all of YOUR thoughts (my favorite part!).
Remodel Thoughts: We thought it would be fun (??) to start remodeling significant parts of our house the week before Christmas. And by “we,” I mean, Brian and I are giving lots of advice but leaving the important work to the highly-recommended Eric from Remedy Residential (locals – he’s amazing, but you can’t have him until he’s done with my bathrooms, k, thanks). It started with the kitchen pantry because my cute, little corner pantry was starting to spill out into every corner of the house. Literally. I was stashing food and cooking supplies in the kids’ closets, above the washer, and underneath beds.
We figured out a way to punch through the back wall of the existing pantry and utilize some of our deeper garage space to create a walk-in pantry. And seriously, I don’t think I’ve ever been so excited about something in my life.
I legit think I heard angels singing when I walked into the renovated space for the first time. Also, I think, maybe, possibly, most definitely Eric was a little caught off guard when I hugged him because of my excitement over pantry shelving. What I really know is that this miraculous, new walk-in pantry brings a whole new meaning to my oft-used coping skill of hiding in the pantry eating chocolate chips.
Brian Recovery Thoughts: Thank you to EVERYONE who has emailed, commented and followed up to ask me how Brian is recovering after this post where I vented a little about it. Brian is doing much, much better. He’s back to 100% capacity in terms of work, home life, and church service. Although he’s dealing with pretty constant congestion from the surgery and his snoring is…well…still very special, we are grateful he’s doing so much better than he was in October and November. Thank you so much for caring!
Go Positive Thoughts: Are you an ambitious new year’s resolution setter? I’m kind of a moderate. I always choose a few things to work on (both personally, spiritually and creatively) but I don’t go crazy. The feeling of failure is hard for my perfectionist personality, and I do better when I set the bar low, or rather, realistically. This year personally, after having some emotional breakdowns in regards to parenting and some issues we are dealing with at home and with the kids, my biggest goal is that I’m not saying anything this year that isn’t positive. While I’m trying this in all aspects of my life, mostly it is in relation to how I mother my kids.
I feel so strongly that if I can stick with this, it will change the trajectory of my kids’ lives. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still correcting behavior and issuing consequence, if need be, but I’m framing all of those conversations positively (i.e. “it would really help if everyone could jump up and help in the kitchen so we can get things cleaned up!” vs. “seriously, you guys, can’t anyone get off the couch and help a little bit around here??”). Not going to lie, I’ve already nearly bitten the side of my tongue off keeping myself from saying something naggy/negative and have ended most nights since the new year with a migraine from the effort of ignoring a lot of “behavioral noise” and focusing on positive, positive, positive, but thankfully I am seeing nearly miraculous improvements in the feeling of our home, and I’m determined to continue, even if the effort earns me some gray hair. I’m also doling out more 8-second hugs to anyone related to me who will take them (and also those who don’t want them!).
Creatively, I’m committing myself to finally finish the Fancy Forest quilt I started a couple years ago. Last year, I finished my first-ever, real, live pieced quilt (this Book Nerd quilt pictured below) and gave it to the kids as their traditional homemade Christmas present (although I didn’t confess to them how many bad words I said while making it – quilting is hard!!). Their reactions were so fun on Christmas morning…here’s to hoping I survive and actually finish a much harder quilt this year.
Cinnamon Roll Thoughts: Would you believe me if I told you over the holidays I discovered the cinnamon roll recipe to end all cinnamon roll recipes? I don’t know how to say this and have you take me seriously (considering I have an abnormal number of “favorite” cinnamon rolls already posted), but I’m not sure I’ll ever make another cinnamon roll recipe. These new cinnamon rolls are amazing – lighter, fluffier, and more delicious than any I’ve ever made, I think. What level of interest do you have in me posting this new recipe (given to me by an amazing home chef/baker friend from church)? Stop already with another cinnamon roll recipe or bring it on??
Holiday Wrap Up Thoughts: Overall, we had a great Christmas and New Year’s despite having some lingering sickie germs. And, you know, general holiday and sugar overload (can only be blamed on poor parenting choices such as committing to a Harry Potter movie marathon among other things). We’ve also completed no less than four pretty substantial puzzles thanks to the fact that we are a family of puzzling nerds. The kids go back to school on Monday, and we are currently on a last-minute family drive to Utah to celebrate the life of Brian’s grandpa who passed away on New Year’s Eve at the age of 91. A bittersweet, but also wonderful, way to end the holiday.
Ok, now gimme all YOUR thoughts! Holiday thoughts, cinnamon roll thoughts, pantry thoughts, goal setting thoughts or any old thought you want to share. I love reading them all!
Hi Mel. My 13 year old daughter has taken to sewing and all she talks about is making a quilt. Her absolute favorite thing in the world is reading. She would LOVE the quilt you made. Can you tell me where to find a pattern for it??
Thanks so much
Actually, I just found it online. Thank you for the inspiration!
Sorry I didn’t respond soon enough! Glad you found it! 🙂
Yes please please post your new cinnamon roll recipe! I WANT it!
I was thinking the other day about how much influence for good you have with your followers. After reading this post about making a very determined effort of being POSITIVE in your home I also wanted to take on the challenge. As women I feel like if we can replace the word compare with INSPIRE our lives would change immensely. You had a great idea that inspired me to want to try to be better and it is blessing our family. Thank you for sharing more than just recipes. Thank you for enriching the lives of so many people by sharing your inspiration to the world.
Marilyn – that was so impactful to me – replacing COMPARE with INSPIRE. I love that so much! Thank you for sharing that!
That idea of replacing compare with inspiring is awesome. I’m going to try and do that more and I’m going to borrow that line next time I hear someone comparing. Thanks for sharing! Life is Good 🙂
Why tease us with hints of a new recipe without giving it? ;). Of course I’m interested and can’t wait for this new one. I think I’ve made all of the ones on your site. 🙂
I wasn’t teasing! Promise! I legitimately was curious if people could handle another cinnamon roll recipe. Haha. I guess so!
Love the pantry!! It’s amazing! What a great idea to add more space, you’ve got me thinking now.
I would love the new cinnamon roll recipe!
Thanks, Anissa!
I love these posts! Thanks for the reminder to be positive with my kids. My oldest is 6 years old and I feel like I’m always expecting too much of him and not being positive enough. My husband is out of town for a month right now so it’s been especially tough the last few days since he’s been gone. Do you follow @simplyonpurpose? She is amazing and has really opened my eyes on parenting in a positive way. I actually feel like there are 2 blogs that have had the most impact on me– hers (except she doesn’t have a blog, just an instagram), and yours! I found your blog soon after having my first baby and you have honestly shaped my cooking style! My kids have severe food allergies so I love that you cook from scratch. I really can’t thank you enough!!!! Your healthy banana oat bars are honestly a LIFESAVER. We call them “special bars” and they’re a huge staple for us. We even have a ton of freeze dried special bars in our food storage for vacations and emergencies. Anyway, I’m babbling. Just wanted to say thank you again and again 🙂
Oh, thank you so much, Christine! I’m so happy those bars have been a hit with you and your kids (and the idea of freeze drying them for food storage is pretty much brilliant!). I hear you on husbands traveling – those are always low-patience weeks for me and I have to dig really deep to stay positive with the kids. Hang in there! A month is a LONG time!!
Bring on another cinnamon roll recipe! I love all of your recipes and am excited when you say you found another one! Thank you!
Years ago you suggested the parenting book, Parenting with Love, by Glenn Latham. This post reminded me of it! I need/have to read it again and again and again! I just ran down stairs at midnight to pull it out and make sure I don’t forget to read it. Hopefully eating some chocolate chips in your new, beautiful, pantry will help with your migraine! I think I’ll have a migraine soon too!
Best wishes!
I agree! I’ve been revisiting that book, too!
Yes, Please for the cinnamon roll recipe!!!! Best news of my new year so far, ha!
Yes Please, more cinnamon rolls. Especially if you think this is the last recipe you will ever use.
When my second child and oldest daughter was about 12, she turned into a very negative and sassy young lady. As her mom, I felt it was my job to discipline her and teach her the right way to treat other people, but all that happened was I began to not like this child very much, even though I would always love her. And all the feedback she was getting from me was negative. It was a very difficult time in our relationship. I decided to start giving her only positive feedback unless it was really necessary to discipline her. I would gently praise her for any little positive comment or action she would make, even if it was small. “Thank you for clearing your dishes. That helps me a lot.” “I appreciate you being kind to your little sister. That helps teach her how to be kind too.” I actively looked for the good in this child and brought it to her attention on a regular basis. The transformation was nothing short of miraculous. Her attitude improved almost immediately and she became a very loving, sensitive and kind girl. She will turn 33 in a couple of weeks and we couldn’t be closer as mother and daughter. She’s a very empathetic, loving human being and we ended up having a great time together as mother/teenage daughter during those growing up years. This experience also helped me with my next daughter when she turned that age and her hormones were out of control. I didn’t even think about that with my first daughter, but I was aware of the hormonal changes happening in my other children at that age and that helped me be understanding and patient with them. I think your goal of positivity is a very promising one. Don’t get discouraged. 🙂
Maureen – thank you SO much for sharing this. Honestly, I loved every word you shared. And I think it can give all of us moms deep in the trenches hope. It’s amazing what a transformation there was with the shift to positive. Makes me excited to continue on this sometimes-hard path. THANK YOU!
Thank you so much for sharing!!
This is great. I’m a ways away from hormonal preteens, but I really liked this perspective. And it’s something I can start implementing now. Life is Good 🙂
Loved this comment so much. I had a very difficult 3-year-old boy and my story is so much like yours. Every day I would wake up as a mom and just see all the negative things he was doing. I felt totally absorbed in negativity because life was really really hard. Then I decided to change. I couldn’t change what he was doing. I had to change my own attitude. I looked for every positive thing he did. Since there were very few of these at the time (he was REALLy hard). At first it started out by noticing every time he didn’t do a negative thing. I would literally stay up late at night writing out a list of positive things I could say to this child the next day. “You slept in your bed all night.” “Thank you for putting on your shirt”. “You didn’t hit your brother when you were upset”. Tons and tons of positive things every day. My whole day revolved around it. At first there was still a lot of negative. But slowly slowly things started shifting as I shifted my focus and today he’s really the best 14-year-old teenager out there. 🙂 I still have to remind myself when I slip back into negativity with him or his brother and sister. But the key for him was not to punish the behavior—that was just enforcing the negativity. The key was for us to focus on the positive and build that up in the child. Then he changed the negative behavior himself. Its different with each child but the lessons I learned with that experience have helped me with my other as well. Focusing on the positive always works better than dwelling in the negative. Thanks for the reminder. I loved this thread.
Yes to more cinnamon rolls!
I made your savory stuffed spiral rolls the other day and I was thinking about how fabulous it would be if there really was a sweet version to that roll— with what’s being rolled up as thick and substantial as the cream cheese filling in that savory roll. Have you don’t anything like that before? I always end up wanting more filling in my cinnamon rolls.
Oh yum, that’s a great idea…
That pantry is da bomb. Hope you are enjoying it to the fullest!
Yes, to cinnamon roll recipe! I have not yet found one that is good with a minimal amount of effort. Maybe your new one will be the one for me!
I am quite envious of your quilt. You are officially super mom if you can complete that AND be a mom!
There’s a puzzle at the end of your post (at least in my view there is). I LOVE puzzles and my fiance and I spend our cold MN winters doing several of them. If that puzzle is yours, who does them in your family?
Happy New Year!
I think it would overflow in that size of pan (which is usually 8 1/2-by-4 1/2-inch).
What would overflow? 🙂
I think you’ll love this new cinnamon roll recipe then! And yes, that’s a puzzle we did over the holidays. We all love them, but the serious puzzles are me, Brian my 13-year old and almost 7-year old. 🙂
Haha. Simply a case of responding to the wrong comment in the wrong thread! 🙂
I recently read the book “How to talk so kids will listen and listen so kids will talk” and I think it would align perfectly with your goal to speak positively to your kids 🙂 Very eye-opening for me and I agree its HARD work!! Good luck!
Yes! I have that book and reading it last year kind of prompted me to tweak how I’m doing things.
Yes- I want to try your new cinnamon roll recipe!! Please!!
Hi Mel, I love this post! Your pantry is amazing. I think that after the kitchen, the pantry is the most important space in the house! You, of anyone, certainly need that space with what you do here and what you cook for your family. Glad to hear Brian is feeling better, what an ordeal for him! I love your honesty on trying to be a more positive parent. We can all relate. Your quilt is so beautiful. I am not creative in the least and think it’s wonderful you can do something like that. Yes, please post the yummy cinnamon roll recipe, too. I am glad you enjoyed the holiday season. We did, too, but right after the new year, we decided to have all of the popcorn on all of our ceilings removed. They just finished the painting yesterday. What a mess, but so worth it. The house looks so much brighter and cleaner. Have a great day!!!
Oh my goodness, Teresa! What a project! We scraped the popcorn ceilings off our house in Minnesota when we lived there and I hear you – SO much work and SO much mess, but it was definitely worth it!
There are never too many cinnamon roll recipes. Everyone I cook/bake for looks for something different in their favourite; I owe it to them all to keep trying until I get one that works for everyone. LOL Kudos on the positive parenting. If it was easy, it wouldn’t be worth doing. As a happy Nonna now, trust me when I advise choosing your battles. You still have the hormonal teens to get through, times 5. (So glad it’s not me!) They will need your positivity to get through those angst ridden years and come out the other side with self esteem intact. They always come home for the hugs…..and then they marry great partners and you get the great kids to play with…without all the work!
Haha, yes, I hear from my mom all the time that being a grandma is the best. Thanks for the words of wisdom!!
Definitely bring on another cinnamon roll recipe please!!
I have a completely random thought to add to your random thoughts post.
I just watched a show on Netflix called “Seven Days Out” and it. was. FASCINATING. I learned a lot about some RANDOM areas of life. I loved it! I want more than the only 7 episodes it has!
(p.s. I don’t need another cinnamon roll recipe because I have my mom’s and I have never met another recipe that I think tastes as good as hers. But really, in this world of chaos and fear, who am I to say no to something as peaceful and beautiful as a cinnamon roll recipe? Bring it on.)
Thanks for the Netflix recommendation, Sandi! I’m super excited to check that out! And your sentiment at the end is so true – with so much bad in the world, nothing wrong with another cinnamon roll recipe! 🙂
Yes yes yes yes yes please pass on the new cinnamon roll recipe. I am a huge baker, but I am totally intimidated by tackling cinnamon rolls. So I would love to give this recipe a try.
Will post it soon!
Your post really resonated with me, particularly the part about mothering. I have a number of “goals” for this year, and I think the primary one is similar to yours. I’m grateful for your candor because it’s so easy to assume that other mothers (especially on social media) are doing it “right” while I’m driving my children away by being constantly stressed out and nagging them all day! I’m aiming to make sure they feel loved and valued above all else, even when they’re not being the model kids I want them to be. Heaven knows I’m not the model mother they wish I was!
Your pantry looks awesome. It’s amazing how a little extra space can make such a huge difference! It gives me hope for the remodeling vision we have for our house (which is still years down the road, I’m afraid).
Quilting is also one of my ambitions for this year. Working on prioritizing time for that! I just finished a quilt for my baby that I planned before he was born. He’s turning 2 next month! Your book quilt looks complex! I hope you share the “harder” quilt when you finish!
Thanks for sharing your real life along with your fabulous recipes!
Thanks for your thoughts, Vicky! I agree that perceptions can be deceiving. And comparison is too easy. I’m determined to focus on that love and value piece, too! I don’t think a “model” mother exists. And if so, I’m not sure I want to meet her. Haha.
I love your thoughts and recipies. You and I would be best of friends if we lived closer. I can just tell.
I got an Air fryer for christmas. Please take an adventure with me and get one…so I can then use your recipes….
Which brand/kind did you get??
Definitely want that new cinnamon bun recipe! I have been making cinnamon buns for the last couple years with an adapted recipe from your buttermilk potato bun recipe. I add a little more sugar, and the cinnamon buns are SO yummy, and actually stay fresh tasting for a few days!
I get the whole naggy mom thingy! I also need to work on parenting with grace!
Oh wow, your adapted recipe sounds phenomenal!
Love that quilt! And that puzzle! Can you tell me where you purchased it?
I hoard all of your Cinnamon Roll recipes 😉
I got it on Amazon here:
can you have too many cinnamon rolls – oh wait you said recipes – well maybe, but one can always hope to improve. if you want to branch out I have a lovely doughnut recipe that my grandchildren think rivals Kispy Kremes. I chuckle over your parenting woes. My daughter (mother of a lovely 15 year old daughter) called to apologize for having once been 15, You are a great mom and the perfect one for your tribe. Miss you all.
Haha, the answer is NO you can never have too many cinnamon ROLLS. And I’ll be emailing you for that doughnut recipe!
Walking pantries are life! Congratulations.
Cinnamon Rolls are life! Please share! I made a recipe passed down to me recently that I came to adore now. The use of pudding changed the game for me. I am so interested and curious to try yours!
Thank you! I’ll post the cinnamon roll recipe soon!
We’re about to start on a massive kitchen renovation in my home. I’m scared, nervous about picking decor and excited! I’m actually terrified about picking our countertops tomorrow. We’re reconfiguring our kitchen and it’s so so so expensive. (Insert panic attack)
If I don’t give my kids a direct instruction they won’t do anything so I admire anyone who can get their kids to move on positivity alone.
I’d love a cinnamon roll recipe because I’m not in love with any recipe I’ve tried so far. It’ll be a few months before I’m able to make it though…I won’t have an oven for about 6 weeks. Pray for me!
Awkwardly, I want to be your best friend. We’re still in this super “move around phase” where I know we’re not settling and it’s really hard to make friends. And I love your cooking/eating/parenting philosphies…so it’s really hard not to be awkward. So I’m embracing it.
I love the new year because it feels like a fresh start. I feel so giving because of Christmas and it helps me set some selfish, some not so selfish goals that make me a better person. I wanted to thank you for posting awhile back about the positive parenting book. It’s really helped me in the last couple of months (even though I’m STILL trying really hard not to scream at my kids :), and reading this post about how you’re trying with the positivity also helps!
Thank you for the joy and love through food that you spread!!
Thanks, Ashlee! I love that little book – I still use it constantly. And if it makes you feel better, I’m super awkward, too, so we’d make a great pair! 🙂
Mel, I love all your recipes, especially cinnamon rolls! And congrats to your new pantry addition-looks amazing! I’d really appreciate healthy recipes these next few months, as our family is going sugar, gluten (and most other grains), dairy, and any animal-product free. Crazy, I know. We’re following the nutritarian diet plan, which means a lot of fruits, veggies, nuts and seeds, legumes and beans. In hopes to de-junk our appetites, cravings, and systems. So-bring on any bean or lentil recipe! Or fun ways to cook veggies. Or how to us a Wok-I got one for Christmas from my mom. Thanks Mel!
Well I am drooling over your pantry! So fabulous. And I feel that if a perfect recipe walks into your life then you are obligated to share it with us.
Haha, how can I argue with that kind of logic?
Yes to cinnamon rolls! I love when you share recipes to end all recipes because they always are THAT GOOD!!
Ok, I’m getting excited about this! I’m going to make the cinnamon rolls a couple more times this week and get some great tutorial shots.
I don’t have a cinnamon roll recipe, so I’m looking forward to getting yours. I don’t know where you get the energy .
PS. I’ve never made cinnamon Rolls before.
I’m excited for you to try this new recipe then!
Mel, bring on ANY recipes. You are my go-to and you have not let me down in the 4+ years I’ve been following you. Please, please! And thank you so much for everything you’ve posted.
Thank you so much!
Is there such a thing as too many cinnamon roll recipes??? Share already, woman! ; )
Jelly of your walk in pantry… we have two pantries that are part of our cabinets. I miss my old walk in one. And, sorry to hear of the passing of Brian’s grandfather. We are headed to Utah this weekend for my great aunt’s funeral. She passed away at 94, and was the last remaining sibling of 11 children. So bitter sweet.
I can always use another cinnamon roll recipe. Please and thank you!
Done and done! Coming soon!
Yes, yes, yes! I am so similar to you with regards to resolutions. This year my word is LOVE, and I really appreciate your idea of positive talk. We had some difficult things to tackle in 2018 with our kiddos, and I’m feeling that what they really need is LOVE! (I’ve tried the nagging/yelling/complaining and it doesn’t seem to be working.) Thank you for the example of how to change a nagging comment into a positive one. Happy New Year! And please, bring on your new favorite cinnamon roll recipe. Not sure how you’ll beat the pudding one, but I’m willing to try it.
Yes, everything you said! Love is the answer as cheesy as it sounds. For me it’s all about finding practical, authentic ways to show that love. And I promise to share the recipe soon!
You deserve a big pantry for all you do for us! Mine is very small but I can only blame myself because I helped design the kitchen. Please share the cinnamon roll recipe and thank you for your sweet newsletters and thoughts on parenting. I didn’t know how you do all you do but I’m grateful you laugh at yourself and share all of you so we can still be friends. (Otherwise I’d be very intimidated by you!) Your family is beautiful and you are a wonderful mother! Oh and I binge watched Fat, salt, acid, heat and I’m so inspired to cook more, worry less and share food with others. Thank you for your recipes that always inspire me! ♥️
I saw that show on Netflix and wondered if I should watch it! I will now with your good review. And oh goodness, I hope I always come across as real and down to earth. If anyone were intimidated by me, it would be a HUGE mistake. Life is chaotic and crazy and messy and wonderful all at the same time and I’m just trying to embrace that (and I hope it’s obvious that I fall short a lot). Thank you, Jaime!
Please tell us the cinnamon roll recipe!! Also, I am super curious to know what kind of cinnamon you use. I almost ordered some Saigon cinnamon, but then got confused between that & Ceylon cinnamon. So, I gave up! Maybe you can enlighten us!!
My favorite cinnamon in all the world is the Penzey’s signature cinnamon blend. I order it in bulk!
Ok I am clearly the one lone wolf here – no more cinnamon roll recipes!!!!!! My pants can’t take it and too many options is already stressing me out! How can something possibly be better than Gloria’s? Such blasphemy! You better do a cook off to prove it. Also – super jealous of that pantry Happy New Year!
Hahahaha, you are probably serious, but it still made me laugh. You ARE in the minority. But I promise when I do share the recipe that I’ll have some solid evidence and side by side comparisons to back up the claim!
Not so much serious as rather a devout lover of Gloria’s rolls! They are the best ever and I refuse to believe something can top it!!!! Can’t wait for the side by side comparison. Love your blog and thanks so much for the Meal Planning App – you are saving my life!
Thank you for reminding me that how we present things to our kids is SO important. I too need to work on being positive in my parenting ways. I often find myself yelling, then apologizing for losing it.
As for hiding in the pantry and eating choc chips you are not alone. Your new pantry looks divine. We just recently added more pantry space.
Finally as a bread lover, bring on the cinnamon roll recipe. I would love to try my hand at it.
Happy New Year
Thanks, Andrea – happy new year!
I have yeast I need to use! Bring in the cinnamon rolls, especially if I can tweak things to make them dairy free!!! Please and thank you. And I want your pantry. I would tear up and hug and jump (because I’m a jumper) over such a beautiful space. Your reaction was well within the confines of normal. 🙂 Blessings!!
And I also want to join you in the positivity. If there is anything I feel convicted about when standing before my church to lead them in worship on Sunday mornings, it’s negativity toward my children’s behavior. I can find a different way to guide them. Thanks for sharing about this!
Haha, thanks for making me feel justified in my emotional reaction over the pantry!
Mel – we have 4 teenagers under one roof and many (most) days I have to take a lot of deep breaths and redirect the way I want to say things! It’s day by day, week by week around here, aiming to be present with my family and remembering that words are like actions. Thank you for inspiring me to plan and make better meals for my peeps, something I basically learned how to do from your recipes!
Oh gosh, you are so right. Day by day. Thanks for the input! I love knowing so many of us moms are in this together trying to do our best.
I love cinnamon rolls, so yes please! I made Gloria’s recipe for 2017 Christmas, and for 2018 I used your scaled down version. I don’t know if I technically have a pantry? Ha. We have one tall, narrow cupboard with 5 shelves and then I use another cupboard for baking food supplies like flour and sugar. Your renovation is so fun!
I’ll post the recipe soon!
PLEASE and YES to any and all worthy cinnamon roll recipes. They’re my FAVORITE! Oh, and thank you. 🙂
Coming soon!
Okay I admit I read closely until the cinnamon rolls question and then just immediately jumped down here to comment. YES. YES to the greatest cinnamon roll recipe of all time! Post it!
Haha, ok!
Ummm…. YES to the cinnamon roll recipe! Of course!
I know, I’m realizing I didn’t need to ask! 🙂
Mel, I love your blog and thoughts! We are dealing with similar stuff with kids not listening or lack of motivation to help. We had a family meeting to talk about having a ‘happier home’ and what everyone can do to contribute. I am going to try your positive approach, with as you mentioned still consequences, etc… I would love to hear more about your approach!
Thank you
Good luck, Amy! It’s definitely an ongoing process, isn’t it, with families. We’ve had several “family councils” about it, too.
Happy New Year, Mel!! So happy to hear Brian is feeling better & YES, you’ve gotta share this amazing new cinnamon roll recipe! 🙂 Your parenting goal is SO inspiring – I think it’s just what my family needs as well & I’m going to follow your lead! ❤
Thanks, Molly!
Yes to cinnamon roll recipe!!!!!
Will do!
Go for posting another FAVORITE cinnamon roll recipe. What’s NOT to LIKE!!!
Haha, true!