Merry Christmas
The picture above sums up this crazy year and is definitely a representation of things seen and unseen.
The joy in my life.
The imperfections.
The groans as my boys had to actually touch each other.
The silliness.
The sweetness.
The fact that one of my kid’s heads is getting smooshed by dad’s elbow.
The unapologetic open mouthed laughs.
The things that really matter.
The things that don’t.
Over this last year, due to some circumstances in and out of my life, my priorities have snapped into focus with laser precision. Things that have seemed really important in the past, suddenly, do not.
All of that is why, despite my best intentions and beginning of the year goals I haven’t posted to or been as present on social media as often as I had planned.
Why there are about 32 recipes in my “ready to be posted” folder that won’t actually get posted this year (or maybe ever).
Why I haven’t actually launched that super important email campaign.
Or grown my following by leaps and bounds (spoiler alert: I think I’m the only blogger alive that doesn’t track their traffic – please don’t tell on me).
It’s why I’ve put down my phone more.
Prayed more.
Spent late nights talking with teenagers instead of blogging more.
Tried to follow my heart and ignore social pressures more.
I wish I could say this means I have it all together and I’m never grumpy and my house is spotless and my kids never bicker. Ha.
The reality is, my vacuum doesn’t run as much as it should, I haven’t exercised in weeks, I still burn the candle at both ends futilely trying to hone down my personal and blogging to-do list (which often makes me prickly and ornery), and I often feel like I’m failing.
But my solace is that I really am trying to gain value from the lessons life is trying to teach me right now.
I guess all I really want to say is: despite my imperfections as a food blogger and my tendency toward over talking things, thank you for being here.
Thank you to those of you who “get me.”
Who understand my heart (and my weird sense of humor).
Who make the recipes and comment on posts (and those who don’t; I’m still grateful for you!).
And who trust me to really dial down and give the best of the best of the best.
You don’t have time for average recipes and filler content, and neither do I.
Thank you for allowing this space to be a place that I love to connect with, even if it’s on a slower schedule and timeline than anticipated or promised.
You have taught me so much this year. Your comments and emails and stories and humor and vulnerable experiences have buoyed me up more than you can know.
YOU are the reason I come back and bust out a new recipe blog post when I have time. I love your guts. This space takes a lot of time and planning and effort, but it’s worth it because of you!
Mostly, I am endlessly grateful for that family you see above. For their continued patience with me.
And even more than that, I am humbly and ever grateful for an infinitely loving Savior who has made every good thing in my life possible – and provided a way to get through the terribly tough moments with hope and perseverance.
Without Him, my life would be completely meaningless, and I am so grateful for this time of year when the joy of His birth and life brightens every moment.
Merry, merry Christmas, my friends.
{I’ll be taking a few weeks off from blogging and social media, but I’ll see you in the New Year with some amazing new recipes!}
Mel, I have been following your blog for years now. I always joke that it is the only thing I can read that doesn’t put me to sleep. You are my go-to website for reliable recipes. Thank you for your transparency, your humor, your passion, and allowing us to go on this journey with you called life. You have blessed my life tremendously. This is my fav time of the year celebrating Jesus’ birth and the reason for this season- the source of all my strength and hope. Praying for you and your family. God Bless!
Discovered your blog this year and I love it. Thank you for bringing some delicious recipes to our family. Please enjoy yours guilt-free, they are only small for such a short time. Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas. Your blog and recipes and your writing bring me so much happiness. Thank you for sharing this gift. It has meant so much to our family.
Please don’t worry about us, your recipients. Your family comes first, not us. First is your prayer life, second is family and anytime left from your busy times, we will look forward to your delicious recipes. God bless
Amen! to all of that.
I’m with you for sure. Pray you have a wonderful time off filled with restoration, and bliss! The best of His blessings to you and your lovely family 😀
Merry Christmas, Mel! You’ve got it!
Mel, I have made your recipes and read your blog for years, both are amazing . You are a wonderful person. Merry Christmas to you and your beautiful family. You are blessed!
Bless you dear woman you are making crazy good choices I am really impressed. Your kids will only be under your roof for a short time you see choosing the good part.
Thank you for your tried and true recipes less is best when I know they will be great.
Thanks for all the mega time it takes to make this blog the only food blog I keep up with and always refer best friend to take a look.
Hear! Hear! Raise a toast to that! 🙂
Merry Christmas! I have been silently following your blog for years now and I ABSOLUTELY love it! I have a husband and 3 kids and despite my every effort to feed them a diverse diet to avoid “picky” eaters, I have them anyways. But, when ever I make one of your recipes, I’m assured to have very little leftovers. Many of your recipes have become part of our family traditions: beef barley soup and fresh bread for Christmas Day supper and monster cookies for family vacations. And don’t even get us started on the homemade vanilla bean caramels. YUM!
I can assure you that your hard work and dedication to choosing the best of the best recipes does not go unappreciated. Take all the time you need to take care of yourself and your family. I promise we will be here waiting for you when you can return. Blessings to you and yours.
Mel-I have been silently following your blog for years now and I ABSOLUTELY love it! I have a husband and 3 kids and despite my every effort to feed them a diverse diet to avoid “picky” eaters, I have them anyways. But, when ever I make one of your recipes, I’m assured to have very little leftovers. Many of your recipes have become part of our family traditions: beef barley soup and fresh bread for Christmas Day supper and monster cookies for family vacations. And don’t even get us started on the homemade vanilla bean caramels. YUM!
I can assure you that your hard work and dedication to choosing the best of the best recipes does not go unappreciated. Take all the time you need to take care of yourself and your family. I promise we will be here waiting for you when you can return. Blessings to you and yours.
Merry Christmas, Mel. Thank you for being so honest and kind in your posts, this one & every other. I’m making your twix bars tomorrow for a family gathering and will report back on whether or not they are, in fact, delicious made gluten-free. My expectation is that YES, they will be. 🙂 Much love and best wishes to you in the New Year!
Thank you for this, Mel! Your family is beautiful. I LOVE the picture! 🙂 . I don’t generally comment, but you must know I RELY on you and your site and your WONDERFUL recipes! I LOVE your recipes and KNOW and trust that my family and I will love what I make. And I love that you love our Savior, too. SO THANK YOU!
Wow. Thank you. Thank you for being real, selfless and for your testimony of the Savior! This post was really beautiful. You are part of most meals at our house. I’m one of those who don’t comment much here, but I promise I’m talking lots about you when we are eating together. Food is our family time and you are helping to make that time more meaningful. I love you! Merry Christmas!
Mel, my very best wishes of the season to you and your family. Love you and your blog so much!!! xo
Mel. I cook A LOT! You are the ONLY food blogger that I follow. And I do so because you are real, tell it like it is, have a sense of humor that I get, love your family with complete abandon, and, oh, have recipes that are quite simply perfect for me to try. I understand your struggle. Know that I just feel lucky on a day that you post. That is all.
Oops! Forgot to wish you and your sweet family a happy Christmas and blessed new year.!
Mel, I totally understand being overwhelmed! I also understand how important it is to put family first, and how much prayer can help us. Your blog is my favorite food blog, and I love your recipes! I love that you put a lot of effort into giving us something that’s really worth eating! And seriously, I’d much rather get 32 well thought out recipes from you in a year that many more that aren’t worth making. I appreciate what you do so much. I love the little side stories about your family too. Please don’t feel guilty about taking time to do what’s most important! Merry Christmas, and I hope 2020 is a great year for you!
You were the first food blogger I ever followed and are still my favorite. Do not apologize for not getting everything done that you want to do. We are all in the same boat. The most important thing is your family and their well being and happiness. We have so much but sometimes don’t appreciate it. Have a wonderful holiday season and a happy and healthy New Year.
You comments are a blessing. Jesus truly is the reason for the season and He is the one who adds meaning to this crazy life.
Merry Christmas Mel!! Thank you for sharing your mortal journey with us.
“We are meant to have joy in this life, and that is completely unrelated to the temporary circumstances of our lives and completely dependent on Jesus Christ. Joy can be an unchanging constant in our lives. I think peace and joy are the two great gifts of God to the faithful.”
Merry Christmas Mel. Thank you for all you do and have done. You changed how I am in the kitchen. I’m a better cook/baker because of you. Thank you for being you and for giving so much of yourself to us. I’m praying for you.
Thank you for all you do I love your recipes and for taking the time to understand kids that’s amazing you’re a great person Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
You have hundreds of recipes I’ve still yet to try, and I always see slowing down as a wonderful thing. It’ll give me time to try and catch up on we love your recipes, and your blog. I never read the post done before the recipes, I always just scroll through, but not on yours. They make me giggle, it’s fun to read, and I enjoy the tips and tricks. My husband and I are OBSESSED with all of your recipes. Enjoy your time off and I will be busy making lots of your precious recipes!!!
Thank you Mel for all your efforts throughout the year — for providing insight that only you can provide — for sharing the most reliable recipes for the most delicious food, and for just being you. You have a beautiful family–the joy shines through in all your expressions and that’s a wonderful blessing. I hope 2020 will be kind to you and yours and look forward to hearing from you when you’re ready to share again.
Merry Christmas to you and your beautiful family! I appreciate all the recipes and family life that you share. I’m about to pull the tater breakfast casserole out of the oven for Christmas Day breakfast. Enjoy the time with your family!
Mel, we all love you. If you never posted another recipe we would have years and years of amazing recipes that have found our way into our lives. Just last night I made the lion house dinner rolls. As you know these years fly by very quickly and it can be challenging to enjoy every moment and be in the present when as moms theres a million things to do. I’m glad you have found some insight into life this past year and hope it helps you on your way. Merry Christmas! You have a beautiful fanily!
I am also a first time commenter!
My daughter found your recipes and graciously passed your website info on to her sister and me and we’ve been huge fans ever since! If one of us makes a new recipe that we all love, our first question is always “Is this one of Mel’s?” Thank you, thank you, thank you for what you do! I have shared your recipes with so many friends, and I always check your website to see if you have a version of a dish I’d like to try.
I love your sense of humor! I love your thorough directions!
I love that your website is not cluttered with advertisements!
Take good care of yourself and your family and return to us rested.
We’ll get by while you are away and celebrate when you are back!
Be blessed and refreshed during your break. Keep Him (our savior) first and allow Him to guide. Being pushed or stressed in a negative way is not from Him. I and I suspect others would rather enjoy fewer recipes and interaction from you than non.
Lord I lift Mel and her life up to you now and ask that you make your presence known to her and those around her with your love and peace. Bring all things around for Your glory. And I thank You that it’s done in your precious name Jesus. Amen and Amen
Merry Christmas to you and your family. May God bless you this Christmas and always. We can get through ANYTHING with God. HE got me through my daughter’s suicide. We are divine beings, and have to remember that what we know is only the tip of the iceberg. There is SO much more. Blessings to you all.
Merry Christmas to you and your beautiful family, Mel and thank you for all that you do to help all of us care for our families with your fabulous recipes and advice. Peace, love and happiness in the new year.
Merry Christmas to you and your beautiful family! I’m one of those non-commenters …Lol… but thank you so much for your amazing food blog and your delicious recipes! We’re enjoying a few of your recipes for Christmas celebrations…it feels like you’re always over for dinner! : )
Merry Christmas to you and your family, looking forward to more recipes in the new year. Have a wonderful holiday…
Love everything about you and wish we were real life friends. We would be. God bless you and your family. And I mean it.
Merry Christmas, and all the best for the new year.
Merry Christmas!
Awwww….Mel, you are so real and bravely share your life and family ups and downs with us, trusting that we will receive your words and photos in the spirit in which they are sent. We are indeed your dear and close friends, as scattered as we are geographically.
I think your posting pace is perfect as it is. It is amazing that you can write in the fun and casual way that you do yet never sacrifice quality for whimsy. Your recipes are tried and true with notes to help the most kitchen challenged of us — me. And you proof read everything before you post and I have to say that as a former school librarian it is such a mental relief not to have to silently correct your grammar or punctuation!
Thank you for your generosity as you make time in your life for us. The Friday Thoughts always give me something to think about long after reading it and the Gift Guide has helped me tremendously this year and last. Your blog is perfect as is and I hope you enjoy a well deserved winter rest, Mel.
Merry Christmas to you and your sweet family!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family! Relax and enjoy. Family is so important.
Mel, thank you! Thank you for sharing your talents & helping me to feed my family Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas to you and your family! Family always comes first. We will wait patiently for you to return.
This just sums up all the reasons I really like you as a blogger and a person.
As a mom who just started her own business a year ago, I get this completely. Priorities, balance and the things that matter most are always on my mind. I don’t want to build an empire, just help support my family. I think I hear you saying the same thing. I, too, will always return here for the recipes. I love the way you do things on here, however frequent or infrequent. Merry Christmas!
I’m like many of these other commenters that rarely posts, yet feel like I’m your biggest fan (to the point that my husband teases me that I think we’re everyday friends). I make almost every single recipe you post and use your blog as my recipe google for meal planning, like it’s an actual shortcut on my browser. I constantly share your blog with anyone who needs some Mel in their life and cooking prowess because you have completely changed and blessed my life as I have learned from you. And I think you’re hilarious and love all the explanations and wit and realness as much as the recipes. And the Friday thoughts and gift guides, thank you for taking the time to share goodness and real life. With all of that said, I appreciate your openness about finding balance with your blogging goals and the things that matter most. You have so many loyal followers, I’m pretty sure we will take whatever we can get without sacrificing the valuable time of your sweet family. Merry Christmas and thank you for sharing your light.
Merry Christmas to you Mel and your beautiful family! I hope you have a healthy and prosperous new year in 2020!
You’re doing the most important thing Mel, taking care of your family bc they come first! Besides you already have 32 recipes in your file that you can use and I’m sure that they are yummy!
Thanks for the message. It is comforting to hear from someone else who thinks she runs short in the Perfect wife, mother, career dept. ,,You’re right, dusty furniture is not one of the important things I value my faith and don’t know how I’d manage without it.
Merry Christ’s Birth Day. We need to honor Him by enjoying it all.
Merry Christmas!! You just keep doing what you are doing! Family and general life is much more important then a blog. Since I discovered your blog many moons ago, your site is the first I look when I am looking for a recipe to try. With so many blogs becoming so commercialized yours is a breathe of fresh air. Enjoy your time with you family!
Mel, thanks for your online friendship. I’d be happy hearing from you a couple times a month on the blog. Your family is beautiful and I’ve wondered how you were doing all this madness!
This is why I love you and your blog! You are my very most favorite food blogger, I rarely visit other sites these days. Thanks for being so real, and someone I want to be more like. Your family is beautiful and I wish you a very merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas to you and your family! I just shared your wonderful tater tot casserole with my parents this Christmas Eve and they really loved it! My Dad, who is 82, has been fascinated by tater tot recipes and I knew when I saw your recipe that he would love it. And he did!
It’s okay to slow down. Quality over quantity any day.
Thanks for being so raw and vulnerable, Mel. I am one of your most loyal readers and fans who rarely leaves comments, but I am here to say that I hope you keep blogging/posting recipes forever!! Even if it’s infrequent and just a way for you to save and categorize your recipes. Even if you ditch the elaborate photos, posts, expectations, or whatever makes it stressful. I made my first-ever batch of cinnamon rolls yesterday (Cheryl’s famous recipe) and they turned out *perfectly.* I was so proud and overjoyed, and I have YOU to thank for that! I have people comment frequently on how good I am at cooking/baking, and I shake my head and say, “Mel is my homegirl.” and I mean it! I have stepped out of my comfort zone and made so many delicious, amazing things because you have instructed and inspired me. Thank you for all of your hard work. I am sure that maintaining this space is *so* time consuming, but I am grateful for all the work you’ve done.
More importantly, thank you for being real and for sharing your faith. You are such a light. Focus on what matters. We’ll all be here when you have time to post more recipes. Merry Christmas!
I’ve never commented on your posts cause that’s just not me. Thank you for being you and enjoy your kids, they really do grow up so fast and they need and deserve your full attention, even if they don’t think so! I hope you have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Mel…thank you for your sacrifice of time and your sharing of your talents to help families be well fed. I know that I can trust that each recipe you post is “tried and true”. I love that you say food is your love language—it is mine too! I have teenagers as well ….thank you for sharing recipes that incentivize them to come home for dinner! Your recipes help us communicate and connect over delicious food!
Merry Christmas Mel!! Thanks for all the wonderful recipes, your honesty and humility, your humor, and your blogging friendship!! Have a super Happy New Year!! ❤️