Search Results
Your search for "coconut curry" returned 78 results:
This easy sticky coconut chicken is one of our favorite meals ever! Coconut milk marinated chicken is brushed with a sweet and spicy sticky...
Move over classic rice krispie treats! These toasted coconut caramel rice krispie treats are ridiculously delicious… and so easy! I figure if you’re reading...
Quick, healthy, and crazy delicious, this almond coconut milk chicken satay has simple, unique flavors that will make it a new grilled chicken favorite...
This tasty and easy Instant Pot Indian butter chicken and potato curry recipe is amazing! All the flavors of a delicious and hearty Indian...
Want a delicious, flavorful curry dish in less than 30-minutes? This simple curry is a perfect meal any night of the week. Tasty, fast...
Meatballs are always a family dinner hit. This Thai Green Curry Meatball dish is no exception. It’s simple, flavorful, different, and amazing. I have...
A coconut lime curry marinade lends intense flavor for this grilled lime coconut chicken. Serve over rice for the perfect meal! You know a...
This quick and healthy garlic shrimp in coconut lime tomato sauce dish is delicious- it’s a perfectly unassuming and fast shrimp dish! Wow, talk...
This healthy bean curry takes less than 15 minutes and it is fantastic. The black-eyed peas combined with the spices make a delightful combo....
This chicken with green curry sauce is a great change-up on a traditional curry dish. It is so simple and the texture is fantastic!...
These brown butter chocolate chip muffins are incredible! A bit more rich and decadent than your average muffin, they have amazing flavor. If you’ve...
These easy butterscotch rice krispie treats are magical. Browned butter gives them a hint of salty, caramel flavor, and they are out of this...