This easy yogurt flatbread recipe is life changing! No yeast and no kneading, this simple dough makes the best flatbread ever. Yeast-free (and no...
These quick and easy Greek lettuce wraps make a perfect weeknight meal. The flavors are amazing (especially that creamy feta dressing!). Oh man, I love...
These crunchy baked French toast sticks take French toast to a whole new (delicious) level! Easy to make, they’re sure to become a favorite...
These easy sugar cookie bars are just as delicious as regular sugar cookies with hardly any work! Super soft, super yummy! For me and...
If you’ve ever wondered how to cook quinoa in the Instant Pot, prepare for your life to be changed! Perfect, fluffy, tender quinoa in...
Want the best appetizer at the party? These easy cheesy sausage wonton bites are so crazy delicious…crispy wontons filled with a savory sausage filling....
These fudgy brownie cupcakes are amazing, but what really takes the cake is the creamy, fluffy, best peanut butter frosting ever! Get ready for…...
The perfect side dish OR main dish, this mandarin spinach bowtie pasta salad with teriyaki dressing is so light and refreshing…and that dressing is...
Want a chocolate fix without ruining your healthy eating plan? These no-bake healthy dark chocolate almond joy bites have no refined sugar, take just...
With two {everyday} secret ingredients, you won’t believe how easy it is to make the most perfect corn on the cob on the planet!...
Thanks to these 30-minute Dan Dan noodles, dinner night has never been easier! So fast, so easy, and so scrumptious, the Asian-style sauce knocks...
This pressure cooker chicken and black bean chili is fast, simple, so tasty…and it freezes amazingly well. In the long list of recipes to...