Succulent Steak and Hasselback Potatoes
Do you want to make your average baked potato stellar? Hasselback potatoes are the answer, and are the perfect side dish to steak.
Grilling season isn’t over quite yet and if you want a fantastic, no-fail steak marinade, this one is for you.
The recipe comes from my husband and he is so proud to be the owner of his first ever recipe posted on this here blog.

He’s been using this for years (long before we met) and I agree that it is one of the best, easiest marinades for steak we’ve had.
A perfect accompaniment to steak is a baked potato, if you ask me. I’ve been excited to try these Hasselback potatoes and sure enough, they were awesome.
Talk about a fun way to make an average baked potato stellar – butter, garlic and salt (and a sharp knife) are about all you need to make a delicious side.
Now go and get grilling before summer ends! (Although if you think like me, an indoor grill pan makes grilling available all year round!)
Succulent Steak and Hasselback Potatoes
Steak Marinade:
- 1 cup soy sauce
- ½ cup brown sugar
- ½ cup apple cider vinegar
- ½ cup pineapple juice
- 3 garlic cloves crushed or finely minced
Hasselback Potatoes:
- 5-6 medium baking potatoes
- 4 garlic cloves, pressed through a garlic pressed or finely minced
- 2 tablespoons olive oil
- 2 tablespoons butter
- Coarse salt
- Freshly ground black pepper
- For the steak marinade: Combine all ingredients thoroughly and use as marinade. I marinate the meat overnight (about 12-14 hours) before grilling.
- For the potatoes: Preheat the oven to 425. Put the potato on a cutting board, flat side down. Start from one end of the potato, cut almost all the way through, making thin slices.
- Arrange the potatoes on a baking sheet and sprinkle the garlic in between the slits. Scatter some butter on top of each potato (it doesn’t have to be exact – I just pinched off pieces of butter and put them on top of the potato and in random slices). Then drizzle the olive oil and sprinkle some salt and freshly ground black pepper over the potatoes.
- Bake the potatoes for about one hour or until the potatoes turn crispy and the flesh is soft.
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Recipe Source: adapted from Norah’s blog
Brian’s steak marinade recipe not showing
Love to try Brian’s Steak Marinade but cannot access recipe instructions
Can you fry or back the steak? It is too windy every afternoon to BBQ.
If I can, can you please provide the baking instruction. Temp and time?
and thank you so very much for this wonderful recipes!
Hi Sheri, you can probably pan fry or bake the steak. I can’t give you a definitive time or temp as I haven’t tried it myself but for the oven, I’d suggest maybe broiling and cooking for 3-6 minutes per side depending on the thickness
Could you fry or toaster oven or even the big oven this wonderful recipe.
I don’t grill as my patio every afternoon till after sundown it;s windy. I don;t trust firing up the grill when it’s windy.
Could you put a link on this recipe to save it to Prepear?
I like adding gouda cheese to my potatoes its great
Long ago we would go to Steak N Ale which had a simiar marinade that we loved! I think they used a sirloin though, I used to cook London broil on the grill and would marinate but they were always still tough. Last weekend I said I am going to try it again and marinated overnight. I think this was the difference because it came off the grill and was spectacular. So you can use all kinds of steak with this recipe and have a terrific meal!
I have to tell you I’m kinda proud of my memory right now, Mel! I wanted to link to this recipe to tell a friend my favorite marinade and so I Googled “Brian’s Awesome Steak Marinade” and was surprised I got your hubby’s name right! Anyway, this really is my favorite–makes the steaks so flavorful and tender!
Ref: potatoes
I slice mine through and thin slice Vidalias then alternate them in a great long cumbersome handful; BUT I do it over a large piece of foil and grab the foil and partially wrap it.
Season as you wish this is what I do but sometimes add Parmesan bacon bits or rosemary.
When seasoned complete the wrap and bake on a cookie sheet.
Gina – I made that steak so long ago, I have no idea what kind it was but usually I use t-bone or other grilling steaks, so yes, I think the marinade does fine with t-bone.
This marinade sounds easy and interesting. Do ya think it’ll tenderize t-bone steaks? BTW, your steak looks dreamy. What kind is it? Thanx.
I’ve made a variation of Hasselback potatoes for years, but I like your recipe better! I lay the potato in a wooden spoon to keep from cutting all the way through. They look hard to make, but aren’t really. Thanks for all the great recipes!
Charity – yes, sometimes I use my grill pan. It is like a skillet but is square with ridges on the bottom. They are widely available at most stores like Target, Walmart and well-stocked kitchen stores. Otherwise, you can always broil the steaks on a sheet pan in the oven – watching carefully and adjusting the oven rack to avoid over-browning. Good luck!
I just had a question about how to make the Steaks without a grill. You said something about a grilling pan. Could you elaborate more? Thanks so much for your wonderful website. I love it so much.
Mel, Mel, Mel. I will thank you AGAIN for another amazing recipe that is added to our menu plan. I didn’t think my husband would let me cook another potato, after trying your twice baked…but I decided to try anyway 🙂 He loves your twice baked so much and I was shocked…
This potato looks so beautiful and since we are “jacket potato” eaters as a meal, I thought I’d try these.
Here are things he said during dinner:
“Shh. Eating. I said SHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Mmm.”
“I can’t decide which potato I like better, but you can make either one again and I’ll let you know. And then make them again. And again.”
“Mel strikes one out of the park again!”
“I don’t know who this lady is, or how you found her website (I can’t remember!!!), but her husband and family better LOVE her for all of these, cause I sure love you for cooking them!”
So needless to say, I have a feeling that I will be adding A LOT more non meat options from your website to our meal planning spreadsheet! Thanks for making dinnertime at our house so fun!
Made this for my family last night…they loved it! Thank you! I had 3 small filet mignons and halved the marinade recipe.
Well Mel…don’t worry about the orange juice comment as I just ran to the store. Talk about best steak I’ve ever made. My bf loved it as well. This might be the only way I cook a steak going forward! I also made a spin off of the potatoes by using mini potatoes as that was all I had in the house. The aromas and taste were perfect!
Do you think we could substitute orange juice for the pinapple juice? I tend to run of out pinapple juice around the house.
Folks, there is a reason this recipe is in the little ribbon of favorites running alongside this blog. It’s amazing. A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. Could not be easier or more delicious. The potatoes were a real treat, salty and garlicy and wonderful and they got a little crispy on the outside. I used a flank steak, left it pink inside and sliced it thin. Heaven.
Amazing marinade! Quick, easy, and absolutely delicious. I can’t wait to try some of your other recipes.
This is easily the best steak i have ever prepared at home. we marinaded it over night and it was juicy and chock FULL of flavor. The entire table could not get over how flavorful it was. This is truly “no fail” as you said and I will continue to make this and impress my guests! Thank you so much for sharing.
YUM! Had the marinade yesterday and it is a new family favorite!!
Thanks, Cindy!
The steak marinade, oh man, was that good! A keeper for sure:)
Thanks, Erin!
I love your blog and use it weekly to plan my meals. I can say I have NEVER been disappointed. I love that you use ingredients that I usually have around or there’s an easy substitute. I made this exact meal for our anniversary and we LOVED it! It was absolutely perfect. I caught a picture of my husband savoring the bite with his eyes closed. HA HA! I can’t thank you enough.
heidi – thanks so much for your nice comment! I’m thrilled this meal was such a hit for your anniversary. That’s hilarious that your husband was eating with his eyes closed, it was that good. Too funny!
I’m looking through your website planning our meals for the next few weeks. I am making a few recipes that call for soy sauce. Do you have a favorite brand??? Also I know this doesn’t belong on here but my crockpot just broke and I need to get a new one ASAP. Do you have a favorite one or brand?? Thanks!!!!
Hey Tanya – I always use the Kikkoman brand of soy sauce, and actually I usually buy the low-sodium and like the results. As for a crockpot, I’ve had both of my Rival crockpots for 8 years going strong so I would definitely recommend that brand. Both have the ceramic inserts – one is smaller, like a 3 quart size, and the other is really big, probably 5 or 6 quarts? Hope that helps!
Thanks for another one Mel! I made these last night for Kevin’s birthday and they were soooo moist and sooooo delicious! I’m not a huge steak fan, and usually end up drenching them in steak sauce, but not so with this one. I didn’t have to add any sauces! 🙂 Oh and hope you don’t mind, but I’m stealing it for my dairy free blog!
Nicole – steal away! I’m glad you liked it!
We had this over the weekend and it was a huge hit. The steak was very tender and juicy. I think I will try this marinade with other meats, I loved the pineapple flavor. The potatoes were awesome. I made sure that I put garlic between each slit. Mmmm. We were invited to another BBQ the next day and I made these with garlic and shallots between each slice and poured melted butter over them instead of cubes. SO GREAT! I love shallots, so maybe I am biased. My mom teaches cooking classes at Williams-Sonoma and thought these would be a good side dish for her next lesson. Thanks for the great recipes!
Sally – oh, I love the idea of shallots and melted butter on these potatoes. Delicious! Thanks for checking in – I’m so glad you liked the steak marinade, too.
I actually found your marinade recipe on Real Mom Kitchen (and I saw your asparagus on there too!) but I thought I’d come back to tell you directly that we loved it. I’m not a steak eater but I seriously wanted to devour my hubby’s dinner (I was eating a vegetarian meal and he had steak marinated with this) when he let me try a bite. I will definitely be using this over and over again. Thanks, and thanks to your hubby too! He did good! 🙂
Thanks, Veronica! I’ll tell my husband about your comment. He’ll be flattered. I’ll try to encourage him not to let it go to his head.
Yummmy! Might just have to be the first grilled meal on our new deck in MO!!
You were able to get such nice thin slices into your potatoes! I always have trouble w/that when trying to make Hasselback potatoes. Love them!
Cool-looking potatoes. Definitely will make them.
We’re not steak people over here…but we love a good baked potato. That is a wonderful and unique way of making them 🙂 Thanks for the idea 🙂
Wow that looks great! My hubby loves to grill and try new marinades and I love potatoes. A win win situation!!!
The marinade looks wonderful, and what a fun way to do potatoes!
I dont cook steak. The only place I have my steak is from a restaurant. How long you take to grill the steak and how do we know it is done?
KC – LOVE that tip about the spoon. I’ll definitely do that next time. Thanks!
I am embarrassed to ask this, but I hardly ever cook steaks, so … what kind of steak should I buy? 🙂 (Can I do any steak, such as Filet Mignon) in this, or is it best for certain cuts?
That potato looks great! I’ve never seen one like that, but I’ll have to try it out.
i had forgotten about that awesome potato idea–how shameful of me! it’s so neat and yields such tasty results. thanks for the reminder. 🙂
Thank you for sharing a great looking marinade recipe. I also am a big fan of potatoes cooked like that. I agree a sharp knife is a must, one other trick is to put the potato in a large kitchen spoon it keeps the spud secure but also stops you from cutting all the way through the potato.
Enjoy the rest of the grilling season.
Oh wow! That picture had me drooling. I love the potatoes–what a fun, delicious variation on a baked potato. We’ll for sure be trying both!
mmm…those potatoes look so good!!
Melanie- Thanks for giving one of my recipes a try! I feel very honored. The steak looks fabulous too and will be tried soon. Thanks again.
This looks like a delicious meal! I really like your blog!
YUMMMM I think hubby needs to go grab some steaks from the store 😀 thanks
What an excellent dinner!!!
So delicious! A real treat!
Hmm for some reason my comment did not post. Anyway–this looks great! My husband loves steak and I hardly ever make it for him. I will have to try this recipe for him. The marinade sounds delish! I am sure he will love it. And I LOVE those potatoes. My Mother-in-law gave me that recipe (with the wooden spoon idea) when I was first married. I had forgotten about them. Thanks for the great recipes and ideas Mel!!
Polliwog – don’t be embarrassed! Personally I am a cheapskate and never splurge on filet mignon – I usually pick up whatever cut is on sale. I find that marinades can be pretty forgiving with cuts of meat because they create tenderness and flavor.
Spices of Life – I like my steak medium-well done so I usually grill it for 7-8 minutes on each side over medium to medium-high heat. I’m definitely not a steak expert because the only way I can ever really tell when it is done perfectly is to cut into it a bit (which I know is a major no-no). Usually I just take it off after about 8 minutes on each side and it is great.
I’m in love with this meal! Your steak looks so juicy and wonderful and I love the look of hasselback potatoes! Bravo!
Delicious meal. I love the summer time and the many more meals I BBQ. This is going to be a hit this weekend with the in laws!