Monday Thoughts: Will You Help Me?
UPDATE: I wanted to let those of you know who check back here for an update, that our sweet Holli ended her earthly battle with painful terminal cancer on April 2, 2021. I don’t know anyone who lived life as full of faith and testimony and love for God as Holli, so it was bittersweet and beautiful that she passed away on Good Friday, just days before Easter. Words are inadequate to describe the heartbreak of the last few days as her husband and six kids have faced this new reality, but her family has been comforted and buoyed up by the knowledge that Holli is finally free of pain and suffering, and they are clinging to the knowledge that they are not alone, that God is aware of them, that He will help them, and that they will see Holli again.
Thank you for your overwhelming support on this post and through other means for Holli and her family. Her sister and I read her your comments as they came in – she was brought to tears every time as so many of you shared your own personal challenges. She couldn’t believe over 1,000 of you chose to do something hard for her. It touched her in ways impossible to describe and gave her peace that carried her through her final days as she contemplated that her life and example might have possibly inspired others and maybe even helped change lives in some way.
We love you, Holli! Life will truly never be the same without you.
I’m taking a little departure from my usual recipes today. We’re going straight into Monday Thoughts (never been done before). Just go with it.
I have some things weighing on my heart and mind that I want to share with you.
But first, I want to tell you about someone.
Her name is Holli. She’s an incredibly dear friend of mine (think: soul sister type of friend).
In all my years of blogging, I’ve never dedicated a whole post to a real, live human. Chocolate chip cookies? Yes. Random Friday thoughts? Yes. Special human beings? Not so much.
But today, I need your help. Holli needs your help.
It might not be the “help” you are thinking of, but if you have a minute, stick with me for a story and then a request (spoiler alert: it has nothing to do with money).
The back story: I’ve known Holli for six years – ever since we moved from Minnesota to Idaho. She’s spunky. She’s hilarious.
She’s a truth seeker and a fighter for justice. She’s an amazing mom to six wildly wonderful kids. She constantly serves everyone around her. To know Holli is to love her.
Amid all of Holli’s greatness, she’s had an incredibly challenging life. Not all of the details are mine to share, but suffice it to say, her life has not been easy. Intense infertility, adoption, countless (and I mean countless) surgeries for health issues related to colitis, job stresses, and the list goes on.
Most people don’t know many of these things about Holli because she is in that rare camp of: Fiercely Independent Non-Complainer.
Seriously, if I didn’t love her so much, it would be almost annoying, because she just.never.complains. That girl can fight through pain and struggle like no one else. (And yet, she still listens when I complain about my pigs escaping or my cookies burning.) #goodfriend
About a year and a half ago on top of all the other challenges Holli has faced in her life, after finding a seemingly innocent lump, she was unexpectedly and devastatingly diagnosed with stage 4 internal metastatic mucosal melanoma. This diagnosis came out of nowhere, and needless to say it has rocked their family’s world.
The last 15 months have been filled with immunotherapy, radiation, flights to Mayo clinic for consultation, more treatments, pain, and indescribable stress and worry.
(Not to mention six kids and all of their daily, busy, and often difficult emotional needs.)
Through it all, Holli has remained one of the strongest warriors I’ve ever seen. She has powered through horrific treatment side effects that would easily fell the rest of us, and has quite literally taken on the full-time job of fighting cancer.
She has not once given up hope. She has retained a strong and abiding faith in a loving God who knows her and has a plan for her.
Miraculously, 2020 gifted Holli more than six months of respite, thanks to a combination of immunotherapy, holistic treatments (gosh, I could tell some stories involving slippery elm gruel and tinctures here but I won’t), and a complete shift to a sugar-free and vegan diet.
Last month, things started to fall apart for Holli again. Sudden seizures, many ER trips, and lots of pain revealed the cancer had ferociously spread throughout Holli’s body and into her brain.
She no longer has the full function of the left side of her body and she is in excruciating pain nearly constantly.
And still. She continues to show more strength in her pinky finger than I have in my entire body and soul.
Today, I wanted to give back to Holli in some way. Sure, that can easily be done through their GoFundMe page.
But I wanted to also do something else.
Holli has spent her entire lifetime being strong for other people and using her inner and God-given strength to conquer her greatest challenges, but her body is failing her right now, and she is no longer able to do some of the things that you and I probably take for granted.
Fold laundry.
Braid her daughter’s hair.
Take a walk around the block.
Load the dishwasher.
Send a text message.
I don’t believe it’s healthy or constructive to compare challenges. Hardship and stress and grief is individual. It’s sacred. Hard is hard no matter what you are going through or dealing with.
But if I’ve learned anything from Holli’s situation, it is to look for the good (even on very bad days), appreciate the mundane, and be grateful for each and every day.
And this is where I need your help.
Will you do something for me? For Holli? For you?
Will you do something hard today? Or this week? Something that perhaps you’ve been procrastinating?
It may not be something that would be hard to anyone else, but remember: that doesn’t matter. Your life is your own.
- Maybe it’s getting off the couch and finally running that pesky mile even if you haven’t run in years.
- Or picking up the phone to call a family member who you haven’t talked to in a while.
- Maybe it’s just being grateful that you have the ability and motor skills to fold laundry today.
- Or giving your spouse or child a hug even if you (or they) feel prickly and unloveable.
- Maybe it’s finally ditching the three-sizes-too-small jeans hiding in your closet and buying a pair of jeans that fit your amazing and able body.
- Or saying a prayer for the first time in a long time (or ever).
If you feel so inclined to share, will you leave a comment on this post? Even if you aren’t sure you can do it yet, write your plan in the comments and we’ll be strong together.
I am going to plop myself on Holli’s bed and read all of your comments out loud to her. And let her know that there are people across the world inspired by her story and strength.
Holli does not like attention or being a burden or inconvenience to anyone (if you know her in real life, you know how true that is!), but she does feel as though her life has purpose insomuch as it has inspired others that they, too, can do hard things and be stronger for it.
My BeStrongForHolli goal: finally get through a 30-minute virtual cycling class without falling off and quitting and acknowledge that my body is strong and able (and also give each of my kids at least three 8-second hugs today – our home has been filled with contention lately and I need to be the impetus to changing that). Love you, Holli.
Thank you for letting me take a departure from food today.
I’ll leave you with the words of one of Holli’s favorite songs:
And I, I don’t want to leave a legacy
I don’t care if they remember me
Only Jesus
And I, I’ve only got one life to live
I’ll let every second point to Him
Only Jesus
I have the best readers in the world. Thank you for being here and for all you do to make this world a better place.
I’m having a challenging day. As I open your blog and read about Holli, the tears just drip from my face. I’m going to press on today with gratitude and stop looking at the challenge, but rather my Savior, Jesus Christ.
Holli, you are an inspiration and I don’t even know you. I’m praying for you right now.
Oh goodness. Sending all the love support to Hollli and this devastating challenge. Today, I’m going to give hugs instead of snap in irritation at my beautiful children and be grateful for a body that can do hard things. I am a member of an amazing fitness community called MommaStrong and I will do my daily 15 minute fitness workout in celebration of my body’s strength (instead of wondering why I’m so out of shape every third minute!). Thank you for sharing, Mel. All my love and prayers to you and Holli.
May God bless Holli and her family and hold them all close. Thank you for sharing this touching story and inspiring us to quit feeling sorry for ourselves and to reach out to others who are in need.
Praying for you Holli! Father God, please give Holli and her family peace and comfort that only comes from you. Please help her mind, soul and body rest. Thank you Jesus for the work you’ve done in Holli and the great testimony she has about your love.
Oh my goodness! My Holli goal will to be grateful for EVERYTHING…the good, the bad, everything. I am going to stop grumbling and complaining about the dumb stuff. Thank you Mel for perspective. THANK YOU!! Best wishes to Holli and her family!!
Hi Mel and Holli,
My hard things pale in comparison to yours. Today when I practice gratitude, move my body, tackle that mountain of paperwork and do laundry, I’m going to be thinking of and praying for you two amazing women!
MyBeStrongForHolli goal: I’m going to bake some cookies at take them to a neighbor who I lost their dog. I’m going to finally wash my kids sheets (it’s embarrassing how long it’s been). I’m going to go through my kids clothes and donate them to a women and kids shelter. I’m going to get out of my PJs and take my dog for a jog (running is my least favorite thing). I’m going to reach out to a friend who I’ve been feeling really distant from. And I’m going to do it all with a smile thinking about your strong incredible friend, Holli.
I am humble when I read this post today. My challenge was to take my sheets off my bed so they can get clean. My other challenge is to figure out a simple meal to be delivered to someone tomorrow who needs it. I am thankful for my working body and warm house. Holli and Mel, I am sorry you are going through this and I pray for you Holli to recover.
Snow is falling here in the Northeast. I already did my shoveling and my house is warm and cozy. But my next door neighbor is an older gentleman who could use a hand. And next to him is a family that welcomed a a new baby last week. Once my cookies are out of the oven I’ll put my boots back on, and share them with my neighbors and then get their shoveling started, instead of curling up on the couch. And I’ll think of you Holli. You’re strength is going to move that snow, your kindness is going to be felt, in a little town far away.
Today in honor of Holli and her incredible bravery and strength, I’m going to play the piano for the first time in over a month. Normally playing brings me peace and comfort, I try to play as much as I have time. . . but this past month has been really challenging for my family and I’ve just lost the motivation. I will play today for Holli though, and I’ll send all of the love and positive vibes to her.
I came on today to find some meal ideas as I sit down to make my grocery list for the week!! And now I am humbled and in tears realizing how much I take for granted in my life!!! Holli Holli!!! You are so loved and a HUGE inspiration to so many!!!! I have seen you fight, I have seen you quietly sit in pain!!!! Your life has changed others and will continue to do that!! I feel blessed to have rubbed shoulders with you and I know the blessings in heaven are huge for you!!! Keep fighting and know that you have blessed my life
Much love and prayers for you my beautiful friend!!
Kim Royce
Thank you, Holli, for the gift you are to the world. God sends people like you to teach people like me, and I think we best honor that gift of example by changing and growing and trying a little harder.
In honor of you, I will be happy today for the opportunity I have to chauffeur my kids to all their after school activities. I will smile and exercise patience and not get so worked up when dinner is maybe just cereal and bedtimes are later than I want.
And I will especially be praying for you and your husband and children, and for the angels that will undoubtedly surround all of you in the difficulties you face.
Thank you Holli for reminding me what this life is about. Struggling with infertility issues this year has been difficult but also has helped me grow closer to The Savior. Thank you for allowing your story to be shared. It gives me hope and inspiration. My goal is to be a light of optimism in my home this week and do house work with gratitude. Thank you for pointing us toward the Savior.
Hey Mel!
This morning, in honor of Holli, I tackled reorganized the corner nook in my kitchen tidy. I’ve been meaning to do it for awhile and just haven’t. I will add her, and her family, to my prayers!
I will actually start “family boot camp” and stick to my plans to get our family back on track. As Covid has drug on, we’ve gotten more lax with the simple, but hard, habits (bedtimes, less tech, healthy food) that help our family be our best. And I’ll add the 8second hugs to balance out the pain of Mom as drill sergeant.
Work has been tough and I haven’t had the best attitude about it lately. Thank you for the reminder that I am blessed to be able to navigate through this “rough” period – I will turn my frown upside down today in honor of Holli and I will be praying fiercely for their sweet family!
What a beautiful tribute. Holli sounds extraordinary. Today I’m going to go grocery shopping. Instead of coming home and feeling overwhelmed by all the food and household items I need to put away, I will practice gratitude for 1. the means to feed my family and 2. my able body to do the work. Thank you for this sweet reminder of all that is good in life.
This!! This is the kind of stuff I love you for! This is what we need to combat the depression & anxiety of 2020/21. We/I need inspiration, & everyday heroes! Thank you for sharing Holli’s story, & her amazing attitude!
I know exactly what I need to do. It was already on my heart, & this is just the nudge I needed. Visit a widow friend this week. She is a non-stop talker, very opinionated, & stubborn. She is also lonely, & has a good heart. I need to make some of your amazing food, & take it to her, & give her 2-3 hours of my time to listen.
I also need to hug my kids & husband, & complain less!
Tell Holli I’m praying for her, & her family!
Holli (and Mel) thank you for sharing your story. Thank you for being real and honest in the most loving and hopeful way. My heart has been heavy for some time and it’s begun to affect my motivation to keep going. I needed to hear this message, to jump start my will again. My BeStrong goal is to spend 15 minutes of one on one time with each of my children and do yoga today. As I do these things I will think and pray for Holli and all of us who need extra strength to face our unique challenges.
Oh how my heart aches for this fellow mom that I don’t even know. Already I am thankful for her example and want to be better.
I have adult onset ADHD and have spent the past 15 years trying to “get back” to the way I used to be…but have finally accepted it and am learning ways to cope and be a different mom to my 5 children than I once dreamed I’d be.
For Holli I am going to tackle cleaning and organizing my sewing/quilting room. I have project remnants that have been sitting on my cutting table for over a year, and I have a couple customers waiting on quilts. I have felt so overwhelmed that I haven’t known where to start, so I keep putting it off. This week it’s happening. If you tell me where I can send pictures or video, I will send you before and after shots.
Also, I will be praying for Holli and her family.
Holli, we don’t know each other but I feel so much love for you. What a gift you are to your family, friends and anyone who crosses your path. I’m sending up many prayers on you and your family’s behalf. Today I will be grateful for the seemingly mundane. I will spend quality time with my kids and husband. And by golly, I will fold that laundry with a grateful heart! I wish I could come fold your laundry! I know you are in good hands with Mel though!
Mel, please keep us updated on how Holli is doing. Thanks for sharing her inspiration with us today. We love you!
I will enjoy this snowy Monday in which we are home bound! I will fervently pray for Holli and her family while doing all my daily chores. I will *try*to delight in them and be grateful for the ability to do them!
Praying for comfort, peace and the Lord to work all things for His and Holli’s good. May she have a respite from her pain and great suffering!
My heart aches to know that this beautiful mother and wife may not get to see her babies grow and flourish. My teenager may not want my hugs, but I will hold him today. There are so many things I need to push through to do. Exercise is at the top of my list and cleaning out drawers to find all of the mismatched and single socks is next.
Every day is a blessing no matter what life you are living.
Dear Holli,
Your story is full of faith in the face of but if nots. I will look at my life through spiritual eyes today. My child is dealing with heartaches that I could never have imagined would be part of their story. I will choose to feel the grace and strength that the Savior is always extending with open arms. I will continue to pray that my child will be able to feel love.
Wow! Thank you for sharing, Mel. I just started Whole 30 and all morning I’ve been second guessing if I can actually stick with it – especially the “no sugar” rule. Holli, I am so sorry for the pain and suffering you and your family are facing. I am praying for you now and will continue to do so every time I feel deprived this month. You are loved and you are an inspiration!
Until we walk in another’s shoes or hear ABOUT walking in another’s shoes, we never truly understand (appreciate?) the blessings of our own lives. My prayers go out to Holli and her amazing family. Thank you for sharing her story.
I am so sorry to hear about all of this. What a blessing it has been to have her in your life! In her honor I am doing nothing. Which sounds counterintuitive but I sustained a concussion this weekend and the hardest thing I can think to do is to sit still and let other people/my kids take care of me for a day to give me the best chance at a quick and full recovery. It’s in my nature to push through pain and discomfort and to never stop but I know that is not good right now but it is still hard for me to accept and do. But in Holli‘s honor, I will do that today.
Today is the beginning of week 5 of a 7 week health challenge that I have been doing. I was super discouraged and burnt out this weekend and had convinced myself to quit today. Today I will choose to keep going and take care of my health for Holli. So much love and prayers for all of you. ❤️
Holli – thank you for your strength! I needed it today as I start on a new to me exercise regiment to get in shape for knee surgery (hard to get in shape when you can’t put weight on your knee!). My burden is light compared to what you are dealing with and I’m praying for you and your family. You are going to be my “exercise buddy” and my inspiration! God Bless you!
Mel and Holli: When walk, I pray, When I do my three mile walk today, I will pray for Holli and her family. Praying God’s peace and comfort to rain down on Holli!
Hi Mel-I have followed your website for the past ten years and I have never left a comment but today is the day. I have appreciated all the wonderful recipes and tips that have helped me develop a love of cooking and find joy in serving my family that way. However, more than the food, I have come to your website daily because I find it uplifting. I enjoy your humor and authenticity. I appreciate the way you have used your platform to inspire others in positive ways and give invitations to do things that will strengthen relationships and bring people closer to Christ. I said a prayer for your friend Holli and her family this morning. She’s blessed to have a friend like you. I smiled when I read your comment about the increasing contention in your home. We had a family council last night with our boys about that very thing. My goal today as the mother is to lead with love and refrain from responding to my children with impatience. When I’m tempted to let something unkind come out of my mouth today I’m going to fill it with dark chocolate chips instead. Hope you enjoy your day with Holli today!
That is what I am going to do too. Be a good example at being a peacemaker in my home so that my children would do the same. Thanks!
Hi Holli. I will be praying for you. Know God is so proud of you. Despite your challenges, you continue to make a positive difference and be a role model and inspiration to all
Holli, I am praying for you and your beautiful family. Your faith and strength are a true inspiration. God bless you and may he bring you peace.
Holli, you and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers. Your story has inspired me to remember that that there is joy in routine of day-to-day life and every day is a gift. And that hugs are always good! Sending you and Mel virtual hugs.
I came on this morning to look up the egg casserole recipe and got more than I bargained for. Mel you are a talented writer and I always read every word you write. I’ve followed your blog since the early years at blogspot and I really feel YOU taught me how to cook! As hard as it is to hear- I loved this beautiful story of your friend. There has been so much heartache in the world right now- so much suffering. But I’ve also been amazed at how inspiring people are and what they overcome. Holli sounds like a real hero! She inspired me this week to be better at looking for the good in everyone and in my own trials. And not just see the good but SHARE with those around me why I appreciate and admire them so much. I think these a lot but I don’t share it nearly as much as I should. May God continue to bless Holli and her sweet family with extra love and support. There is still peace on earth despite the crazy hard struggles!
Mel – you have inspired me on more than one occasion. Your cheese ball story, and now this. Prayers for Holli and her family will be added to my list. My BeStrongForHolli goal will be to quiet the tension that has been growing in our house through patience, and love (hugs, conversation, good food, dinner together.) Thank you Holli, for the reminder that good and God is all around us always. Much love.
Hi Holli! Fellow mama of six here. I have been reading, and researching about food for some time now. I know what changes I need to make, but it’s HARD! My BestrongforHolli goal is to finally implement those changes for the next month. My ultimate goal is to love and appreciate my body, and maintain those changes permanently.
May God bless you and your family. And may you all be strengthened and comforted through the Atonement of Jesus Christ. I have been inspired this morning by your life of faith and dedication and strength. Thank you!
This post left me with goosebumps and tears in my eyes. Prayers are with Holli, her family, and friends.
I am going to hug my kids often today, and try to get back on a cleaning routine after many weeks without.
On it right now! I am off to go do hard things—but they will feel so much lighter with the knowledge that others are joining together go do this. I am so grateful to know that we are not alone. Holli, I am praying for you! May you be blessed with peace and added strength and comfort through this battle. Thank you for being an example of grit and love!
Prayers for peace & joy for Holly, her family, and everyone who loves her. I will be putting my phone down, turning off the tv, and spending Monday evening playing cards & board games with my family.
Hi Mel and Holli,
It’s always amazing how some of us here on earth have the strength of angels. I’ll pray for you all today and for Holli’s family.
Thank you for sharing this post today. I’ve been putting off making a phone call to a fertility specialist for months, afraid of what they might tell me, and suddenly it doesn’t seem so hard or so scary.
I live in Rochester MN. If I can help in any way, please let me know. (If this is the location of Mayo she visits). Even if it’s just a ride to and from the airport or a restaurant suggestion. I cared for my husband for over 10 years and many people helped me. I need and want to pay it forward. If this is post COVID, a place to stay!
I will quit asking myself if I want to go for a walk today. I will think of Holli and I will walk. Because I can.
What a sweet friendship you and Holli share. Hard for me: putting on tennis shoes and walking the two mile loop in the cold, but knowing I want something better for my body, which makes things better for my mind, which makes things better in our home. Thank you, Holli!
Mel, please send all my love to your sweet friend Holli and her family. I am amazed and inspired by her strength through her journey. My heart aches for the challenges she and her family have faced together. I am working on a book to support women through PMDD. Last week I didn’t get all my action items done and was a bit unfocused. This week I will make it happen. And next week. And the next. Until it’s done. For Holli. And for other women who are suffering through the difficulty of a life influenced by biology not within their control.
Please tell Holli that I will be praying for her and her loved ones as she faces the future and will add my faith to hers and to yours. I love that you told her story so that I could do so. Much love to you all, as always. I am grateful to be part if your blogging family.
I don’t know yet what my hard thing will be, but Holli, I’m praying for you and your family and friends.
This makes me want to just cry! Just reading about Holli makes me want to be more and do more! At the very least, I want to hug my 3 precious daughters and my husband more often. I will pray for Holli and her family!
Holli, you have remembered the poor and the Lord will remember you in your time of need, and on your sickbed you will be restored to full health! (Psalm 41:1)
What a beautiful message to a special friend. Friends like that are precious gifts. Prayers for her and her family. My pledge- I will tell my friends what they mean to me today.
For Holli, I’m going to make and deliver soup to a friend undergoing chemo for breast cancer. For Holli, I’m going to be extra nice to my hubs today (we struggle with retirement togetherness). For Holli, i’m going to get back to sewing comfort quilts for those cancer patients who need a wrap of love to get through some very hard days. And I pray for Holli and her family. And I pray for you, a very special friend to Holli.
Mel- thank you for sharing. What a blessing to have such wonderful friends to do life with.
Holli- First, adding you to our prayer warrior list (and my kids are adding you to their prayer lists at school). And for you I’m going to love on my incredibly-hard-to-love teenager. I’m going to grab her and MAKE her hug me for 5 seconds. LOL I can feel her rolling her eyes as I type this.
And I’m going to add hearing about you to my gratitude journal. You sound like someone I’d like to be friends with…Thank you for allowing your story to be shared with all of Mel’s community. Heart hugs to you and your family from Georgia.
Holli…I will be praying for you. Our Heavenly Father says: Don’t be afraid for I am with you, don’t be discouraged for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you, I will hold you up with my victorious right hand ( Isaiah 41:10)
This is everything!! I’ve just finished treatment for breast cancer last year and I know the value and blessings of the mundane…. the daily things that we take for granted… I am fortunate to see them everyday……but, I too push things away as they come to mind for whatever reason….
your request is fabulous and I can’t pin point what exactly I will do but I will carry you in my heart and when procrastination sets in I will push ahead and accomplish each task as it presents itself and say a prayer and blessing for you and your family!! Sending you so much love and light! God has great plans for you…. all my ❤️
Dear Holli, I am moved by your story. Your drive, inner strength, and determination inspire me. I am inspired to do more, be more, love more, and certainly be more grateful. Too often, I take life’s blessings for granted, and I don’t always share the love I feel in my heart as fiercely as I should. I am often inpatient. I pledge to do better, be better….starting today. So Holli, your life matters. You matter. I am praying for you and all who love and care for you right now.
Mel~ From the bottom of my heart thank you for sharing this. Please let Holly know that I will be praying for her and her family. I have been struggling to give up drinking Dr. Pepper and so for the next week in honor of Holly and my health, I am not going to drink a Dr. Pepper!
In honor of my health, and in honor of Holly, I am going to eat lunch away from my desk at least three times this week.
Hey Holli. Thinking of you from a teeny-weeny community in New Brunswick, Eastern Canada. What a trooper you are and I will think good thoughts and wishes for you all day. TODAY, I am going to contact three former co-workers, long retired, alone and in their 80’s who will be thrilled to receive a call from ANYONE, even me. (Ha-ha.). It will be In honour of you and your struggle. Without your push, it would probably not ever have happened. But now it will. Rest easy, my new friend. Much love.
I am praying for your comfort as you go through this journey. You have been so strong and wow I’m such a wimp in comparison. I will think of you when I am struggling and pray for a little of the joy and love of all things as Mel so described you having. I will pray for your family too, they have been so Blessed to have your love.
I work in Rehab and please know your loved ones want to help you so accept all that is given. It’s how they can show their love ❤️ right back at you.
Mel, thank you for sharing this special woman with us. Share a hug.
Counting my blessings and I will leave that chocolate alone today!
oh my , ive been awake for 2 hours and i just succumb and get up. lucky me insomnia and i r good friends. i’m thinking of meal plans for the week n go to look up a recipe and c this post! random for me as i havent looked at your site in a few weeks (sorry). my husband n -i -r serving a service/work mission for our church 2700 miles away from home…missing my kids and 17 grands a bit…this is a different kind of hard for us cuz we willing came to serve and work and r so grateful for this time in our life. My “Be strong for HOLLI goal” that i can offer is first, i will pray for her, to have some reprieve from her pain and that she may sleep. i will pray for her spouse n kids that they can b scooped up in love n support from family n neighbors that live nearby. i dont know what i can offer ? but the fact i do believe in miracles and that all of us can join in prayer for miss holli so she can feel even more love ❤️ as she faces these unreal hardships. my life n struggles r so tiny right now and i too believe we all can do hard things,. and i pray that she will feel her burdens lightened because for these few moments thousands of us r forgetting ourselves. so here’ sending u some love thru the miles away, i keep editing this post, but i wanted 2 b a small voice of encouragement for this moment today . what an example Holli is and thank u for for your friendship, Mel to her to buoy her up.
Oh Holli, how I wish I could do something for you. How lucky are you to have a friend like Mel? and Mel, how lucky are you to have a friend like Holli? Wow, we all have something to learn from Holli. I don’t even know what else to say except I am praying for you and your family, Holli!
Oh Holli, what an exquisite mission God gave you ❤️. My house has also had a lot of contention lately and my coping mechanism has been unfortunately to check out when it felt discouraging. I’m gonna lift my head, open my eyes, and see the beauty of my family this week. I promise to spend 10 minutes of one on one time with each family member everyday all week. No phone, no interruptions, just simple, pure one on one time. Thank you for inspiring and giving me that extra little push. I’ll pray for angels to surround you.