Recipes the World Forgot: Labor Day Edition
Look no further than this list of favorite Labor Day recipes if you need some inspiration for your next Labor Day barbeque festivities!

It’s been a loooong while since I’ve posted a Recipes the World Forgot edition (one of my favorite little segments; sorry it’s been so long!), and I thought no better time to feature some recipes that may have gotten lost in the archives than right around Labor Day!
If you haven’t figured out what to make for the classic cook-everything-outside holiday, below are a few of my favorite BBQ/grilling recipes.
Those jalapeno turkey burgers are probably one of my favorite recipes of all time, and if you haven’t made the cookie dough ice cream sandwiches (surprisingly easy!), I think now might be the time!
Sheesh people are the worst! You are an amazing blogger and have saved dinnertime at our house more times than I can count over the past 8+ years that I have been following your blog. Thanks for all your hard work for us!
Thanks, Stephanie! 🙂
Dear Mel,
do your best to ignore obnoxious people, and continue doing what you do so well: providing a free recipe source, a blog about your life, while juggling the details of said life.
There will always be ungrateful (expletives left out, as this is a family-friendly site), but do your best to ignore them, post when you are able to do so, and have a good life with your family and friends. The best revenge is to live well, and I believe you should do that.
Thank you for your site, your blog entries, and your recipes. Sincerely, Jay
I love that line, Jay: the best revenge is to live well. Thank you for that.
OH man! I’m sorry to hear about the nastiness you have experienced! And so glad so many have chimed in with support! Thank you so much for this incredible resource you provide. I don’t even know you but here’s a big virtual hug :::: 0
I’m so grateful, too, Lori. Thank you for being here!
Ugh, it makes me so sad that people are unkind about what is a fabulous (free!!) resource. I have 3 kids and I am BLOWN. AWAY. that you can raise your five and somehow do all the amazing things for MKC, plus the other aspects of your life. You are awesome and such a gift to so many families. Trust me when I say my family of 5 wouldn’t eat near as well without you. Your recipes are as much a staple on our table as our family recipes. <3
Oh trust me, I don’t have it all together, I promise! Just ask my kids. Actually, don’t! 🙂 But thank you for your kindness. It means a lot.
I doubt I’m saying anything that hasn’t been said already in the comments, but for every unkind person out there, there are probably a big handful of others like me who are just so grateful for easy, delicious recipes and all the time you invest in your blog! And way to go, putting your family first (coming from a sah mom of four :))! Have a happy holiday weekend!
Thank you, Jo!
Mel, I know this is easy for me to say since I wasn’t on the receiving end of those mean comments, but try not to give hateful people the power of controlling how you feel. I try to treat everyone I come across with kindness and grace, so it always takes me back a little when people are rude and mean. But I just tell myself that their comments really weren’t about me at all, it was about them. And I feel sorry for them for being so unhappy. I am always reminding my kids that while there are so many things that happen in life we can’t control, what we can control is how we respond to them. It’s not always easy to do that, but I find that focusing my energy on trying to change how I feel about a situation is better than letting my natural response take over. And if those haters are so upset that they never come back to your site again, that just might be a bright spot in all this. Thanks for all of the time and energy you give to help so many of us be better cooks, and honestly, better moms. You’re the best!
Thanks so much, Erin! Great advice…
Oh. My. First. World. Problems. Mel, I always read your blog and have never commented but I couldn’t pass up the opportunity this time. Just know you are wonderful. And wouldn’t it be great if all those sweethearts who gave you a hard time could go to Africa like you did and witness actual problems. In the meantime, you just keep on being the inspirational mom that you are! They can keep spending their time bringing others down, and thinking not being able to find a recipe is a problem. Amateurs 😉
Yes! First world problems in such a major way (even my reaction to it…I need to let it roll off!), because you are so right about the fact that there are so many other things in life that matter. Also, thanks for making me smile. 🙂
What in the world are people doing talking nasty to you?! You rock, Mel! You make my family so happy on an almost daily basis. You’re making the world a better place one family at a time!
Thanks, Brandi – you are so sweet.
Your recipe skills and blogging skills and mostly your mother skills amaze me. Every day. You have your priorities in order and are teaching us much more than how to pull off a killer Labor Day spread. Lots of love to my virtual BFF!
Thank you, Michelle! I’ve loved our “virtual” friendship over the years. 🙂
Darling, adorable, hard-working, life-giving, love-sending, devoted, exceptional Mel- I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again- you have been a beacon of light through the years for me and my family, and we will love you forever for it. L I’m truly sorry that there are those who put their own self-interest before being kind to others, and that you felt the effects of this recently. Not cool!!!!! Props to you for putting family first. In reality, deep down, I think it’s a prominent reason we all love you and continue to stand with you in your efforts to beautify this world with your gift. Thank you for giving so much of yourself to us!!! You are among the best of the best, and we salute you.
Oh, Amy, I just love you! You have inspired ME in so many ways over the years. Thank you, thank you.
I love you and your blog and appreciate your perseverance in getting the website sorted out. So many of our family’s favorite recipes are from his little blog. Thank you! Don’t let those negative comments keep you from coming back. We’d miss you so!
Thank you! It has consumed my attention this week, and I’m hoping it doesn’t go down again for a loooooong time! 🙂
One of my sons just had a serious meltdown when the internet crashed and he couldn’t play a video game. I told him to calm down that software and hardware have glitches and need to be repaired. Life goes on. There are so many true problems and heartbreaks in this world but not accessing a recipe is not one of them: flooding, loss of life. Please know that you are appreciated for your blog and admired for your family love and values.
So true, Sheila! How quickly life (and recipes!) can be put into perspective.
Mel, I am horrified and saddened to hear about this nastiness. You know millions of us just love you and so appreciate everything you do. Well, after seeing those turkey burgers, I just had to make them. I used the dark turkey, which I love, and it made a very juicy burger. The only changes I made were to cut the cumin to 1/4 t. as we are not huge fans of it, and cut the salt down by half since my cheddar was pretty salty. I pan sauteed them in a non-stick skillet on both sides and then finished them in the oven. They got a nice crusty sear on them, but were so juicy. Oh goodness, they really were fabulous. So glad you reminded me to try this.
I’m so happy you loved those burgers, Teresa! I’m making them for Labor Day – huge favorite. And thanks for your comment. You have been a loyal reader for so long; I appreciate you. 🙂
Hugs!! I am a pretty old lady now.. but I always try to remember something my mother told me many years ago when people had been unkind. ” Try to rise above it…people who demean others are truly a sad part of life..feel sorry for them.”
Thank you, Barb!
I’m so sorry these things were said to/about you. That really stinks! I know it takes probably 10 positive comments to undo 1 unkind one, but I hope you know that – for most of us, at least – the fact that you ARE a family gal 1st and a blogger 2nd is what we LOVE about you! Thank you for who you are, recipes or no recipes!
Thanks for the reminder, Nancy! I need to stop letting those less common negative comments negate all the positive. Thank you!
I think you should take all the frustration and anger as the greatest compliment ever because it shows that people CAN’T live without you and your amazing recipes! And that includes me! I did have a slight panic moment when your site was down and I was trying to make dinner the other day–it all worked out anyway. Plus it was motivation for me to get doing what I really have been wanting to do for awhile: print out my favorite recipes and make my own Mel cookbook! Thank you for everything you do–you totally have made me look like a rockstar in the kitchen. 🙂
Ah, thanks, Aimee! I have most of my recipes printed out, too, because I lose access to my website when it goes down as well! Thank goodness for hard copies and cached versions!
You’re the best Mel: hope you and your family have a wonderful Labour Day.
I was looking for your pizza dough earlier this week and found a cached version and made a wonderful pizza. Thank you again for sharing all of your wonderful recipes. It is so generous how you share your knowledge with us and I think that most of us are incredibly grateful: I am glad you are not letting a small number of grumps get you down.
Just an FYI to anyone confused about cached pages: websites like the Wayback Machine ( take snapshots of webpages at different points in time. If you go to that site, put in the URL, and pick an earlier date you will find almost everything you need.
Thanks for helping clarify that, James!
In light of all the truly sad things going on in our world today, it astounds me that people continue to be unkind. I love your blog and have made many of your delicious recipes. I can’t believe all you do for your family and others. Keep up the great work and know how much your recipes, humor and spirit are appreciated by so many. Have a great Labor Day with your friends and family!
Maureen – I agree – there are so many other local and world events happening that need our focus and attention. Have a great Labor Day weekend as well!
I think you are amazing and am constantly in awe of what you accomplish!! I will forever be thankful for all the “service” you give through your blog and how it has blessed mine and my family’s lives. Family most definitely comes first, one of the reasons so many love and admire you!
Thank you, Katie!
I just saw a quote that I loved; the person’s name wasn’t given but it said ‘I am thankful for all the people in my life who teach me exactly who I do not want to be!’
I’m so sorry to hear about the negativity being sent your way recently. That’s certainly stressful and draining! Know that 99% of us (perhaps, unfortunately, the less vocal amongst your blog followers), think you’re incredible and most definitely a credible, competent blogger. I have so much respect for your work, and especially for the fact that you have your priorities straight. I often marvel at how you do it all, but mostly I just thank God for your willingness to be true to who you are and to share your passions so openly with your cyber community. You are one amazing woman with a phenomenal gift for all things food, writing, and bringing encouragement to others. Keep up the great work…right after you love on that sweet family of yours, of course!
Thank you so much, Paige – you are so sweet!
It’s always crushing to me that people can be so mean on the internet. It’s cowardly and cruel. I wish you were able to block them. We live in an imperfect world, stuff happens, like servers going down, and life, people need to get over it. I love your recipes, and you are always one of my “go to’s” when I need something, but If I couldn’t reach you, I’d feel like “hope she’s okay”, or “gosh, I’d hate to never get to view your blog again”, but I’d never even think to lash out at you. Thank you for thinking of us and for making us a part of your life (like fitting us in!). Thanks for the throw back as well, I just realized that the blueberry and cream angel dessert would be perfect with a bushel of crabs this weekend! thanks for the reminder!
Isn’t that the truth? Totally imperfect world with imperfect people (me, especially!).
I just want to say, you are doing a great job. It’s difficult to juggle the important things in life with grace, at least it is for me. I am so thankful for your endeavor to share with the (so often cruel) world your wit, your delicious recipes, your tips and your life. I look forward to your posts and have made (and love) so many of your recipes. Thank you for the time you willingly give!
I agree – the juggle is difficult, but I’m glad to know others feel it and get through it, too! Thank you, Nicky!
Hi Mel, you are the best.
Thank you. 🙂
Classic potato salad! I love that! How did I forget about it?
It’s the best!
I’ve always loved (not) how people feel so entitled and enraged when their every little whim isn’t met instantaneously. When they start paying you for your work I’ll start taking their whining more seriously. You’re a saint, Mel! I appreciate all the time, energy, thought, and work you put into making the lives of others, including mine, better. THANK YOU!
Thanks so much, Ann. 🙂
I don’t think you need to apologize- technology is not infallible. I love and adore your recipes and blog- yes it would be frustrating to not be able to access it. I print out so many- I um… sorta have Mel’s Kitchen Cafe in a binder. lol But geesh. I’m sorry the rationally challenged have reared their heads. It never ceases to amaze me how much the anonymity of the internet empowers those who have nothing better to do but complain and no even constructively. 🙁
I’m glad you put family first. They should be first. 😀
Now I need to ” eeny meeny miney mo” and pick one of these to try. 😀 (it won’t be just one recipe!) lol
Hugs and blessings! Have a great weekend!
Haha, I hope you enjoy whichever one(s) you choose to make! And thanks for your comment. 🙂
Love your site and your priorities Mel!
Thanks, Melissa!
Well said…family first!! Sadly, the world is full of people who are unhappy with their lives or with themselves and they often misplace their anger or frustration on undeserving people. You handled yourself with dignity and poise in responding to negativity. Way to go!! Love, love, love your blog. My 5 children always go to it first to find recipes when it’s their turn to cook. (So do I!) Thank you for sharing your goodness with us!!
Thanks, Marie – I have the “family first” mantra running through my head at all times to help me wade through some of the daily muck, if you know what I mean. (And way to go for your children cooking in the kitchen!)
High fives to you Mel!!! You’ve got it right. Family first, everything else second… question. I’m sorry some folks are unkind and impatient. You are a delight and I feel it’s a privilege to enjoy your blog….whenever you get a chance to post! No pressure from me.
Thank you!
I agree with everyone else that has commented – you are appreciated more than you know (even by those people who sent you nasty emails-although they sure have an backwards way of showing it)!
Thanks for your example of priorities. Family always comes first!
Thanks for understanding, Nicole! 🙂
Hi Mel,
I just figured my computer was acting up last week and didn’t think twice about it.
I CAN NOT believe anyone would complain, criticize or chastise you because he/she couldn’t access your recipes or blog that you so freely, selflessly, kindly, graciously, lovingly take the time to share with everyone.. WOW…… Ridiculous, really. Pretty low to complain about such a trivial thing as not being able to access a website or get a recipe. Wow… How did these people survive before the internet? The solar eclipse must have wiped out the common sense part of their brains.
Don’t give any of those negative comments/commenters another thought. There are so many more of us (loyal readers/huge fans) who appreciate everything you do for your blog/website but we also appreciate and completely understand that you are a wife and mother first. You’ve definitely got your priorities in the right order.
Cheers to you and I hope you and your family have a great holiday weekend!
Thank you, Lori! I appreciate it (and your solar eclipse comment made me laugh).
Shoot girl. I’m so bummed for the criticism you have received. sheesh. just wanted to send my love and thanks for the yummy recipes you’ve added to our menu. love your site!
Thanks, Julie. 🙂
Mel, I only know you from your site – but you are awesome. Thanks for all you do! I am sad you received criticism from unkind people. It is inspiring to me as a mom of three, who also works part time, that you have your priorities in line, and I’m sorry others can be so selfish and only think about you serving THEM instead of your family. We are lucky you share your time and energy with us! Keep being you!
Thanks so much, Molly! I appreciate your comment!
Mel, you are greatly admired by me……..and many others. Thank you for all you do!!!
Thank you for modeling such great values. You are a real inspiration in our lives………and not just in the kitchen.
Thank you, Ruth!
Hi Mel! I feel you are so selfless in posting your recipes for people like me (mediocre cooks) to use! You make preparing and eating dinner something I really look forward to! Thanks for choosing this path to earn money, you benefit us all!
Thank you so much, Aubrey!
I, too, have had site issues both this week and last. Ugh! I had hosting issues because I was overrun with bots. Bots! Of course, it happened three separate times and on the three days I didn’t get up and check my site first thing in the morning. So, three times it was down for about 8-10 hours. Each time, I was in a panic that it was down and I couldn’t explain to anyone why. Each time we thought we fixed it, but then the bots were back in higher numbers. I definitely feel your pain. But I can’t believe you’re getting haters over it. The good thing is that they’re greatly outnumbered by those who love you by about a billion to one 🙂
Oh my goodness, Ramona – what a nightmare! I am so sorry that you, too, had issues! I hope all is resolved!