Monday Thoughts: Will You Help Me?
UPDATE: I wanted to let those of you know who check back here for an update, that our sweet Holli ended her earthly battle with painful terminal cancer on April 2, 2021. I don’t know anyone who lived life as full of faith and testimony and love for God as Holli, so it was bittersweet and beautiful that she passed away on Good Friday, just days before Easter. Words are inadequate to describe the heartbreak of the last few days as her husband and six kids have faced this new reality, but her family has been comforted and buoyed up by the knowledge that Holli is finally free of pain and suffering, and they are clinging to the knowledge that they are not alone, that God is aware of them, that He will help them, and that they will see Holli again.
Thank you for your overwhelming support on this post and through other means for Holli and her family. Her sister and I read her your comments as they came in – she was brought to tears every time as so many of you shared your own personal challenges. She couldn’t believe over 1,000 of you chose to do something hard for her. It touched her in ways impossible to describe and gave her peace that carried her through her final days as she contemplated that her life and example might have possibly inspired others and maybe even helped change lives in some way.
We love you, Holli! Life will truly never be the same without you.
I’m taking a little departure from my usual recipes today. We’re going straight into Monday Thoughts (never been done before). Just go with it.
I have some things weighing on my heart and mind that I want to share with you.
But first, I want to tell you about someone.
Her name is Holli. She’s an incredibly dear friend of mine (think: soul sister type of friend).
In all my years of blogging, I’ve never dedicated a whole post to a real, live human. Chocolate chip cookies? Yes. Random Friday thoughts? Yes. Special human beings? Not so much.
But today, I need your help. Holli needs your help.
It might not be the “help” you are thinking of, but if you have a minute, stick with me for a story and then a request (spoiler alert: it has nothing to do with money).
The back story: I’ve known Holli for six years – ever since we moved from Minnesota to Idaho. She’s spunky. She’s hilarious.
She’s a truth seeker and a fighter for justice. She’s an amazing mom to six wildly wonderful kids. She constantly serves everyone around her. To know Holli is to love her.
Amid all of Holli’s greatness, she’s had an incredibly challenging life. Not all of the details are mine to share, but suffice it to say, her life has not been easy. Intense infertility, adoption, countless (and I mean countless) surgeries for health issues related to colitis, job stresses, and the list goes on.
Most people don’t know many of these things about Holli because she is in that rare camp of: Fiercely Independent Non-Complainer.
Seriously, if I didn’t love her so much, it would be almost annoying, because she just.never.complains. That girl can fight through pain and struggle like no one else. (And yet, she still listens when I complain about my pigs escaping or my cookies burning.) #goodfriend
About a year and a half ago on top of all the other challenges Holli has faced in her life, after finding a seemingly innocent lump, she was unexpectedly and devastatingly diagnosed with stage 4 internal metastatic mucosal melanoma. This diagnosis came out of nowhere, and needless to say it has rocked their family’s world.
The last 15 months have been filled with immunotherapy, radiation, flights to Mayo clinic for consultation, more treatments, pain, and indescribable stress and worry.
(Not to mention six kids and all of their daily, busy, and often difficult emotional needs.)
Through it all, Holli has remained one of the strongest warriors I’ve ever seen. She has powered through horrific treatment side effects that would easily fell the rest of us, and has quite literally taken on the full-time job of fighting cancer.
She has not once given up hope. She has retained a strong and abiding faith in a loving God who knows her and has a plan for her.
Miraculously, 2020 gifted Holli more than six months of respite, thanks to a combination of immunotherapy, holistic treatments (gosh, I could tell some stories involving slippery elm gruel and tinctures here but I won’t), and a complete shift to a sugar-free and vegan diet.
Last month, things started to fall apart for Holli again. Sudden seizures, many ER trips, and lots of pain revealed the cancer had ferociously spread throughout Holli’s body and into her brain.
She no longer has the full function of the left side of her body and she is in excruciating pain nearly constantly.
And still. She continues to show more strength in her pinky finger than I have in my entire body and soul.
Today, I wanted to give back to Holli in some way. Sure, that can easily be done through their GoFundMe page.
But I wanted to also do something else.
Holli has spent her entire lifetime being strong for other people and using her inner and God-given strength to conquer her greatest challenges, but her body is failing her right now, and she is no longer able to do some of the things that you and I probably take for granted.
Fold laundry.
Braid her daughter’s hair.
Take a walk around the block.
Load the dishwasher.
Send a text message.
I don’t believe it’s healthy or constructive to compare challenges. Hardship and stress and grief is individual. It’s sacred. Hard is hard no matter what you are going through or dealing with.
But if I’ve learned anything from Holli’s situation, it is to look for the good (even on very bad days), appreciate the mundane, and be grateful for each and every day.
And this is where I need your help.
Will you do something for me? For Holli? For you?
Will you do something hard today? Or this week? Something that perhaps you’ve been procrastinating?
It may not be something that would be hard to anyone else, but remember: that doesn’t matter. Your life is your own.
- Maybe it’s getting off the couch and finally running that pesky mile even if you haven’t run in years.
- Or picking up the phone to call a family member who you haven’t talked to in a while.
- Maybe it’s just being grateful that you have the ability and motor skills to fold laundry today.
- Or giving your spouse or child a hug even if you (or they) feel prickly and unloveable.
- Maybe it’s finally ditching the three-sizes-too-small jeans hiding in your closet and buying a pair of jeans that fit your amazing and able body.
- Or saying a prayer for the first time in a long time (or ever).
If you feel so inclined to share, will you leave a comment on this post? Even if you aren’t sure you can do it yet, write your plan in the comments and we’ll be strong together.
I am going to plop myself on Holli’s bed and read all of your comments out loud to her. And let her know that there are people across the world inspired by her story and strength.
Holli does not like attention or being a burden or inconvenience to anyone (if you know her in real life, you know how true that is!), but she does feel as though her life has purpose insomuch as it has inspired others that they, too, can do hard things and be stronger for it.
My BeStrongForHolli goal: finally get through a 30-minute virtual cycling class without falling off and quitting and acknowledge that my body is strong and able (and also give each of my kids at least three 8-second hugs today – our home has been filled with contention lately and I need to be the impetus to changing that). Love you, Holli.
Thank you for letting me take a departure from food today.
I’ll leave you with the words of one of Holli’s favorite songs:
And I, I don’t want to leave a legacy
I don’t care if they remember me
Only Jesus
And I, I’ve only got one life to live
I’ll let every second point to Him
Only Jesus
I have the best readers in the world. Thank you for being here and for all you do to make this world a better place.
Praying for Holli’s family as I type. Thank for sharing this touching story. It must be hard for all the souls involved. Stay in faith Holli, God is in charge of your life. Warm hugs
Dear Mel,
I am so moved by your post snd sharing the story of your beautiful warrior friend Holli. As someone diagnosed just last year with cancer, it made me beyond grateful for a much more promising prognosis. I made it through chemo and radiation with unwavering faith and hopefulness. She on the other hand puts the gift of life in another perspective entirely. I will add her to my prayers for a miraculous recovery. I will envision her beautiful face if I struggle with lesser trials in the day to day as a reminder of challenges far greater. God has a plan and we are all equipped to weather torrential storms with fierce determination. I pray that Holli stays faithful and that she gets through this in order to be a greater source of inspiration to so many others. God bless her and you too. Your friendship and love is clearly one of her greatest gifts! ❤✝️
I haven’t prayed in a long time Holli, but I will pray for you tonight.
That’s what’s hard for me. To know that I really need to let Jesus back into my life. I don’t know why I’m fighting or turning away from God. It’s hard for me to articulate it and I won’t spend a lot your time rambling about my own problems. You’re strong and you inspired me, thank you.
My BeStrongForHolli goal: Absorb, react, and act on the news received last week that our oldest son has been diagnosed with high-functioning autism and ADHD. Be the change in our household to get the help we all need to push forward and understand that this diagnosis acts only as an accelerant to better days ahead. Peace and love to you.
Holli and Mel – You have been on my heart. I pray for you and your friends and family. I wish you all some time to laugh, to remember, and just be… together. I hope you can feel His love in this message.
I was literally thinking about Holli just a few days ago wondering how she was doing. It breaks my heart that she is suffering again after doing so well for so long last year. I would say “hi” to her and talk to her every time I saw her while we were in Middleton. She is such a light to everyone around her. I didn’t know her well, but I loved talking to her and Stetson had fun with Titus in nursery and sunbeams. My BestrongforHolli goal is that I am going to accept how my body is different now after 3 kids instead of obsessing over what isn’t perfect or what isn’t how it used to be. I am going to be grateful that I have a strong, healthy body. For Holli. Because we all love her and can only hope to be 1/100th of how amazing she is.
I am just now reading this, so sorry it is so late. When I read of Holly’s life, I can truly say that she is what I call a hero. When things are hard, it is so easy to be negative. It is so easy to feel sorry for ourselves. It is the heroes, like Holly, who I look to for my example. God bless you and your family.
I’m so sad to read this. I’m going to step up to a daunting challenge that has just been placed before me in working with Care For Life and spreading hope around the world. My prayers are with Holli.
… totally random, but did she happen to work with Dr. Brewer when she went to Mayo? My husband specializes in Melanoma and works at Mayo.
I never commented but I read this post. The next morning I didn’t want to get out of bed early to work out, but I did it and gave gratitude for my healthy body. My heart aches for your sweet friend. What an incredible woman she is. Every time I want to be a little “thinner” or this or that I just stop and think… I am so thankful for my healthy body. Prayers for her! Life is full of individual trials that refine us, but some are just so stinking hard!
Thank you for the reminder to “Consider it Pure Joy” amidst the mundane of life . Thank you for the reminder of the privilege of searching for sooooo many missing socks !!! I promise to thank God for the pairs and thank God for the feet attached to the human that I get to care for. Holli – you are an inspiration! Praying for Gods sweet blessings for you today – big and small.
– the Hollister family
Love this post! I have followed you for years, Mel, and my recipe binders are full of your recipes. Everyone at my house loves them. But I also love your words. They are inspiring. I saw this post because I recognized Holli. My daughter is the one who took her family pictures at the beginning of the post! (Such a small world) The rest of my family has never met Holli and her family, but they have been in our thoughts and our prayers. Today I am going to appreciate ironing – one of my least favorite household chores that I tend to neglect. Today, though, I’m going to be grateful that I can do it.
I am just seeing this post today. And honestly-today is the day I need it!!! I am starting taking piano lessons again this afternoon and I’ve been crying to my husband about it because I am scared to commit, scared to try, maybe even scared to win. I have some old traumas around creating music and I am ready to lean in and heal. Thanks for sharing Holli’s story!! We can do hard things!! ❤️
I’m a bit late to the party. But today, after reading this, I finally made the Dr’s appointment to get back on my anxiety meds. I’ve been putting it off for at least 6 months. Thanks for reminding me that I can do hard things.
I know Holli from growing up in Cardston, Alberta. I think she may have been the same age as my brother, Derek. She and her sister were both so friendly and were always smiling and laughing. I think they were in the same ward as my friends (Marisa, Tamara, and Lynsey) and that is how I met them. I am so sad to hear she is facing these trials. I came on this site looking for a recipe and found her story. Please tell her hello from me and that she and her BEAUTIFUL family are in my thoughts and prayers.
Mel and Holli,
Thank you for this post. I have been procrastinating about getting some cancer-related tests. My mom died of cancer when she was my age, and the last three times I’ve gone in for these tests, they’ve resulted in biopsies. The whole process brings up lots of anxiety and past hurt, and I hate going there. Because of COVID and family life and the end of the year and this and that and the other thing, I’ve found lots of excuses to avoid, but I will do it for you.
I will also pray for you, for your hearts, for your families. I wish there was a way to send sunshine through the Internet, because that is what I would send you.
Prayer changes things and I will pray.
Love this. I am going to do singing time in front of a camera today and I am scared. I could do it in front of 100 kids and be fine but in front of a camera is a different story. So I’m doing it and I love this post so much. Thanks for your strength and example Holli!
Holli, I’m praying for you right now!
You’re a beautiful person and your story brings a tear and also inspires me to be so grateful for another day without pain and suffering.
Please know there are other believers out here along side you in the fight with you.
I’m praying GOD will give you the peace that passes understanding, comfort and healing.
I’ll be adding you to my prayer list right now!
As a fellow believer in our savior Jesus I know I can look forward to seeing you someday in heaven.
My sister went to high school with Holli and loved her. Because she loved her, I love her too and my heart breaks for her and her family. So for Holli, I will continue to improve as a mother. I will fight to keep my patience with my wonderful kids, and see things from their point of view. Thank you for the challenge. All my love, thoughts and prayers to Holli and her beautiful family. ❤️
I’ve been cleared to go back to the gym on Monday (February 22) after injuring my back the end of May, and after having back surgery on December 2. I’m nervous, but it’s a start! Baby steps!
Holli’s courage and faith are inspiring and beautiful. I pray for her recovery and presence in the lives of all who love her and need her.
Mel’s love and support is also beautiful.
Two more amazing women would be hard to find. Thank you for sharing this picture of love, devotion and faith. It’s a blessing for to all.
Prayers for you Holli! Thank you for helping to inspire me to drive 10 hours each way to visit and help out a friend who’s been going through a hard time. I dislike driving so this was a challenge for me, but I’m so glad I was able to go and make a difference!
Hi. I am originally an Idaho girl. ( where do you all live). Holli, I don’t know you but love you. I have a sister in law who has been fighting stage 4 colon cancer now for over 4 years. They gave her two years to live when she was first diagnosed. Bless you and your family as you all struggle with this.
Mel go get that virtual class done!!! If you want some other virtual classes to do find me on instagram under mom_on_the_move_corrine and DM. I have a virtual studio of online classes and I will send you a special coupon code that you can try some for free. Maybe you just need something fun to get you through that workout.
For my hard thing this week: I am going to be VERY patient with my kids. We live in Oregon where right now my youngest is the only one going back to school and he just barely started going back last week. As a working mom and now a teachers aide ( helping my kids with online school) my patiences can be very thin. I am going to pray for ways that I can love them better this week and breathe instead of getting upset. I am also going to find the time to make sure I spend one on one time with them out side of school work.
Prayers for you Holli and your family.
I read about Holli and her struggle not quite a week ago. I have cried for her, and prayed for her and her family, and remembered our own family’s battle against that horrible, painful, scary, and sanctifying disease, cancer, 14 years ago when our 18-year-old son fought for his life, and lost. We found it to be true, “As a family we learned, strangely enough, that cancer is a disease of love. It provides opportunities to mend fences, say goodbyes, and express love.” (Steven E. Snow, October 2007 General Conference) Holli, the way you are living your life, even with this huge challenge, is a blessing and an example, and I thank you for it, and to Mel for sharing your story. I will prayerfully approach each day, and try to let my to-do list be a guide and not a master. I will work towards doing things out of love and joy, rather than obligation and duty. And I will soon make those Triple Chocolate Scones, which brought me to hear about you in the first place.
To Holli
Thank you for being the example, the rock star, the kind of mother, wife and friend the rest of us would like to be! Lifted with all the prayers of those who love you, as well as the rest of us who wish we knew you, I know you maintain the strength to live your life to its fullest despite what those cancer cells do to your body. With the body not being at its best, you are coming face to face with your spirit, your soul, the real essence of who you are – if we all lived our lives with that awareness, rather than spending countless hours and money focusing way too much on our fickle bodies, how much fuller our lives would be! My prayers will be with you and all your family. And again, many, many thanks for being all that you are!
Holli for me I am going to walk everyday not once in a while knowing how lucky I am
I can. You inspire me sweeetie. Thank you
I came on here tonight to look for a recipe for cinnamon rolls for my little family for Valentine’s Day tomorrow because my little Liesl asked for them. I’m tired like every other person on this planet and only got on here half-heartedly thinking “it will be too much work to actually make them but I’ll see what else Mel has posted recently.” I am going to make cinnamon rolls tomorrow because I can and Holli can’t. I’m sorry you can’t Holli. I hope you can one day, but if not, we are all better for having known this little part of you. God bless you and your family.
Thank you for sharing Holli. I don’t know her, but I love her and her light shines through your words! I’m going to put aside my to do’s and spend time with my kids. I need reminders that each day is a gift. Prayers for them and thank you for pointing me to Jesus through your story.
I’m late to see this powerful message, but it hits home. Thank you for sharing! I am going to forgive some people where I’ve been hanging onto my reasons for being mad and just let go and let God, I’m going to forgive myself and I’m going to hug my family more. God bless Holli and all those dear to her.
God bless you. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
I will finish my family history by April 15th 2021. I have put if off for years. I am the only one who will do this in my family so it is important. You will be in my prayers. Love Lori.
Oh man. Holli and Dawna were my good friends at Ricks College. They lived a few doors down and were (are) some of my favorite people! I remember helping Holli ask Darin to a dance by doing a silly dance to Mambo No. 5 at one of his soccer games! Tell her that more love and prayers are coming from Dine (not a typo–that was my nickname back then and everyone called me that!) Sonderegger. I’ve seen some of Dawna’s updates, but I don’t know if I realized it was this bad. I’m going to focus more on my husband and marriage, especially in the evenings when I’m so tired and just want to go to bed.
You and your family are in my prayers…. praying for rest, peace and healing.
I read this the day you posted, but I wanted to make sure I was sincere in my effort. I knew what I needed to do, but it is a situation that causes me anxiety, so it took a little bit. Holli, you certainly inspire me! I still need to learn to have your fabulous attitude, but thank you for helping me find some courage that I struggled to muster and for helping me do a hard thing. You’ve been in my prayers. Sending love your way!
Holli is one amazing and inspiring women!! She really is that incredible. I love her and am so grateful to have her as my friend. Thank you Mel for sharing Holli’s story and making her a little famous. Haha! As I ponder what I can do better in my personal life, so much comes to mind. The one at the top is Holli’s song. I have decided what the most meaningful to Holli would be to do better at reading and studying scriptures as as family. Our schedules get busy and relaxing in front of the TV is easier than trying to fight to get everyone together for scripture study. I can be HolliStrong! Love you friend!!
Holli is my high school best friend, I love her dearly. We had a lot of good times together. I wish I could be there to give her a hug and hold her hand through this!!!! Holli I will be strong for you by being more present with my kids and husband turning off the screens and connecting more on a one on one level with each kid. Love you to pieces Holli!!!!
Last Sunday a little girl bore testimony that she was okay with tne pandemic became she knew God would only sent problems to those He knew He could trust to handle them and remain true. As I read Mels story of your journey I thought, Holli has proven herself to be 100 percent, all in, no compromise, trust worthy. Your legacy of strength and courage will be remembered for generations of family, friends and total strangers. Thank you for standing tall and giving us all a precious goal to strive for.
I’ve been feeling directionless lately, not wanting to do any of the tasks my kids and home and husband need from me. Just because it’s cold and I miss my family I can’t visit because of Covid and life is sometimes tiring, but this post has reminded me of how I prayed and longed for this family before I had it, and I’m going to get off the computer and go read stories with my kids. On Valentine’s Day I’m going to make the Fallen Chocolate Cake and put out the candles (which seemed like maybe too much work this year) and be pleasant even if the kids are not. Lots of love to you and Holli both.
Holli, I will be grateful for each of my children and the ability I have to serve my family each day. It is so easy to get overwhelmed and lost in the daily tasks of raising children. I will work harder on keeping a grateful godly focus! We will be praying diligently for you and your sweet family
Praying for you, Holli!
I am going to use this STL snow day to clean my at home classroom. I have three bags and a few boxes of junk that need to be dealt with and I keep ignoring them. This may not seem like much of anything but I was going to put it off yet again. I will take care of this dreaded job that has been hanging over my head since August and I will think of you and your darling family while I do it.
Praying for relief from some pain today, even if just for a little bit.
Thanks for the introduction, Mel.
Thank you for the inspiration. Recovering from pneumonia and still determined to get back to walking my usual 6-8 miles, I really struggled to get moving. That is until I read Mel’s post about your personal strength and selfless life, So, although it was cold and gray this morning, I thought of you and walked 3.6 miles. I was winded, tired and uncertain I could make it, but your story gave me the strength and confidence to keep going. Thank you, god bless and please continue to inspire.
Thank you for inspiring me to do hard things Holli! I am going to start up “special nights” again with my kids. Each kid gets a special night once a week where they get to stay up 15 past their bedtime and have one-on-one time with mom. We cuddle, chat, color, or whatever else we can come up with. I stopped doing this a couple years ago because I was just so exhausted and it felt hard adding one more thing, especially at bedtime. My 8-year-old has been begging me for quite a while to start this up again. I have been putting it off, but I realize how precious this time is. Can I give them 15 more minutes?? Yes! Thank you, Holli.
To Mel and Holli and others out there who are suffering…I too feel like I’m suffering. I have appendix cancer and thought it was taken care of through a huge, major surgery, but it has come back and now I am going through chemo and the side effects are affecting me badly. But this just past Sunday, we had Stake Conference and in his talk, our Stake President told a story about a man who has a blind daughter. They were on a train with a friend of the father, the daughter in her father’s lap. The friend said he could take her for a while to relieve the father for a time. After a few minutes, the father asked his daughter, “Do you know who is holding you?” and his daughter answered, “No, but you do.” Faith and trust were shown here. Then the Stake President went on talked about how many of us are going through trials, and then he said that maybe Heavenly Father is asking us, “Do you know why you are going through this trial?” and, like the little girl, our answer should be, “No, but you do.” That really struck a cord with me and so I’m sharing it with you. I need to have more faith and trust in Heavenly Father, that He knows me and my trials, and why they are happening. My bestrongforHolli is to get off the couch more often, even when I don’t feel good, that’s a hard thing for me right now. Prayers for Holli, too.
It may not seem hard, but today I’m going to follow your example and not complain. Also, I love the Lord and prayer. I will pray for you, your people, and peace for you all. Healing comes in many forms and I will pray you recognize His hands.
Hi Holli, today I am going to stop whining about my job, take my dog for a walk in the beautiful but chilly winter weather, and say many prayers for you and your beautiful family ❤️ May you all feel God’s peace and strength
Friends like you and Holli are the best. I’m glad youhave each other. I’m so sorry she is in so much pain. This past year has been so very hard. My brother passed away a few months ago after dealing with extreme chronic pain for many years. Even though I am so happy and thankful he is no longer in pain I am still in disbelief that he is actually gone. My goal for Holli is I will say YES more to my kids and not be in “get things done” mode all the time.
Holli- I went a few days without blatant sugar for you. I was hoping to go a little longer, but it was something! I also started running/jogging a little more on the treadmill and outside. I’ve thought of you many times this past week. You’ve inspired me, even through Mel’s blog post. I have prayed for you and your family. My family recently when through a difficult tragedy and the grief has been hard in a lot of ways. I have also felt the Lord blessing us and have seen His hand supporting us with tender mercies. I pray that you will also be blessed to feel of the Lord’s love for you and see His tender mercies. ❤️ Love you
Oh my heart aches hearing Holli’s story.! I will give my kids more smiles and snuggles, instead of barking commands. Thank you for the reminder that life is short and love is everything.
Holli, as I start to write, I have absolutely no idea where this is going but felt compelled to let you know you’re being prayed for in AL.
Background…my heart was so full when I read that your family includes some sweet adoption kiddos! I was never able to have kids but my hubby and I didn’t get married until I was 49 and neither thought we were equipped at that time (I’m now almost 70). However, now I have a number of friends who are foster and adoptive families and if I could go back, I’d definitely go the foster route. In fact, one of my dearest friends is 26, single, gorgeous, and began fostering at age 19! Her first was a 6 month old special needs baby, who she brought home from the hospital. She has adopted him, plus two sisters (age 1 and 1 week old when they came to her) and is in the process of adopting another 1 year old. I’m not sure why I’m telling you all of this, except I KNOW foster/adoptive families love to hear about others– and maybe it will make you smile!
Also, I have cancer, too, but I am UNBELIEVABLY fortunate. My Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma is literally a cake-walk compared to what you’re enduring. I only mention it because I have a very small idea of what you felt when you heard the “C” word the first time.
Although I can’t imagine your family life with such a beautiful very large family! Hats off to you, Sweetie! It was always just Jeff and me until December 2019 when my step-Dad died and we moved my (then) 90 year old Mother (with Dimentia) from Virginia to live with us here in AL. It’s been the most worthwhile thing I’ve ever done but it’s had its challenges. Gratefully my Jeff has been so wonderful with her. We have a very different life now, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world! I guess I’m saying that no matter how hard it is to accept help from others now — no matter how much, how little, how humbling, how embarrassing, or how humiliating that help might be…please know that THEY are the ones who are being blessed by offering that help. Sweetie, please allow them to opportunity to “receive” those blessings.
I’ll stop for now. I’ve rambled enough. I didn’t know what I would say when I started and now that I’m closing, I don’t think I’ve said anything meaningful. For that “oops”, I’m sorry. I will pray for you and your family. I pray that you know Your Lord and Savior and that you are saved. If not, I’d love to talk with you and explain how you can be assured of your salvation.
Give Mel a wink for me and thank her for allowing me to get to know you.
I’m so sorry to hear a story like this. It hits close to home, as I’m a young mom to 4 little kiddos who rely on me for basically everything. I can imagine how difficult this must be for Holli and her family, but her courage and optimism are truly inspiring.
I’ve been feeling lately like I haven’t checked in with my spirituality lately. I haven’t looked for God or listened for His voice in too long. My bestrongforHolli goal will be to pray every day this week to know what God wants me to hear and be quiet and still long enough to listen. And then act on it.