Monday Thoughts: Will You Help Me?
UPDATE: I wanted to let those of you know who check back here for an update, that our sweet Holli ended her earthly battle with painful terminal cancer on April 2, 2021. I don’t know anyone who lived life as full of faith and testimony and love for God as Holli, so it was bittersweet and beautiful that she passed away on Good Friday, just days before Easter. Words are inadequate to describe the heartbreak of the last few days as her husband and six kids have faced this new reality, but her family has been comforted and buoyed up by the knowledge that Holli is finally free of pain and suffering, and they are clinging to the knowledge that they are not alone, that God is aware of them, that He will help them, and that they will see Holli again.
Thank you for your overwhelming support on this post and through other means for Holli and her family. Her sister and I read her your comments as they came in – she was brought to tears every time as so many of you shared your own personal challenges. She couldn’t believe over 1,000 of you chose to do something hard for her. It touched her in ways impossible to describe and gave her peace that carried her through her final days as she contemplated that her life and example might have possibly inspired others and maybe even helped change lives in some way.
We love you, Holli! Life will truly never be the same without you.
I’m taking a little departure from my usual recipes today. We’re going straight into Monday Thoughts (never been done before). Just go with it.
I have some things weighing on my heart and mind that I want to share with you.
But first, I want to tell you about someone.
Her name is Holli. She’s an incredibly dear friend of mine (think: soul sister type of friend).
In all my years of blogging, I’ve never dedicated a whole post to a real, live human. Chocolate chip cookies? Yes. Random Friday thoughts? Yes. Special human beings? Not so much.
But today, I need your help. Holli needs your help.
It might not be the “help” you are thinking of, but if you have a minute, stick with me for a story and then a request (spoiler alert: it has nothing to do with money).
The back story: I’ve known Holli for six years – ever since we moved from Minnesota to Idaho. She’s spunky. She’s hilarious.
She’s a truth seeker and a fighter for justice. She’s an amazing mom to six wildly wonderful kids. She constantly serves everyone around her. To know Holli is to love her.
Amid all of Holli’s greatness, she’s had an incredibly challenging life. Not all of the details are mine to share, but suffice it to say, her life has not been easy. Intense infertility, adoption, countless (and I mean countless) surgeries for health issues related to colitis, job stresses, and the list goes on.
Most people don’t know many of these things about Holli because she is in that rare camp of: Fiercely Independent Non-Complainer.
Seriously, if I didn’t love her so much, it would be almost annoying, because she just.never.complains. That girl can fight through pain and struggle like no one else. (And yet, she still listens when I complain about my pigs escaping or my cookies burning.) #goodfriend
About a year and a half ago on top of all the other challenges Holli has faced in her life, after finding a seemingly innocent lump, she was unexpectedly and devastatingly diagnosed with stage 4 internal metastatic mucosal melanoma. This diagnosis came out of nowhere, and needless to say it has rocked their family’s world.
The last 15 months have been filled with immunotherapy, radiation, flights to Mayo clinic for consultation, more treatments, pain, and indescribable stress and worry.
(Not to mention six kids and all of their daily, busy, and often difficult emotional needs.)
Through it all, Holli has remained one of the strongest warriors I’ve ever seen. She has powered through horrific treatment side effects that would easily fell the rest of us, and has quite literally taken on the full-time job of fighting cancer.
She has not once given up hope. She has retained a strong and abiding faith in a loving God who knows her and has a plan for her.
Miraculously, 2020 gifted Holli more than six months of respite, thanks to a combination of immunotherapy, holistic treatments (gosh, I could tell some stories involving slippery elm gruel and tinctures here but I won’t), and a complete shift to a sugar-free and vegan diet.
Last month, things started to fall apart for Holli again. Sudden seizures, many ER trips, and lots of pain revealed the cancer had ferociously spread throughout Holli’s body and into her brain.
She no longer has the full function of the left side of her body and she is in excruciating pain nearly constantly.
And still. She continues to show more strength in her pinky finger than I have in my entire body and soul.
Today, I wanted to give back to Holli in some way. Sure, that can easily be done through their GoFundMe page.
But I wanted to also do something else.
Holli has spent her entire lifetime being strong for other people and using her inner and God-given strength to conquer her greatest challenges, but her body is failing her right now, and she is no longer able to do some of the things that you and I probably take for granted.
Fold laundry.
Braid her daughter’s hair.
Take a walk around the block.
Load the dishwasher.
Send a text message.
I don’t believe it’s healthy or constructive to compare challenges. Hardship and stress and grief is individual. It’s sacred. Hard is hard no matter what you are going through or dealing with.
But if I’ve learned anything from Holli’s situation, it is to look for the good (even on very bad days), appreciate the mundane, and be grateful for each and every day.
And this is where I need your help.
Will you do something for me? For Holli? For you?
Will you do something hard today? Or this week? Something that perhaps you’ve been procrastinating?
It may not be something that would be hard to anyone else, but remember: that doesn’t matter. Your life is your own.
- Maybe it’s getting off the couch and finally running that pesky mile even if you haven’t run in years.
- Or picking up the phone to call a family member who you haven’t talked to in a while.
- Maybe it’s just being grateful that you have the ability and motor skills to fold laundry today.
- Or giving your spouse or child a hug even if you (or they) feel prickly and unloveable.
- Maybe it’s finally ditching the three-sizes-too-small jeans hiding in your closet and buying a pair of jeans that fit your amazing and able body.
- Or saying a prayer for the first time in a long time (or ever).
If you feel so inclined to share, will you leave a comment on this post? Even if you aren’t sure you can do it yet, write your plan in the comments and we’ll be strong together.
I am going to plop myself on Holli’s bed and read all of your comments out loud to her. And let her know that there are people across the world inspired by her story and strength.
Holli does not like attention or being a burden or inconvenience to anyone (if you know her in real life, you know how true that is!), but she does feel as though her life has purpose insomuch as it has inspired others that they, too, can do hard things and be stronger for it.
My BeStrongForHolli goal: finally get through a 30-minute virtual cycling class without falling off and quitting and acknowledge that my body is strong and able (and also give each of my kids at least three 8-second hugs today – our home has been filled with contention lately and I need to be the impetus to changing that). Love you, Holli.
Thank you for letting me take a departure from food today.
I’ll leave you with the words of one of Holli’s favorite songs:
And I, I don’t want to leave a legacy
I don’t care if they remember me
Only Jesus
And I, I’ve only got one life to live
I’ll let every second point to Him
Only Jesus
I have the best readers in the world. Thank you for being here and for all you do to make this world a better place.
I am so sorry and will be praying for Holli and her beautiful family. I am 69 and am grateful to be in good health for today.
I eat healthy most of the time and try to practice yoga at least 4 times a week. Now in honor of Holli, I am committing to resume running at least 4 times a week and will be reminded of her as I put on those shoes! Thank you for making us aware of this beautiful woman!
Through my tears,
Psalm 30.2
“0 Yahweh, I cried out to You, and You healed me.”
O, Holy and faithful Father we come before You in the healing name of Your righteous Son, Jesus on behalf of Your child Holli … and our dear sister in Christ …. She has been a pillar of Your church … Your faithful vessel. She has been experiencing various health issues. Without even examining her, You know what is in need of Your healing touch. We leave her in Your healing hand.
I know Holli from high school! Even as teenager a year older than me, she was kind and had a snappy fun side with a positive outlook. Ms Holli—all these years and I remember that about you!
I am going to put myself out there to do something outside my comfort zone. My son has been fishing the last few days and I don’t like to touch them when they are alive if he needs to take a hook out. Next time he wants help I will! And think of sweet Holli. Hugs to you dear woman!
I know Holli from high school! Even as teenager a year older than me, she was kind and had a snappy fun side with a positive outlook. Ms Holli—all these years and I remember that about you!
I am going to put myself out there to do something outside my comfort zone. And think of sweet Holli. Hugs to you dear woman!
Thank you so much for sharing. I’ll make sure that I continue to rise up every day even when I don’t feel like it and do the things that make me the happiest and that’s caring for my dog and going into my kitchen and making sauces. Thank You.
Oh, Mel. Oh, Holli. I’ve re-read this post several times over the last week, and the ever growing comments. I’ve cried and reflected. What a lovely tribute- to remind us all we can do hard things, and to commit to doing one to honor Holli’s grace in the face of such a hard thing.
I have been too sedentary lately. I commit to doing something active, every day, for the rest of the month. I’ll think of you, Holli, while I’m walking outside.
I am so uplifted, reading the outpouring of heartfelt wishes and prayers in the comments. I only wanted to add: have faith that it will be okay. You are living an example of perseverance, grace, and faith. You are doing all that you can. You and your family are held in love, and whatever happens, you will continue to be enfolded, here in your community and beyond, by your faith. You are cherished, and your family is cherished. All will be well.
Thank you for this beautiful post.
My heart aches for Holli and her family.
I am going to redouble my efforts to hug and love each child of mine despite the fits, sleep depravation and insane moments.
I want to feel the joy in the midst of the daily storm. I will remember that we have so much to be grateful for!
And now I’m sitting in my office bawling. My heart aches for your sweet friend, Holli and all she is going through and for her little family. I don’t know why some of us have so much suffering, but I do know that God is so good and His love is so big and amazing. This week my bestrongforholli goal is to concentrate on better nutrition. I have some health struggles that have recently come to light and the altered diet that I need to live by has been overwhelming and discouraging. But this week I can be strong like and for Holli and focus on the good that can come from making these different choices so I can take better care of this body God gave me.
My heart is so touched with this story! I will be praying and will send word to our church to begin praying for Holli! We will remember her and her family to the Lord our God. I have lost my own Father and Sister to cancer and I understand how it affects the entire family when someone in the family is sick. Please know I feel powerless and I know that I can minister to Holli and her family through prayer. In the love of Christ, a sister uplifting you in prayer.
Dear Mel
My heart and love go out to your sweet friend Holli, and to you for the goodness of your soul, which shines through in each of your blogs, but especially in this one about your dear friend.
I also have a dear friend who is suffering greatly from Melanoma, and like Holli is determined to fight this elephant in the room with all she has. We worked together for years in the Salt lake Temple, so you know we share a special sisterhood. Her name is Joni and I have forwarded your Holli blog to her. I don’t know if she has the strength right now to write her thoughts, but if she does they will be worth the read. She and Holli are so very much alike.
I am sending my love and prayers to you and Holli, and know that Heavenly Father holds you tenderly in his arms.
With love and hope
Jean Brimley
I hopped over here to find some dinner ideas and now I am crying into my pillow. I don’t know either of you in person, but I am so grateful for this inspired post. I have been pondering about loving others as February has rolled in. My Holli goal is to spread love throughout this week by either writing notes, sending texts or making phone calls. Holli you will be in my prayers. “When there is no peace on earth, there is peace in Christ.” So much love sent to you wonderful ladies!
Just ❤️.
I’ve been struggling to stay on my autoimmune diet and it has been wreaking havoc on me physically and mentally. For some reason despite pain I just can’t seem to consistently eat, what I feel is, an extremely restricted diet. I mean is there life without chocolate and french fries?
This week I will eat strictly on diet. It’s strange but doing it for someone else makes it seem so much easier.
Prayers for comfort and strength, Holli.
Thanks, Mel for inviting us to participate.
What a great story about such a special person. I have always admired how Holli can joke about a bad situation and make things feel not so heavy, her outlook is always so positive. I remember one time she did a tree swing jump into the water during one of our many camping trips together, my fear got the best of me as it always does, but I was so impressed of Holli rocking that jump!! I’ve come across other jumps like this and always think of her and her abilities!!
I watch every YouTube video she posts and my entire 2021 is to remind my kids & myself daily to be better, do better, just be nicer, kinder humans! Trying to get this through teenagers heads can be a challenge, not to mention life can just be a challenge, but I’m working really hard to stay positive. So many times Holli pops into my head during difficult times and it reminds me of all the good and that everything will be okay and appreciate the little things, when things get hard, I think of Holli and that is seriously the truth, it’s very calming.
Holli and her family mean so much to me & my family. I’ve watched their babies grow and spent lots of great weekends together in the beautiful mountains!
The entire Nguyen family thinks of Holli and her family all the time and speak about them in conversation and many acquaintances also reach out to us showing their concern for them. I’m so proud to call them friends for forever!
I am going to try to be a better friend. Thanks for the great examples, Mel and Holli! The Lord is with you!!
Off and on all week I thought about what my hard thing could be. Then today an opportunity presented itself. This morning I came to the conclusion that my 2 yr old most likely had a UTI. I also had been up in the night for different reasons. Also my husband was going to be gone the bulk of the day. I first thought, I have plenty of reasons to have a lazy and crappy day. Then I thought what if I do the harder thing- make it a good day and not complain. Even if I’m tired or my kids whine, etc. You know the day wasn’t perfect but it was leaps and bounds better than it would have been had I gone with my first thought of allowing myself a crappy day. Because I decided that, I felt in control of my day regardless what happened or others dished out. It was a good day. Thank you for inspiring us to do something hard in honor of your friend. I realized that I should do this more often, challenge myself to do the harder but better thing. Prayers for you ❤️
I’m studying for what seems to me an impossible Anatomy and Physiology test, hoping to go to nursing school next year to learn more about how to take care of my husband who has had multiple skin cancer surgeries (including melanoma) which will most likely someday catch up to him. Thank you for your example of fighting a good fight and living with everything you have left in you – inspiring and uplifting thousands around the world. Your legacy, your story will be remembered.
Right now, every day I just feel so weighed down. My husband is kind of struggling with his faith. He’s not going inactive, I’m confident in that. But sometimes it feels like I need to be carrying the faith load for our family. I often feel kind of alone…not all the time but there are some days that are especially hard. Hard to smile and say everything’s going to be ok. Hard to testify when it feels like it’ll only irritate him. It’s easy to love him but so hard to know how to be there for him. My heart hurts for him every day. I know there are personal things I need to work on with my own faith but some days I just want to force him to talk about what’s on his mind and what he’s struggling with. It’s hard to let go and let God. But that’s what I have to do. Just let go and let Him take my hubby in his hands. Thank you for sharing this. ♥️
I’m so sorry for this late response.. please know that I am lifting up Holli and her family in prayer. Thank you for the opportunity to hear about your sweet friend and pray for her.
Prayers for Holli! God surround her with your love and comfort! Protect her and heal her, if it’s your will! Lord, please help her friends and family through this difficult time. We ask that you show Holli, what a light she is to the world, and Lord may you get all the glory!
I finally cleaned out my recipe binder. I’ve been meaning to do it forever and it always seemed like a daunting task. But, this post motivated me to just get it done, because I could. Thank you for the motivation! Prayers for Holli!
I’m praying for you Holli! The Lord is your strength, thank you for glorifying Him in your life and in your weakness!! I’m going to say “Thank you” to each of my 4 kids today, which I often neglect to do. Thank you for your inspiration to pursue Christ!!
I love you Holly! Sounds like we need to be new best friends! Mel thank yo for posting this! We can’t control life’s challenges, but we Can control our own actions and thoughts: I am going to get up a little earlier tomorrow morning, read my scriptures, and give each of my kids an 8 second hug! This is such a great post! My words don’t so justice to how much I love this post. People are Amazing! Holly you got this girl! Mel you are amazing for thinking to post this and support your friend-who is now my friend! Would it be ok if I mentioned this on my Instagram?
I love this! Thank you!
Love And support to you both
I’m going to get up at 5am and exercise this week! I’ll be praying for you, Holli. <3
For Holli, I’m organizing my pantry! Today! Hugs to you Holli, you brave queen!
Holli—I don’t know you personally, but I feel your pain. Mother to mother-sending strength and love from Ohio
I love you Holli! I am so grateful you guys came into our life! You are an inspiration to all who know you. You and your family are constantly in my prayers. This week, I will find someone every day to help. Whether it be through just a text, or something bigger, I will do this in honor of you! You have helped so many, and will continue to do so. I love you friend!!
Holli, You. Are. Amazing! What an inspiring woman. Thank you for making me realize my long days are nothing compared to so many other hardships people are enduring. Sending virtual hugs to you and your family!
PS: Mel, You should nominate Holli on It is an uplifting site, where people send letters of love and encouragement.
Thinking of you both. Words escape me. The song “Braver Still” by JJ Heller and “It is Well with my Soul” are my virtual gift to you today. Nothing in this world is stronger than your brand of courage and faith Holli! I will follow your lead and live with renewed optimism and belief in God’s plan for me!
I will forgive. I will reach out in love and not judgement and talk with someone and forgive.
Thank you for your inspiration and introducing us to Holli. She sounds amazing. I have always found myself uplifted after visiting your blog.
I promise to pray for her, stop complaining about my minor problems and start working harder on my own health issues.
I was sitting on the couch in my lazy pants, resigned to the fact that I would not be going to the gym (again) because I was tired and lacked motivation, then I read your post. I quickly got into my workout clothing and searched for the keys to our truck. Happens that my husband had accidently grabbed them when he had left earlier that day. Not a problem, my teenage daughter has a car! I hopped behind the wheel and headed down the road. It was then that it clicked ‘we are in the midst of our first winter snow storm here in Wisconsin!’ After a couple miles I almost turned around because I seriously thought the wind and snow was going to push the little car into the ditch… but I persevered because I didn’t want to waste this opportunity I had to exercise! (something your friend doesn’t get to do for pleasure anymore and something I take for granted). I made it to the gym and rushed from my car to the front door- only to realize they had closed for the night only a few minutes before I had arrived!! I had to laugh at myself and the situation. I did end up doing some cardio at home since I was dressed and mentally prepared for exercise. I hope your friend gets a chuckle about my efforts to show my support to you and her.
Dear Holli and Mel,
So self sufficient me tore my ACL ( I went to ski school with my kids♀️) I’m working two jobs and am doing a masters and was prepping for a surgery on the 2nd. You’re website is a happy place and I went to your site on Monday for encouragement and/or a recipe. I read this post in a place of despair and discouragement.
Gratitude took its place; gratitude for friendship and kind words, a loving God who knows us personally, gratitude for prayers answered and unanswered, and a glimpse of, if I can just turn my will over to Him, it’ll be better than I can imagine.
It doesn’t take away from the fact that this is hard-soul wrenchingly hard. It’s the knowledge that we’re not alone, and examples like you Holli, and Mel help us to see past our hurts now and reach to support others.
I fasted and prayed for you and your family on Monday, Holli, and it gave me courage to face my own surgery the following day.
Well I’m post surgery and mostly coherent and came to Mels site and felt the great love from our fellow men that has again lifted my heart. Thank you Holli, for helping me feel gratitude in the hard. I’ll be looking for the humor and sharing my love and gratitude through writing notes to my loved ones this week.
Much love to you both-❤️
Please tell you beautiful, amazing friend Holli, that her story has inspired us all to wake up everyday and be so very grateful for the ability to live and love and care for those around us. I can tell just by looking at her that she is a light in this sometimes dreary, challenging world. Our hearts and prayers will be with her and her family, now and always! Thank you so much for sharing her story with us. Much love to you for who you are as well. How very lucky to are to have found each other!
I just read this post. My heart goes out to Holli and her family. Thank you for sharing her story of courage and strength. Today as I felt discouraged about a family issue, I was reminded as I read this post of my blessings and to go back to the goal I have to skip judgement, and just love. Even those who seem to not want love. THANK YOU for this reminder. I can and will be better. Love you and will pray for your dear friend.
Holli…. my heart goes out to you! Thank you for your example of courage, faith, optimism and persistence. I went on a run for the first time in a long time with my daughter. I tackled a couple house projects I have been really intimidated to start. Thank you again for you example. You are in my prayers. ♥️
Wow. Thank you for the powerful reminder of what we all take for granted everyday. I am not a regular public commenter on anything, but thanks for the kick in the butt to do some hard things this week. Prayers and love to you and your families.
My elementary-aged kids were switched from face to face to online school this past week, and it’s been extended through next week. It’s hard having 3 different school schedules to maintain all day while keeping my younger 2 quiet, but I am trying to be encouraging and to stay positive and to keep my patience. We all need more love. That’s what your example has shown me.
You are a wonderful friend and Holly sounds like an incredible person. God truly has a plan for her and the people around her. I will pray for her and her family and you, as well. While this isn’t earth moving, I find making bread a huge challenge and had given it up until I found your french bread recipe. I am making some now and will continue to practice in Holly’s honor. Please keep us posted. Love to all of you.
Oh you girls. Oh Holli. I’m praying for you and am so in awe of your ferocity and determination. I’m praying for a miracle for you Holli. I have a stupid amount of goals set for myself: don’t buy too much yarn or fabric, raise the kids right, don’t yell at them, love my husband well, don’t quit my job (I’m a teacher. Middle school!!!), finish this half Ironman (in June) better than the last, change careers, paint more, make more, relax more. Goals are hard. I think I’m getting off track here. But I will keep thinking about you; you can have all my good karma (I think working with tweens gets me a lot extra), positive vibes and pleading prayers. You are so loved. Keep fighting.
I was just looking for a dinner recipe and saw this…just a random internet stranger but I’ve been a big Mel’s Kitchen Cafe fan for years and your sweet and sour chicken recipe has all my friends and family thinking I’m a great cook. It’s the first answer everytime I ask my kids, ‘what do you want for dinner?’ So thank you, thank you.
I feel like I can relate a lot to Holli….I’m a teacher and I constantly am trying to be better than the day before. I will keep doing that. And while I am extremely introverted, I do need to do better at reaching out to the people I love and checking in on them. It’s hard to find time but I will do it! The world needs people like Holli!
Holli, I am so incredibly sorry to read of the hard times that you have had to endure. While I have never been in your shoes i do have a daughter who had cancer when she was 16 months old. What I learned was this: cancer cannot shatter hope, cripple love or corrode faith. I am not much of a runner (though I’d like to be) so today I will run 4 miles for you Holli. Usually when I’m struggling to keep moving I think of my daughter and how tough she is but not today. This time I will focus on how hard you are fighting! How strong you are! Today I run for you.
Simply looking for a sugar cookie recipe and I saw this post- now I’m in a puddle of tears. I haven’t prayed in ages but Holli I am praying for you. Bless you and your family. And bless you Mel for your depth and wisdom. I have gotten as much of that from you as I have good food ideas. Love, love, love to you all.
Oh tears. Holli, thank you for your example.
Thank you for accepting such hard challenges with grace. I don’t know you, but I hear your battle cry of “only Jesus”. I’ve been trying to see Christ-like traits in other people and write them on a list. Your “non-complaining” trait reminds me of when Jesus was on the cross. What a gift you are to your family, friends, and to everyone.
And Mel, you don’t know me, but I have followed you for over a decade. (Read: I’m not on social media. I don’t read blogs. This ONE blog has been my exception.)
Mel, you were there for me in 2008 as a new wife when all I knew how to make was from a package. I read your posts like a novel and have made dozens (100+?) of the recipes. I had freezer meals when I had my first baby because of what I learned. My waffle recipe (loved by so many now) came from you. I always have cookie dough balls in my freezer.
Over the years you taught me how to make bread… and now I make your French bread weekly. I feel like a “bring food to a sick friend/new mom” pro because of that one post.
I tell my family and friends that all I know about cooking I owe to you, my friend Mel.
And your gift guides! We own probably half the games on your lists now and we love them. How does a thank you cover my gratitude? My husband has a high-profile and demanding church calling… and I’ve thought… maybe Mel understands what I’m experiencing too.
And since I’m already crying… I wish I could give you both a hug to say thank you. Thank you for doing what you were born to do. For being exemplary mothers.
For magnifying your gifts and sharing your light.
It inspires me. You have a friend here that would fight for, and with you, too.
I went back to work full time after 11 years home with kids. My time management has not caught up, and my bible study has fallen by the wayside. I will pick it back up, even if it’s after work. And I will pray for Holli and her family and friends.
Ohhhhh Mel. OOOOOOhhhhhh Holli. Ooooohhh her sweet family. I promise I will.
Color me selfish and ungrateful. I will try to do my best…..that’s all I can do. I remembered you in my prayers last night Holli, you too Mel; said your names out loud. My “outloud” prayers are my most fervent. Here’s hoping they were heard by someone other than my cat! I was going for a smile with the cat comment…..hope it landed.
Mel, I have followed your blog for years, made many of your recipes, and shared the links with friends and family. I am not a social media person and I don’t think I’ve ever left a comment on your site. But you have been so helpful in my life, when I saw that you were asking for help, I thought “I would be so happy to be able to help Mel!” Your friend Holli is in my prayers. This year I had a falling out with a friend. I really don’t know how to handle it. I am in prayer constantly to help me forgive and work to rebuild. I can’t say I will have to strength to do this tomorrow or even in the near future.
But in honor of Holli, and with God’s help, I will try.
Mel, thank you for being you, and being you bravely, boldly, kindly. Thank you to your friend Holli for sharing a bit of her story through you. I sometimes think I pride myself in being a private figure it out try not to complain and just keep plugging along without wanting to every burden another person person. But…I’m learning that there is something powerful in being vulnerable and imperfect, and allowing each other to be, and supporting each other in whatever challenges we are working through. It increases our compassion and patience and love of each other as human beings trying to do the best we can, and have some joy along the way. There is power is sharing that joy, too. I’ve been thinking a lot lately about people I care about who are going through hard things… and that I need to take advantage, in the good way, of the things in my life. So, in solidarity with you, Holli, and everyone else who has shared their heart in comments on this post, my BeStrong goal is try better to live fully, not to waste my now, and continue trying to focus on the good around me.
This is by far one of the MOST beautiful ways to honor life-Holli’s life.
For the last 3 years, everyday, I been offering my most challenging moments for some one-anyone in need. It’s been a powerful devotion and I have to total faith that God receives my measly little offering, and transforms it into the graces we need to heal-spiritually, physically, emotionally, intellectually.
My offering for Holli is, every moment that I am able to, I will make a sacrifice for her and her family. Whether it be pausing in the middle of a joyful moment to pray for her or pausing through a stressful moment to pray for her. If I stub my toe, I will honor Holli by praying for her through the pain. We are all in this gorgeous crazy beautiful painful existence called life together and we need each other all the time but especially in the challenging times.
It’s an honor and a privilege to be able to pray for you, Holli. Be at peace knowing that we are.
I felt strong emotions as I read this post, which could be considered interesting when it has to do with people I’ve never met and have no attachment to, but there was so much truth in what you shared it touched me. Life is hard, but God is good. People like Holli are an intense reminder of how important it is to be grateful for all we have, but especially the little things. I just had a new baby(number 4) and those first weeks usually involve a lot of complaining from me, but my Holli goal is to find joy each time one of my Littles wakes me up, joy that I can help them and use my body to love them. Thank you for the inspiration.
Thank you for sharing the story of your beautiful and brave friend. Over the past year I have made it a point to slow down, appreciate the little things, and to be grateful for every day that I wake up healthy. We don’t know what the future may bring, and Holli is an inspiration and a reminder to not take a minute for granted. I will get out and run, love on my babies, smile more, worry less…and send positive thoughts, vibes and love to you, Holli, and her beautiful family. What a gift to know someone as special as her.
Thanks for sharing her story with us.