The turkey is usually the main attraction of the Thanksgiving feast, so if you want a no-fail, delicious Thanksgiving turkey look no further!
I used to be scared of cooking turkeys. They frightened me. They are big. They have the potential to transmit food-borne illnesses if cooked improperly. They are heavy. They are unattractive in their naked, uncooked form. I was intimidated.
That is, until my Aunt Marilyn pulled through with her incredible 2-hour turkey recipe/method.

For the record, I’ve made this twice now (my Aunt has made it numerous times).
The first time I happened to set my oven on fire, but let’s not dwell on that, because the second time, this turkey was undeniably the juiciest, most tender, flavorful turkey I’ve ever had.
No brining, no overnight bakes and soaks, just old-fashioned seasonings and a unique cooking method.
The name is a tad misleading because with oven preheating time included, it takes a bit longer than two hours, but the result is well worth it. It is the main attraction, after all, so it does deserve some extra TLC.
I’m no longer afraid of the Thanksgiving bird and I will never need another turkey recipe. This one’s a keeper. Oh, and the drippings make unbelievably delicious gravy.
Make Ahead Tip:
The only tip I’ll mention is to be sure and plan ahead for defrosting your turkey! The safest way to defrost a turkey is in the refrigerator. If your turkey is frozen, the best method to plan on is to place the turkey in the refrigerator and allow approximately 24 hours of defrosting for every 5 pounds of turkey. That means, plan ahead! If your turkey weighs 20 pounds, you’ll need four days of defrosting time.
- 1 (18-22) pound turkey, I’ve used a 14-pound turkey with great results, also
- Carrots, celery (cut into large chunks), onion (peeled and cut into large chunks), garlic cloves (peeled and smashed)
- Juice of 1 lemon
- 1 tablespoon salt
- 1 tablespoon pepper
- 1 tablespoon poultry seasoning
- Butter
- Brown paper bag
- Preheat the oven to 500 degrees and let it heat for one hour. Meanwhile, remove giblets and neck and wash the turkey. Fill the cavity of the turkey with carrots, celery, garlic and onion. Combine the lemon juice, salt, pepper and poultry seasoning in a small bowl. With your hands, rub the entire turkey with the lemon juice mixture.
- Place the turkey breast down (this is opposite of how a turkey is normally cooked – so just flip the turkey upside down) in a large roasting pan. Place the roasting pan in the hot oven for as many minutes as the turkey weighs (ie. 19 lb. turkey = 19 minutes). Bake for the allotted time.
- Meanwhile, grease a large brown paper bag with butter on both sides. Remove the roasting pan from the oven and carefully (because the turkey and roasting pan are HOT) make a tent out of th paper bag and drape it over the turkey, taking care to tuck the sides of the bag into the roasting pan (otherwise, the butter will drip off the bag, leap onto the oven burner and possibly create a large fire…I may or may not know this from experience). See pictures below for a visual image. Turn the oven down to 400 degrees and cook the turkey for two hours.
- Remove the roasting pan and turkey from the oven and let turkey sit for 20 minutes. Remove turkey from the roasting pan and pour the drippings into a medium-sized saucepan. Bring to a boil. Make a slurry from flour and water (to the consistency of thick, heavy cream) and add to the drippings until desired consistency is reached.
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Recipe Source: adapted slightly from Aunt Marilyn
*There is information, like this link, that recommends not using grocery store paper bags for cooking. If you are concerned about that, you can try a large oven bag, but I’ve never tried it and can’t attest to how it would work.
Here is a sideview of the roasting pan with the paper bag tucked INTO the sides. The paper bag should be greased with butter on both sides and tucked in like picture below. With my large roasting pan, I still had to trim about four or five inches off the side of the paper bag so it wasn’t too long to tuck in.
Front View. No biggie, I promise!
Robyn, I’m thrilled with the rave reviews, especially that this has worked out twice! Thank you so much for letting me know.
I saw this recipe on your blog and decided to try it! I cooked a 17 lb turkey last week using your Aunt Marilyn’s method and a 20 lb turkey today. The main bird is 22 lbs on Thursday. (While turkeys are cheap, I always do a couple of extra ones). I was very impressed- both turkeys turned out wonderfully- very moist and tasty. I didn’t have poultry seasoning so I used a packet of Liptons Herb and Garlic dry soup mix and mixed it with the lemon juice and then rubbed it all over the bird- which was really good! I don’t know that I’ll ever go back to the old way of cooking turkey.Thanks for posting such good recipes!
Hi Michelle – neither me nor my Aunt (who gave me the recipe) have used this recipe with a turkey that large. I believe the recipe was tested on up to a 22-pound turkey. My guess is that you could increase the initial cooking time at the high temp to 28 minutes and then cook it at 400 for the two hours plus an additional amount of time (maybe another 15 and then check with a thermometer for doneness). The safest way would be to try it and judge it’s doneness with an accurate meat thermometer. Good luck! Let me know if you have any other questions.
i have cooked several turkeys using different methods with varying amounts of success. this method sounds fascinating… and so easy. i am cooking a 28 pound turkey this year. do you think it would work on a turkey this large? would i need to increase the cooking time?
6p00d83451756f69e2 – yes, the ends of the roasting pan stay open, so the bag is only tucked into two opposite ends of the roasting pan. The bag does not insulate the entire turkey, instead it just creates a cover over the top and tucks into the long sides of the roasting pan. Hope that helps. Let me know if you have any other questions.
I am going to try this year but I have one question. When you say to tent the bag over the turkey, you are not meaning that we create a dome over it right? From your picture it looks like the ends are open. I thought from the description that the result of the bag would insulate the entire turkey but now I am thinking that the ends will be open to the entire oven. Is that right?
Kelli – I’m wondering if the rack (or lack of) has something to do with it. I double checked with my Aunt Marilyn who gave me the recipe and we both use our racks in the roasting pan…that’s just a guess but maybe it had something to do with it. Who knows! Thanks for the followup.
I didn’t use a rack, and actually wondered if that could have contributed to the drippings problem. Who knows? It really wasn’t a big deal, but had I been making this for a crowd for thanksgiving, I would have been mortified! Maybe it had nothing to do with the cooking method, just bad luck!
Kelli – oh, I’m so disappointed the gravy was a disaster. And the really sad thing is I have no idea why. Did you cook the turkey on a rack or place it directly in the roasting pan? Just curious if that would make a difference. I am glad the turkey turned out moist and delicious, though. Thanks for letting me know!
Thanks for the clarification. I made this last night, and it turned out beautiful. And the leftovers are still moist today. My only complaint was that for some reason the drippings seemed “off.” Way more greasy than usual, or something. I’m a pretty good gravy-maker, but it was a nasty, congealed mess. I let it sit and then poured off a very thick layer of grease (probably over 1 cup). That fixed the consistency, but took away most of the flavor. Anyway, as far as the turkey went, this was awesome! And it really cooked in only two hours–I was skeptical, I admit it!
Kelli – yes, you want to grease both the side that faces the turkey and the side that is exposed to the oven with butter. Good luck! Let me know how it turns out.
Another dumb question: When you say grease “both sides” of the bag, does that mean that the side of the bag exposed to the oven is greased? Or just both undersides of the bag?? Thanks, I’m trying this tomorrow! Love your site, I’ve been making my way through many of your recipes.
Mel – ok, I’m nervous for you to try the turkey. I really hope it is everything you hoped for! (And the rolls, too.)
Brittney – yes, you cut the paper bag so it is one long piece (no longer connected together) and you tuck the edges into the sides of the roasting pan. It has to be open on the bottom side in order to tuck the sides into the roasting pan since your turkey is already sitting in the pan. Let me know if you have any other questions.
judyswestie – no, don’t flip the turkey back over, it will be too hot to do that…just leave it as is in the roasting pan and tent the paper bag over it.
I don’t understand the paper bag thing even after looking at the picture.. I can’t tell, have you cut the paper bag so it’s open on the bottom side?
I just found your blog on cooking a turkey. When you tent it do you flip the turkey back on its “back” or keep it breast down.
I have made so many turkeys and tried a variety of methods. Last year was my best so far but brining is a lot of work. Your method looks so much easier and because I trust your recipes with my life I’m going to try it. I’ll let you know how it goes!
Also, thanks for your new favorite roll recipe. It doesn’t have dairy in it which is a miracle for me. I’ll be making them for Turkey day as well.
mel ball
Fantastic cooking for turkey. I love this food. At home we used to cook turkey as a lechon, hope you are familiar with lechon… But, anyways, I love the idea of you here on how to prepare and cook turkey. I had fun reading this recipe here and hope to find the best fried turkey recipe here. Thanks!
Lorie – sorry I forgot to answer the turkey breast question earlier. I don’t know what to tell you about that – I don’t dare say it will definitely work out with a turkey breast when I haven’t tried it, especially where the turkey breast is usually smaller. Hmmm…I would definitely have to tweak the recipe and try it out before recommending it that way. If YOU end up trying it, let me know. Also, I definitely think you could apply the seasonings to the turkey a day or so in advance.
Hi Melanie,
We fried our turkey last year but may not be able to this year, so I’m going to try this! Two questions, will this work OK w/ a turkey breast and (stupid questions) can you season/marinate the turkey a day or 2 before? I like to do as much advance prep as possible.
coastalgal – if your oven doesn’t want to obey at 500 degrees, just heat it as high as you can for the allotted time. If it will only heat to 450, let’s say, then add 5 or so minutes on to the initial baking time before lowering the oven to 400 degrees. Good luck!
Last year I spent $75 on an organic turkey. Crazy, right? This year I interviewed an expert from the World Society for the Protection of Animals to see if I should spend a fortune again. I just posted her answers to my blog. Sigh. I’m going to be spending a fortune again!
Great post. Love the photographs!
First off i want to say.. I LOVE your site. And now.. to the issue of the turkey… I’m a preschool teacher and found out a week ago that we teachers each have the “dubious” honor of baking a turkey for a parent/family thanksgiving feast. In spite of the years I have been married I have made very few turkeys and they still scare me. This however is causing hope to arise from my fog of fear. I will definately pass this on to my co-workers. My only issue might be that my oven gets persnickity when the oven gets too hot..500 degrees might be.
awesome! thanks for all the wonderful tips!
Hi MerrittBadges – I’m not one to give advice on stuffing the turkey and baking it that way. I’ve always been leery of that method just because of all the talk around the foodborne illnesses that may be caused by the stuffing not reaching the right temperature; however, I know a lot of people do it that way with great success. I don’t see why you couldn’t try it with this turkey but I would do a little research online about the right temperature for the stuffing and use an instant read thermometer to check it before serving. Sorry I’m not more help!
My grandma used to cook the ham in a brown paper bag for Easter…then she passed the secret on down to my mom….I seriously will never cook a large chunk of meat like a turkey or ham without it! 😀 Too bad a lot of stores are getting rid of paper bags! 🙁
I LOVE your blog. We have tried many of your recipes, and they have become some of our favorites! I am excited to try this method this year. I’ve done turkeys before, and they don’t always work out how I want them. With this in mind, I do have a question: What if I wanted to stuff the bird? Could I stuff the turkey and bake it the same way? I imagine it would take more time. Any tips/info would be appreciated. Thanks!
I am new to your blog, but I will definately be trying this recipe for Thanksgiving! It will probably be my first try at any of your recipes so wish me luck. It sounds great and I am excited to try it. I was actually tempted to go buy a turkey today and do it, but I guess I can wait =)
Hey everyone – ok, let me try to answer your questions. I’ve updated and fleshed out the recipe with more detail and included a few pictures to show you how the paper bag is tented over the turkey and tucked into the sides of the roasting pan (your wish is my command!).
The oven needs to preheat at 500 degrees for one hour so it is nice and hot. Don’t forget that step. And when it says “breast side down” that means you basically flip the turkey over from how you would normally bake it and put it in the roasting pan.
Also, this recipe has been tested (and tested and tested) on up to a 22-pound turkey. And yes, no matter the size (up to that pound limit) it will bake in 2 hours. Here’s the reason (at least my theory), the turkey is seared at a high temperature for around 15-20 minutes, depending on the size, and then when the heat is lowered to 400 to bake for 2 hours, the turkey is basically insulated in a greased tent which cooks the turkey hotter and faster (not to mention crisps the skin so perfectly and provides tender, juicy meat).
Please let me know if you have any other questions and don’t forget to check the post above for the updated pics and more detailed instructions.
You are a crack up! I have been married for 5 years and have never attempted to cook a turkey. My hubby got one from work last year and it’s still in our freezer. You may have given me that last push I need! Could you PLEASE post a pic of the paper bag tent? That part scares me!
you are truly killing me with all this Thanksgiving/turkey talk! I’m 35 weeks preggo and all I think about is Thanksgiving dinner. Not really up to making it just for fun…just can’t wait for the big day. This turkey looks awesome!! (even though I’m afraid of them too)
Beware of the paper bag fire! That was hilarious Mel!
I have never cooked a turkey, but I actually want to try it now. Thanks for the step by step instructions.
I have never cooked a turkey, but I actually want to try it now. Thanks for the step by step instructions.
P.S. LOL at you setting the oven on fire! Too bad you didn’t get a photo of that! ~ Veronica
Your Aunt Marilyn is one brave woman! I would never dare attempt to cook a turkey like this for fear of ruining it, unless I knew that it worked. Thanks for posting this b/c now that I do know it works, I’m gonna try it. This would be great for my mother, as well, who always manages to put the turkey in late and hold up the entire dinner when thanksgiving is at her house.
Me again! I just spent at least 20 minutes looking over your blog! Love it! I’ll be back.
Sounds yummy! So, do you let the oven sit on at 500 for 1 hour before roasting? Please email me! Thanks!
This sounds great! Sorry to add another question to the mix, but how do you think it would work for a turkey breast? I didn’t do a whole turkey last year because it was just a handful of adults and kids. Thanks for any thoughts! And man, am I excited for Thanksgiving! I’m so excited to cook that I might not let whoever we invite contribute anything to the meal! Well, maybe a salad…
I am so going to try your recipe this year! We always go to Grandma’s for Thanksgiving, but we really love the leftovers, so I want to cook the whole meal for my family. I think I will even try the homemade stuffing (even though I already have Stove Top on hand!).
i’ve only ever had turkey cooked on a rotisserie, and i’m not sure i want to try any other way! your method does seem like it’d yield a tasty result though… 🙂
I have done Thanksgiving the last three years and I still get nervous about the turkey!! I am not understanding the brown bag tent… wil you post a picture of what you mean? I really would love to try this new method!!
My husband always cooks the turkey in our house…but I’m always on the look out for a new recipe for him to make 🙂 I will have to mention this to him and see what he thinks 🙂
i’ve never cooked a turkey, and I’m nervous just roasting a chicken! Thankfully I’m going to my mom’s house for Thanksgiving, but for future reference… any chance you could take a few “as you go” pictures this year? I’d love to be able to see the step by step process…especially the paper bag tent. I want to try this, but i”m nervous! 🙂
Oh, I bet it’s really moist and yummy, being cooked breast-side-down. I’m doing my second turkey this year and I just might have to use this method. I flagged your stuffing recipe yesterday, too! Apparently I’m going to be having a Thanksgiving Cafe this year!
Wow this sounds great! Ok dumb question… When you say put it breast side down is that basically flipping it upside down from how you would normally cook it?
A whole, big bird done in 2 hours? FANTASTIC!! You made me laugh about making sure the bag was tucked INTO the roasting pan to prevent fire. I love your honesty!!! Thanks for the great recipes!
So, no matter the size you still cook it for 2 hours at 400 degrees? I just have a severe fear of dry, overcooked turkey!
Very interesting! Just wait, I think all of the food programs will be onto this method of cooking this year. I will try this when it’s my turn to make a turkey–unfortunately not this year.
Last year, we brined a turkey and then fried it. THAT was the best turkey I’ve ever had, but you don’t get gravy. So, I will file this for future reference!!